Well this is my first post on here and will probably get hammered. I have dowsed for quite a while now and have proved it to many people. An old friend 0f mine was trying to find the city water shutoff and had them come to pinpoint it with a deep seeking detector that the city uses all the time. They had no luck at all. I asked him if he had a coat hanger and I would find it for him. While he was looking for one, I found another 3 pronged rod he had in his garage and used it to find the water line going to his house. When he came back out, I told him where it was and he told me that was impossible. I showed him the signal with the rod I had then I bent the hanger to show him the same signal. He knew exactly where his neighbors was and said find it. Without telling me where to even start, I found it in a few seconds. I contacted the city workers and had them come back out and search where I showed him. It was there. Well now I have purchased the Electroscope Model 20 that everyone says doesn't work. I live in Maine and still have 3 feet of snow, so I can't search outside, but have been practicing inside. I set silver coins and gold rings around the house and guess what? It locks on to all of them. I wanted to show my wife how it locks on to coins, but when I started scanning, it locked on to my wife. She picked up her left hand with her wedding ring on it and moved it back and forth. The machine stayed locked on to her ring, we laughed about it and said wow I guess it works. I find it funny that people will go with conventional detectors(me included) believing that they will find something in the ground without seeing the item, but can't believe the technology is out there to do the same thing longer and deeper. Everything gives off a signal, an aura, a frequency. Think about it logically. I will be posting all my finds when I can finally get out to do it, but be patient, we need to melt down big time here! LOL By the way, not everyone can dowse, my oldest daughter is probably better than me but my youngest can barely get a signal. So, when I put the electroscope in my youngest daughters hand and it locked on to her mothers ring, she was ecstatic! She can't wait to go out with me.