Is there a Long Range Locator capable of this?

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I just bought me one of dem longer ranges detectors from a very reliable company and it works good and the only way it scans long range is how many miles it is to your detecting site. Got it from whites the mxt all pro. Okm has a lot of hype being the best out there .Now I did try a dowsing rod at first thought it was fake but the thing really works looking for water don't no about finding relics.Just making a little joke don't want to wind up anybody to each his own in what he believes in.vanzutphen

Marc told use how small of an area he wanted to search. I have used 7 different LRL’s. They would have located gold in this area easily…It would only take about 20 minutes to search the area to see if there is anything that you should look for. ...Art

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Well this is my first post on here and will probably get hammered. I have dowsed for quite a while now and have proved it to many people. An old friend 0f mine was trying to find the city water shutoff and had them come to pinpoint it with a deep seeking detector that the city uses all the time. They had no luck at all. I asked him if he had a coat hanger and I would find it for him. While he was looking for one, I found another 3 pronged rod he had in his garage and used it to find the water line going to his house. When he came back out, I told him where it was and he told me that was impossible. I showed him the signal with the rod I had then I bent the hanger to show him the same signal. He knew exactly where his neighbors was and said find it. Without telling me where to even start, I found it in a few seconds. I contacted the city workers and had them come back out and search where I showed him. It was there. Well now I have purchased the Electroscope Model 20 that everyone says doesn't work. I live in Maine and still have 3 feet of snow, so I can't search outside, but have been practicing inside. I set silver coins and gold rings around the house and guess what? It locks on to all of them. I wanted to show my wife how it locks on to coins, but when I started scanning, it locked on to my wife. She picked up her left hand with her wedding ring on it and moved it back and forth. The machine stayed locked on to her ring, we laughed about it and said wow I guess it works. I find it funny that people will go with conventional detectors(me included) believing that they will find something in the ground without seeing the item, but can't believe the technology is out there to do the same thing longer and deeper. Everything gives off a signal, an aura, a frequency. Think about it logically. I will be posting all my finds when I can finally get out to do it, but be patient, we need to melt down big time here! LOL By the way, not everyone can dowse, my oldest daughter is probably better than me but my youngest can barely get a signal. So, when I put the electroscope in my youngest daughters hand and it locked on to her mothers ring, she was ecstatic! She can't wait to go out with me.

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Don't get too excited or you will have a big let-down. First thing you will probably find out is ANYTHING with a swivel handle is pretty much worthless in any wind. Right there that cuts your available time down in half. Also middle of the day is usually not good. That cuts down more available time. The discrimination on these type units are poor. Most people do not want to hear that it takes hundreds of hours of practice to train your brain and that some form of meditation is essential. Everybody thinks "Not me, I'm much smarter than your average Joe." This is a bad mistake to make because that type of thinking will be a detriment to your learning. So yeah, you didn't make the best decision on equipment choice. At least you didn't get the one with the calculator.

The yoga breath is an easy one to learn. Just remember it's human nature to take the easy way out. You will hear people tell you you don't need meditation. It sells more locators that way.

Don't get too excited or you will have a big let-down. First thing you will probably find out is ANYTHING with a swivel handle is pretty much worthless in any wind. Right there that cuts your available time down in half. Also middle of the day is usually not good. That cuts down more available time. The discrimination on these type units are poor. Most people do not want to hear that it takes hundreds of hours of practice to train your brain and that some form of meditation is essential. Everybody thinks "Not me, I'm much smarter than your average Joe." This is a bad mistake to make because that type of thinking will be a detriment to your learning. So yeah, you didn't make the best decision on equipment choice. At least you didn't get the one with the calculator.
The yoga breath is an easy one to learn. Just remember it's human nature to take the easy way out. You will hear people tell you you don't need meditation. It sells more locators that way.
Gee Mike. He already has bought a unit. He says it is working for him. Just maybe he is someone that Rods do not work. Or maybe he is a person who wants more information from his devices. Just maybe what he bought is what he wanted for the type of treasure hunting he wants..Art

Jundtman, I own a Fieldscope. Not quite the same as the 20 because it has the solid handle. Sometime when you are feeling down, when you sneak in the house empty-handed and don't want anyone to see you,
Not at my house. How often do you have to do this Mike?

Thank you for the reply. I love every aspect of metal detecting and treasure seeking and would love to have great conversations with like minded people. Hope to share some finds with you and others.

You probably don't want to hear this either. I know art doesn't want me to post this because he pushes those calculators. The frequency generators are so much better discrimination. There is one entry level called the Eliminator e-120 that is less than half the price. Imagelocators.

Imagelocators. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. I paid more for mine. They didn't charge for shipping at the higher price. The euro is down to $1.07.

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You probably don't want to hear this either. I know art doesn't want me to post this because he pushes those calculators. The frequency generators are so much better discrimination.
Yes I have used signal generators that had good discrimination. In fact they all do. As Mike says the rods leave a lot of information that your body has to interpret. I prefer a unit that lets me decide the depth, distance and the size of the objects I am looking for which the old out dated technology does not. You will not find one post where I have told anyone to buy a Ranger Tell. I like my 2002 model TG as it does what I want it to. I don’t know anything about all the newer models. My unit will also work as a stand alone LRL. You place it on the ground and use rods to follow a very weak signal. Yes it works..Art

The Eliminator will outperform any of the ebay scams. I know, it's stupid for me to say this. i get nothing out of it except knowing that I did the right thing in warning people. It's my opinion these scammers are ruining the LRL hobby. The buyer gets disgusted when they fail and blame all LRL's. And the skeptics dance with delight to see another soul lost. I know a guy bought one of those $6,000 ones. He first sent it back to the factory said it wasn't working. So they agreed and "fixed" it. He gave up on it in disgust.

My story with the calculator, they kept sending new pretend codes every month or so. Same phony deal. Every time somebody points out the phony crap they change it. Like now it's supposed to work, even though they said that before. They have no conscience. They claim it's an LRL but it's just a bent coat hanger in disguise.

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I have used just brazing rods for a long time now and can find about any anomaly in the ground with pinpoint accuracy, but I have a difficult time knowing what metals are under me until I dig them. Practicing a little here and there. When the LRLs first came out many moons ago, I saw a booth at an MDing competition that was selling them. I asked if I could try it. He said sure, go for it. Much to his and my surprise, when I swung it, I locked on to the field ahead of me. His eyes wide and said that was the first time he had ever seen it locked on like that. I laughed and said lets go find out what we locked on to. I knew what it was because the next day was a gold coin competition. He said that there was no way we could step foot on the field, but agreed that was probably locked on to something there. I have wanted one ever since. I know there are some skeptics, but there is much more to this than people are willing to realize.

What equipment is recommended to search for a 3ft long metal box buried 15-20 feet deep?

What equipment is recommended to search for a 3ft long metal box buried 15-20 feet deep?
The frequency discriminators will easily go that deep but you have to learn how to use the L-rods and that takes a lot of work. The other thing is how long it has been buried. Depending on things like lack of soil moisture, it could take years for the signal to be detectable.

There are LRL that will hit on a long time buried cache that deep but the hardest part about pin-pointing and retrieving it is it takes along time to learn how to get rid of all the coupons.

Some soils hold moisture better and the time will be shorter. If you are close you could use a pulse induction metal detector with a very large coil, but you won't know what it is and you'll have to dig to find out.

I use a Maxi-Pulse Plus after locating with LRL, I know how to work through the coupons but I still wouldn't dig 15 to 20 feet until I prove it out and if the cache is there my LRL will prove it. Long Time buried caches usely have coupons.

Thank you for the reply. I love every aspect of metal detecting and treasure seeking and would love to have great conversations with like minded people. Hope to share some finds with you and others.

Jundtman, how's it going?

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