Is there a Long Range Locator capable of this?

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Oh, so you mean I CAN pick up an LRL, and have a reasonable expectation to find goodies on my first times out, with no detector to "pinpoint"? If that's the case, then sign me up! Where do I get one asap? 8-)

C'mon, you don't know where they come from?? Ya just gotta ask Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy!!

C'mon, you don't know where they come from?? Ya just gotta ask Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy!!
If that is who you want to learn from it is OK....After is your chose and your money...Art

I am glad your father could dowse and I am glad you believe it, even though as a scientist you can't explain it. I would think then
that you would give the benefit of the doubt to LRLs. I wonder if your father ever had a chance to try a LRL. It took a little practice
for me and I am darn glad I kept at it.

Just read the information about them....Then decide which ones would be of service to your treasure hunting needs...then contact the manufactures and ask the questions that you have...Then go and get a hands on test to see if you can operate the device....You can then decide for yourself if you want to purchase it...Art

Unfortunately, reading the information and advertising about them only gives you a biased viewpoint from those who are making a living selling such scams. Contacting the manufacturer will only get you more of the same lies and garbage, in addition to a "rigged" test plot demonstration.

Hardly seems like a reasonable approach to a clear-cut evaluation of these devices, unless of course you just have a lot of extra money laying around and don't mind losing it. No doubt akin to taking your extra cash to the top of a high cliff and then throwing it into the air - grinning from ear to ear as the four winds snatch it out of your hands.

Marc said it best in the opening post. :thumbsup:

It is kind of the same thing with Metal Detectors, we read the advertising and then order from across the country and most people never
find enough to pay off their machines even though the ads show lots of treasure found. Also trying to get the gas mileage advertised
by car manufacturers is another chore. LRL's take a little more practice for proficiency.
Which LRL's do you use and what are your results?

You want the truth?

I contend, You can't handle the truth!

I Triple-Dog dare you to go to the library and look up the following terms in any Physics textbook of your choice:

induced ionization,
harmonic induction discrimination,
electric constants,
passive amplification

Did you even find the terms and then did you read the definitions?

In the context they were used, and based on the definitions you found, did the terms give you a valid explanation for how the device functions and what it is giving you back for the money invested?

Now don't be like Hillary and Stier, and say; "At this point, what difference does it make?"

The difference that it makes is quite clear. Can you spell c-o-v-e-r-u-p and s-h-a-m?


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Gee....He all ready knows that they work..
It is a common psychological problem in that insecure people tend to project their personal deficiencies unto another in self defense, they are sure trying to pass theirs lack of knowledge over to you

I read somewhere that in the beginning of metal detecting there was one that was designed to search for ore. A transmitter was stuck in the ground and a receiver was moved some distance away that would then detect the ore. If true, couldn't this be used to establish a much smaller area to search with a deep seeking detector?

Ive been thinking on one but with all the hype going on seems like a waste of $ too even try one out
surely someone can convince us they do work
just sayin

Go to a dealer and do a hands on test….Only if you can believe what you learn…Art

Ive been thinking on one but with all the hype going on seems like a waste of $ too even try one out surely someone can convince us they do work just sayin
Don't. They're a sham device. The 'believers' are, at best, 24 karat placebo responders, at worst, deluded to the point of a total disconnect with reality. Quack devices have been used to relieve suckers from their money for quite some time. Welcome to The Museum of Questionable Medical Devices Online - Museum of Quackery .com

I don't waste any more time trying to 'debate' this with them since it arrives at a point where it's like bullying the ******ed kid but seriously. There's *nothing* credible about them.

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Welcome to The Museum of Questionable Medical Devices Online - Museum of Quackery .com
Don't. They're a sham device. The 'believers' are, at best, 24 karat placebo responders, at worst, deluded to the point of a total disconnect with reality. Quack devices have been used to relieve suckers from their money for quite some time. Welcome to The Museum of Questionable Medical Devices Online - Museum of Quackery .com

I don't waste any more time trying to 'debate' this with them since it arrives at a point where it's like bullying the ******ed kid but seriously. There's *nothing* credible about them.
Gee….I own 4 of these devices….I use them to find treasure…..I have never used them as Medical devices….Art

The healers knew about the green bread mold yet many were branded as witches and several were burned at the stake. Things haven't changed much in the last three hundred years. You ought to be ashamed for that post.

If I was in charge I'd give you a lifetime ban for that one.

If I was in charge I'd give you a lifetime ban for that one.
Well you're not in charge and I think we can safely assume based on your kook 'beliefs' in a complete hoax device that you won't ever find yourself in charge of anything consequential. In the meantime, while I no longer have any interest in debating absurd beliefs with equally absurd believers, there is a modest duty to inform potentially interested parties that LRL is not credible. Its hokum supreme and the people who promote it as credible are irrational, deluded and most likely of profoundly below average intelligence.


What hate group are you a member of? I know the skeptics are a hateful bunch but you go way beyond that. I pray for you.

Well you're not in charge and I think we can safely assume based on your kook 'beliefs' in a complete hoax device that you won't ever find yourself in charge of anything consequential. In the meantime, while I no longer have any interest in debating absurd beliefs with equally absurd believers, there is a modest duty to inform potentially interested parties that LRL is not credible. Its hokum supreme and the people who promote it as credible are irrational, deluded and most likely of profoundly below average intelligence.


Those of us that have used the LRL's and have located what we were looking for are convinced of the fact that these devices do work as described. Why would anyone get on a forum and argue something that they obviously have never had any experience with? An example of below average intelligence is when you speak and have no hands on experience about what you are talking about. Why do people get into these discussions when they have no idea (experience) of what these devices can do. That would be like me giving advise on a top-of-the-line Minelab. I have never held one in my my opinion about them is "Mute". I would have no right to get involved in the discussion. Hear-say evidence is therefore not admissible. LM- your objection is over-ruled. Peace and good-will to you....and may the force be with you also. a man and don't get involved with the discussion. I wish I had a chance to get on 300 acres with an LRL and there was gold buried wouldn't be there long. I told this story a while back about my step-father. He was a MD'er of Civil War history for many years. He got me into metal detecting when I was about 15. I bought an Electroscope about 20 years ago. The first thing he said to me was...That thing won't work....a waste of your money. I said to him.....Bury some silver in your yard and I'll come find it for you. He buried silver dollars in 3 locations on the farm. When I got there I located all three locations in about 30 minutes. He passed away this last Christmas....I'm going to miss talking to him about metal detecting.

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Those of us who know how to use LRL’s are not the people who these skeptics are not after…..As it has been proved on this board most of the skeptics are employees of the conventional metal detector makers. They are scared of LRL’s as they have seen the light that their jobs are in jeopardy. We have testimonials from over 50 people on this board that they find treasure with their devices….Art

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