I don't get raked up in a pile about whether or not there were untoward activities involved. Wouldn't be the first time and probably won't be the last time.
I do have some interest in whether or not the dig site can be confirmed to be the LDM. If it is ....good for them. Regardless, my feeling are there is more just like it in that area, yet to find.
What DOES frost my chops is ............. the lack of information.
The Forest Service and the BLM, both of which were involved, are funded by me and you and everyone else that made a donation yesterday (tax day).
I don't care if Mr. Feldman and company were charged for the services they used, it still should be public information. We aren't running a private for hire organization out there. Its public business and should be public information.
For instance........there were required archeologist on site. Where's their report?
Samples of the timber uncovered were removed and carbon dated (or whatever newer method).
Where are the results? For historic reasons that information should be public. What time period do they point to? Department of Interior under Historic preservation SHOULD have that information and SHOULD have made it publically available including retaining samples for further testing as methods are updated. Where are they? Do they date to pre Columbian, Spanish or later? That would go a long way in settling a lot of the unknowns.
If that information is "out there" I haven't found it and I'm usually pretty good at searching for information. If it there, I humbly apologize for not being able to find it. If its in Mr. Feldman's book nobody has talked about it. And I shouldn't and you shouldn't have to buy a book to know the answer. That's why the danged Government was involved in the first place. For the benefit of "We the People".
Rant over.........