Is the Pit Mine really the Lost Dutchman mine?

To pack, or not to pack...that is the question...

We've all been shot at, had harrowing encounters with bears and cats, been stranded a time or two...but I can honestly say I never had to use a firearm in self-defense against man or least not in AZ:laughing7:

I know a lot of people who NEVER carry, and they're all just I get older, I find myself choosing not to carry more and more frequently...just laziness, I guess...always better to have one and not need it, than need it and not have one, as they two cents is to make the right preparations and go armed...especially if there are ladies and children about...but to each his own...

The Superstitions is not a war zone. Please don't make it out to be one.
nobody said it was a war zone...just a dangerous place at times...just because you haven't had trouble up there doesn't mean it dont guess is your party doesn't go in there naked....i know wayne is packing when he is in there

The last time I was in those mountains, I encountered a man in his late 60’s with his two grandchildren who were about 5 or 6 and their toy poodle dressed in a tutu, he was looking for a silver mine, as we were talking and his grandson hammered away at a rock with a carpenters hammer, I kept thinking to myself, “how the hell did you get this far into the mountains like that? “
War zone or not, the Sups are a wierd and hazordous place.

Here's how I roll in the Supes...full CBR gear, poppin' smokes, and my special friend, the MK46...

View attachment 1647752

Seriously, though, there are times I won't even walk out the front door unless I'm armed here in PA...every bear and their brother tends to den up on the mountain I live on...they like all my fruit trees and berry bushes...this little bugger surprised me in the backyard...almost stepped on him...

View attachment 1647755

Dave, you're right, most times I decide not to pack in AZ, it's because I know someone I'm with is packing...

Here's how I roll in the Supes...full CBR gear, poppin' smokes, and my special friend, the MK46...

View attachment 1647752

Seriously, though, there are times I won't even walk out the front door unless I'm armed here in PA...every bear and their brother tends to den up on the mountain I live on...they like all my fruit trees and berry bushes...this little bugger surprised me in the backyard...almost stepped on him...

View attachment 1647755

Dave, you're right, most times I decide not to pack in AZ, it's because I know someone I'm with is packing...
jim...i'm with you on the lazy part..i dont like packing iron anymore either...but its good to have when you need it,,thank god for aluminium and titanium lol

nobody said it was a war zone...just a dangerous place at times...just because you haven't had trouble up there doesn't mean it dont guess is your party doesn't go in there naked....i know wayne is packing when he is in there

A sidearm is necessary in remote southwestern terrain, IMO, if for no other reason than as a good noise maker for warning aggressive animals, or signaling if need be.

Lions usually prey on deer and other animals, but they will take a human if the target appears weak, meek, small or frail. With lots of deer around and strict hunting quotas on lions, there are lots of them out there. About ten years ago, right here in Pinos Altos, we had a search/rescue mission for just such a person. When we arrived at his house, a lion was seen in the brush about fifty yards away crouching and snarling. The mission was suspended until the Fish and Game guys drove the cat off (and chased it down three days later). Meanwhile, the next morning, my partner and I went to the spot the cat was guarding his kill. I won't post a photo, but let's just say you don't want that to be you. That's just one story that ended badly. I also know of many folks (often with dogs) who were stalked by lions. Pack.

You need a side arm in a wilderness area, not just for lions but also peccary, they are mean and not afraid of you, especially if you surprise one, like I did once.

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jim...i'm with you on the lazy part..i dont like packing iron anymore either...but its good to have when you need it,,thank god for aluminium and titanium lol

Great minds think alike...I use a Taurus titanium alloy 5-shot .44 snub with 240 gr. flyin' fits in my back pocket, doesn't print much, and after awhile I don't even feel it anymore...I even use it on the riding lawnmower as the bears will come out in the yard no matter what I'm doing or how much noise I'm making...a couple of them have gotten aggressive so I have to stand my ground or it might trigger them...I carry it when I'm fishing also...the laziness part for me comes in when I have to carry a bunch of camping gear, etc...that's when I tend to get lazy and leave the gun...and if I'm just driving around on ATV's, etc, I won't take one...

You need a side arm in a wilderness area, not just for lions but also peccary, they are mean and not afraid of you, especially is you surprise one, like I did once.
yep...a sidearm is just a tool....and a dern nice one when you need it

Have you ever actually been in the Superstitions? LOL I have been shot at. SAR has been shot at many times. How many murders have occurred there? Sorry buddy, but the Superstitions CAN be a war zone.



I'll need to hone my shooting skills with some target practice...I usually never miss!

(Just Joking:)

You need a side arm in a wilderness area, not just for lions but also peccary, they are mean and not afraid of you, especially is you surprise one, like I did once.

Carrying a sidearm is a pain but it comes in handy if you need it. Personally, I hardly ever fire the thing and the first few shots are snake shot. That's about the only encounter you'll see regular if you're to quiet when you walk. Just make a lot of noise like hooting or whooping like an Indian when hiking. No animal will attack a lunatic not even humans.

It seems like too much nonsense happening in those Supes to NOT carry a weapon......Heck, I carry mine while metal detecting, I have a greater fear of snakes the TWO LEGGED kind.

i dont know bill..just a few years ago there was a mountain lion close to tucson pulling people off their bicycles and trying to eat them

i dont know bill..just a few years ago there was a mountain lion close to tucson pulling people off their bicycles and trying to eat them

I'm not worried about that. I don't ride a bike haven't since I was a wee little person.
Lion's only eat mountain bikers because they taste like chicken.
Keeps those bikers off the Lions trails. Nothing like a fresh mountain biker torso being killed for a den full hungry cubs!
One thing funny about Mountain Lions they'll only eat mountain bikers livers with a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti!

What can I say, it's Halloween!

I'm not worried about that. I don't ride a bike haven't since I was a wee little person.
Lion's only eat mountain bikers because they taste like chicken.
Keeps those bikers off the Lions trails. Nothing like a fresh mountain biker torso being killed for a den full hungry cubs!
One thing funny about Mountain Lions they'll only eat mountain bikers livers with a side of fava beans and a nice Chianti!

What can I say, it's Halloween!
maybe they dont really want to eat them...maybe its the thrill of the

nobody said it was a war zone...just a dangerous place at times...just because you haven't had trouble up there doesn't mean it dont guess is your party doesn't go in there naked....i know wayne is packing when he is in there

Didn't say it was a picnic, but it's certainly not a war zone. I do go in with people sometimes, but more times than not, I go solo and haven't had any trouble.

I think that what's far more important than packing heat is packing some good common sense. Be alert and keep your head on a swivel. Pay attention to sign.

A while back you gave me a list people who had been in the Supers 40, 50 years, people like Tom K. The granddaddy of them all was Al Reser who was out there 60 years, give or take a few, and he never packed a gun.

Didn't say it was a picnic, but it's certainly not a war zone. I do go in with people sometimes, but more times than not, I go solo and haven't had any trouble.

I think that what's far more important than packing heat is packing some good common sense. Be alert and keep your head on a swivel. Pay attention to sign.

A while back you gave me a list people who had been in the Supers 40, 50 years, people like Tom K. The granddaddy of them all was Al Reser who was out there 60 years, give or take a few, and he never packed a gun.
if you dont want to carry a gun that is your choice...what do you have against firearms?

if you dont want to carry a gun that is your choice...what do you have against firearms?

Nothing against guns. Just think that encouraging everyone to pack heat when going into the Supers is going to create more problems than solve them. Common sense goes a long way.

Nothing against guns. Just think that encouraging everyone to pack heat when going into the Supers is going to create more problems than solve them. Common sense goes a long way.
lol..i knew you were a democrat...seriously deducer..i think it is you that is causing problems by encouraging people not to carry...its pretty much common sense to carry in the mountains.. you can go in there naked if you want...but dont encourage others to follow in your foolish'd feel pretty bad if someone got in trouble in there because you talked them out of arming their selves:BangHead:.....just because you haven't had any trouble in there doesn't mean you wont ..its just a question of time..most of us that have been around a while have all had bad times in there when we were glad we had an equalizer

I know people that never go armed, and I know people that will never go in unarmed. Personal choice. If you stay on marked and kept trails, no REAL need to carry. If you do a lot of "off trail" hiking, I highly recommend carrying. Even if only to signal if you are badly injured. If you are injured on a kept trail, someone WILL find you. If you are up some draw in a God forsaken section of the mountains, a gun to signal would be a life saver.


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