Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
- #221
Thread Owner
No....and to quote you on many occasions......"other then speculation, none of it can be directly connected to the Beale Pamphlet story." It is funny what portions of the story people are willing to accept and decline dependent on their personal area of interest. However, in all of it there are no direct connections to the story itself. People are simply picking and choosing what they wish to believe from the dark. Not a single piece of evidence exist to support the story at all. You know this.
So Robert E. Lee knew Buford? No connection to the story at all and yet you have chosen to pretend that there is. Hutter, again, no connection to the story at all, not even a reference, and yet you have chosen to believe that he is connected to the story. In short you are doing exactly the same thing you have often been so vocal about when condeming such stretches of imagination. Just saying....there exist no evidence to support anything beyond a simple dime novel unless you wish to hug the local lore.
WRONG! CONFEDERATE WAR "theory" is VERIFIED by local historical events/people; both Hutter Bros & Ward are descended from J.B. Risque, of "THE DUEL" (Grand-sons). YES, Gen. Robert E. Lee & Paschal Buford were FRIENDS... and US Army Vets; Buford from War of 1812, and Lee from Mexican War. The connections ARE REAL... BUFORD is in the Beale PAPERS. Hutter..? a GRANDSON of JB Risque! "Hugging" the local lore is OK with me... MORE than YOU got, eh...?