Is there anyway to find a copper tea pot 3 foot depth in soil?

Depends on size of pot, what it contains, and soil conditions. What makes you think it is 3 foot deep, or is a copper pot?

Short answer is yes, long answer needs more info to tell you exactly how and with what equipment.

If you know it is there, dig it up. You need to dig it eventually anyway ....
Ever try that, even a 10ft area one will dig, a lot of dirt finding an item that is 8" around.
Dug my drilled well out (buried 2 ft) to find the cap many years ago, I even had a map.

We (me and a plumber) dug down here and there, and didn't find it.
I got the detector out and it was under the snow back 6 ft away.
The ground was solid all the way down.

Choice was a guy @ $95 an hour-or my free labour.

Its a copper tea pot i don't know what's in it or if anything at all. My grandma said it's 3ft deep
Ok the question that needs to asked (if possible)
Grandma why was the copper tea pot buried?
Is there a reason why it should be dug up?

If Granny said while having a private chat-I buried a copper tea pot wink wink, and you should dig it up-wink wink.
Then I'd be wondering myself.

Here's an idea look for a local detecting club, one might have a detector that will be able to detect a copper tea pot at that depth,

Best of luck

I'll guess that over 99% of the time 'hunting' is 'costs' ineffective. We don't hear much about all the total failures. Even if you knew exactly where the pot was, would digging it up be worth the effort? Most of the rewards are not financial. Like most any hobby.

But there a pot actually there? Is it actually that deep? How did that happen? Why?

I'll guess that over 99% of the time 'hunting' is 'costs' ineffective. We don't hear much about all the total failures. Even if you knew exactly where the pot was, would digging it up be worth the effort? Most of the rewards are not financial. Like most any hobby.

But there a pot actually there? Is it actually that deep? How did that happen? Why?
The thrill of the hunt.
Sentimental attachment.

Gee if I put the costs-returns (from this passion) on the balance beam.
The scale's cost side is on the platform, and the cost side is vertically at a 60 degree angle.


Backtrack the burier.
In sight of homestead? Touching or under it's edge?
Flower bed? Outhouse?
Big tree/stump? Under birdbath?

Is all soil workable to three foot? Not rocky? Or root strewn at time of burial?
Terrain erode historically , discouraging certain sites for a cache?

To bury means to alter ground. And ground surface if randomly digging.
30 acres is a short walk to some. Bare naked sand atop a filled in hole a neon sign.
So would be watching a digger.
(Yes ground surface can be blended in. IF the user has time and opportunity and privacy.)
Dirt floor outbuilding(s)? Now you're talking.
Which inside corner? How about the doorway threshold? Under steps?
One writer made a barn recovery under a feed bin.

I have 28 acres and no clue where just know it's 3ft deep
Sorry to say, but with 28 acres to search and no clue where to start, you have better odds for actualy finding the needle in a haystack.

Minelab Pulse Induction Machine with a 15" - 20" coil
GPX - $2,900 - $4,000
GPZ - $7,000

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