The man who showed Feldman that Pit Mine did not work it, or even go into it. When he found it, it was covered over. The finder told me the story personally. His word was as good as "gold" for me. I believe it was a worked out silver mine that was used to cache a horde of gold.
Three men rode up to that mine and observed two dug out caches as they approached it. One of the men was the finder, the other was the man who eventually opened it up over a three year period, working only in the summer months. Two of those men told me the same story sitting in my front room. The third man, who shall remain nameless, was the same man who took the pictures of the Kochera Ore. I asked him if he thought that ore came out of the Pit Man, and he said he was sure it did. He would be in a position to know.
Many of you folks can connect the dots here, except for who that third man was. If any of you know who worked that mine, and I know plenty of you do, you can ask him how close my story fits the facts of that ride up to the mine. I would bet a lot of money on the truth of the story. Eventually I will probably name the finder of that mine, or at least the man who showed it to those who worked it. It was an old, old mine.
Take care,