A detailed description of the actual test (as well as flight paths) are in Tom Glover's first book. He spoke with Dr. McCarthy (the scientist who headed the survey). They flew over several known mineral producing and known mining areas. They flew two routes in the Superstitions:
1. Apache Trail South to North. This was over several known Cinnabar Deposits and old Cinnabar Mines.
2. Down the North End, East to West along LaBarge Canyon.
The largest concentrations of mercury vapors were along route# 2.
View attachment 1729895
View attachment 1729897
".......showed that the areas of the highest concentrations of Mercury coincided with the known mineralized areas of the Ivanhoe Mining District, Nevada."
"Higher concentrations of Mercury are found in air over base and precious metal ore deposits than in air over unmineralized bedrock."
If you look at the areas they tested, you will see places massively mined and the sites of several mineral processing plants. Even with that, the area in the Superstitions along LaBarge Canyon had higher
MINIMUM mercury vapor readings than the
So to boil the fat down to gravy LaBarge Canyon Area has WAAAAAAAY higher Mercury Vapor Content than many massively mined areas that also had processing plants. That would logically lead me to one of three conclusions:
1. The area along the LaBarge Corridor is massively mineralized (contrary to what every geologist says). Which means a far greater chance of finding a lot of gold/silver.
2. Large scale amalgamation processing using Mercury in that area.
3. Some combination of both.
Geology and History say none of those three conclusions could be correct...........but here we have a government sponsored, scientifically conducted survey that says different!
If you want, I can email a .pdf of the entire survey.
Here are some posts from me on Feldman'S Old LDM Forum (can't link to it sorry),
Hope this helps.