Is there a Long Range Locator capable of this?

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I alluded to water dowsing because it is not totally understood, but works for many people and as such is similar to LRLs.
Yes, I do know the difference between dowsing and LRLs and they both work for me. Also similar to many metal detectors
in that there is a learning curve. Also like aspirin, vitamins, and pharmaceuticals, there are many people who use all of them
without understanding how they work or making coherent scientific arguments as to their efficacy. If I can find (which I have)
a gold coin hidden in a park 10 times out of 10 with a Gold Beam from Dell Winders, then I am willing to take it to the field
and look for other gold items. Sorry if you don't think I should, it is my hobby to do with as I please. And yes I have tried
and bought other units also and am happy with my decisions.
Regarding the title of this thread, no I have not found any hypothetical treasures and there is no LRL which will find a
hypothetical treasure. There are some people who have looked for hypothetical treasures or asked me to look for
hypothetical treasures with my LRLs and it just isn't going to happen. That is a lack or research, not something to
blame on LRLs.

Hey Rich...The difference between us and the skeptics is that we have put in the hours learning Dowsing and LRL’s...We learned during those hours how to use the information to enjoy our hobby...they may have spent their hours reading sites where someone has made false statements based on some information that was dreamed up...It is easy to tell the difference between dowsing and the use of a LRL..All they have to do is try to use them...Art

Sorry, bud. I've had enough fallacies. Conversation over. If you want to learn some more Latin, try argumentum ad hominem.

lol, I didn't attack you personally. Most of the fallacies I have seen in the discussion have come from the side of the believers. I do thank you for ending the conversation though.

Hey Art, thought i responded when you told me where you were located but i must have just closed the window instead. Beautiful country where your at. Maybe the next time I'm in your neck of the woods we can hook up and you can give me a demonstration on how your LRL's work for you.

Do you think that the 100 or so LRL users that have given testimonials on this board is a fallacy?
Do you think that the 2 LRL users that came to this board claiming they were scammed were a fallacy?
Do you think the 1000’s of post made by non users of LRL’s are a fallacy?
Do you think that the claims made on here that we are murders is a fallacy?
We come here to transfer the information we have so others can enjoy our hobby like we do...Art

Well Carl,
I haven't said any of those things to you. ... Have you tried water dowsing over a hose with water
running through it? Give it a try.

That's the second time you chose #3.

I alluded to water dowsing because it is not totally understood

Not understood by science, or not understood by people who practice water dowsing?

Originally Posted by olfacere
Skepticism is healthy, but there is no room for armchair scientists who demand to be shown that something works without having to investigate it themselves.

Originally Posted by Carl-NC
Why not?

Originally Posted by olfacere
Because there are some other words for that, like "nonproductive nay-sayer." Strong opinions without strong reasons are senseless.

There are very strong reasons to assume that LRL devices are frauds, without any investigation. Same for perpetual motion machines and free energy devices. A simple "Show Me" is a devastatingly effective way to expose the device for what it is.

Hey Rich...The difference between us and the skeptics is that we have put in the hours learning Dowsing and LRL’s...We learned during those hours how to use the information to enjoy our hobby...they may have spent their hours reading sites where someone has made false statements based on some information that was dreamed up...It is easy to tell the difference between dowsing and the use of a LRL..All they have to do is try to use them...Art

Right you are Art, also turns out they are even more impossible to find with metal detectors. I was once asked to find a silver vein where the finder had
passed on and no one knew where it was located. They knew the general area and I found it with an LRL. It was in a brushy area, wouldn't have been
feasible with a metal detector.

That's the second time you chose #3.

Carl, your # 3 works both ways, you haven't even proved it doesn't work. You have assumed LRLs are a fraud w/o investigation (your words)
and your "show me " as a way to "expose the device". You do no investigation, what, do you want someone to travel to you so you can verbally
abuse them? And you wonder why someone would want money to show you how they work? (your #4). I wouldn't want to work for someone
with an attitude like that for any amount of money.

Not understood by science, or not understood by people who practice water dowsing?

Carl, lots of people use things that even science doesn't understand.
Take gravity for instance. You need it to stay grounded!
Gotta go, I have a map to dowse.

~Treasure finder~
Right you are Art, also turns out they are even more impossible to find with metal detectors. I was once asked to find a silver vein where the finder had
passed on and no one knew where it was located. They knew the general area and I found it with an LRL. It was in a brushy area, wouldn't have been
feasible with a metal detector.
That’s why I don’t understand why all these Metal detector company workers keep bugging us....They have to know the limits of their toys...I have read a lot of the posts below ours and see all the problems the owners are having...I seldom hunt areas where they are not useless..they can not be used in the sage brush or areas with bigger rocks..Art

At the rate they are going Art, some of their arguments are just prejudice with an unhealthy dose of belligerence. And we thought
prejudice was outlawed? Anyhow I hope we can still give some help to some treasure hunters who are looking into LRLs.
I also notice that you just can't walk into a store and try out a metal detector, many of them are bought online, used once or twice
and then stuck in the closet for life. I have detectors that I have had since 1974, still use them for beach hunting, but for real
work I use the rods or I like using a bobber too.
Happy Hunting

Carl, your # 3 works both ways, you haven't even proved it doesn't work. You have assumed LRLs are a fraud w/o investigation (your words) and your "show me " as a way to "expose the device". You do no investigation, what, do you want someone to travel to you so you can verbally abuse them? And you wonder why someone would want money to show you how they work? (your #4). I wouldn't want to work for someone with an attitude like that for any amount of money.

I no more have to prove LRLs don't work than I have to prove perpetual motion ain't possible. It is on the claimants to provide the proof, not the skeptics.

Actually, my assumption that LRLs are fraudulent is based on 14 years of investigation, including the procurement of a large number of these things, and the dissection of most of them. Every last one of them has been a blatant fraud. Ergo, I now make the starting assumption that any new LRL that crops up is likely a fraud. Just like I assume that any Ponzi scheme is a fraud. I don't feel the need, nor the obligation, to personally investigate every new LRL before saying, "Yup, that looks like a Big Pile of It to me."

If someone wants to change my mind, then it's simple: Show Me. Two words that claimants hate to hear. But, heck, I even sweeten the pot; I offer a $25,000 reward for anyone for can successfully demonstrate an LRL in a simple scientific test. Yup, I'll put my money where my mouth is, much to Art's annoyance. It's a real offer, with real money. Verbal abuse ain't part of the deal, but I do call bollocks when I see bollocks.

Carl, lots of people use things that even science doesn't understand.
Take gravity for instance. You need it to stay grounded!

Science doesn't understand gravity? You sure 'bout that?

Gee woof....I have been reading Metal Detector ads....I don’t see any information...Nothing about how the gold settings just love Aluminum..Nothing about something that has been named chad...If any of these manufacturers need a gold only setting we may be able to help them...Art

There are some people that just don't ever get a dowsing reaction, maybe that is why LRLs don't work for you. If that is so, then
all the different ones may not work either. However they work for me and so I decided to use them. You think they are defrauding
people out of money, but you are willing to spend $25,000 to have someone show you how to work them. That means you will pay
$25,000 for an LRL that you can use. So why knock what other people buy and use? There are many products out there that I
believe are overpriced (certain luxury cars for instance), but let everyone spend their money as they sit fit.

There are some people that just don't ever get a dowsing reaction, maybe that is why LRLs don't work for you.

So you admit that LRL's are nothing more than glorified dowsing rods. The "skeptics" already knew this but thank you for actually saying so.

You think they are defrauding
people out of money, but you are willing to spend $25,000 to have someone show you how to work them. That means you will pay
$25,000 for an LRL that you can use.

Actually what he said was "I offer a $25,000 reward for anyone for can successfully demonstrate an LRL in a simple scientific test." He didn't offer anyone money to show him how to use them.
Maybe you should take him up on his offer, but we all know you just like all the other believers won't.

Actually what he said was "I offer a $25,000 reward for anyone for can successfully demonstrate an LRL in a simple scientific test." He didn't offer anyone money to show him how to use them.
Maybe you should take him up on his offer, but we all know you just like all the other believers won't.
Carl’s fake scientific test has been discussed over and over...Art

I think it's obvious to everyone that the believers think all scientific tests are fake or biased.
And it is obvious that Skeptics don’t know what a Scientific tests is...Art

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