Is the 1909 S VDB a BANNER Worthy Recovery?

The 1909 S VDB is the most faked coin ever, ....

And I don't want to imply an sort of doubt as to any md'rs sincerity, but let's just be clear: It is not unheard of for such coins to be found in the ground. Some people have found the Mel fisher museum cob-replicas and gotten googoo-gaga, before coming to the realization it might be a replica. I recently found a 1500's chinese cash coin, that I learned was heavily replicated in the late 1800s.

Again: DON'T TAKE THIS AS DISBELIEF in the current coin-in-question. But just saying that factors such as this (if many spurious examples exist), then it becomes another reason why it becomes harder-to-make banner for THAT particular coin perhaps.

And has been pointed out: It also depends on the story and photo-qualities that accompany it.

The Banner can be elusive.
My only Banner was for something I had no clue was as rare as it turned out to be.
And then when I managed to dig two crazy rare bottles out here in Denver both on the same day, nada.
One of the bottles was the second one known to exist. Sold for over two grand.
The other I have a standing offer close to that amount.
They did manage to get FOTY at Western & Eastern.
I also have managed to dig two 1909-s VDB's, both horribly corroded.
Figured that was why they never got on top.
It does seem at times that only east coast stuff gets voted in, but that could be that there are
way more people on TN from the east.
But for me, as long as I'm happy with what I've dug, (and slightly annoyed my digging buddies),
I'm happy.
That first rush of seeing, and then realizing the rarity of the item is good enough satisfaction for me.

Like an 1895O barber dime, perhaps??
I'm with Carl. I can think of some items that if I found, I wouldn't even post.

Yes.. if the member who found it was not new when he found it.
members who sign up here & Miraculously find a Banner worthy find the next day
or even next month, get a Congrats but that's it.
Me personally, I think it should be at least a Year Between :dontknow:

If the Pics are Banner worthy

If there is a story included

If it gets enough Banner Vote reports without anyone campaigning to get
members to Vote.

When I get 3 Banner votes in 3 Seconds from 3 different members :tongue3:
I'm pretty confident someone was making PM's or phone calls, saying Vote for Mine, I'll vote for yours :laughing7:
Not saying it happened here.
I'm not remembering the recent find of an 1909-vdb

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There are two keys to getting a banner. The first key is modesty. The OP should never suggest that it should be a banner find and should never agree if someone suggests that it's one."Nah, it's a good find, but not banner worthy." Gotta give it that "aw shucks" approach or you'll never make banner. And do NOT keep bumping the thread with one line replies. Never works.

The second key is to have in situ pics of the discovery. No one wants sterile pics of your find after you've cleaned it up. We want dirt and grime on that puppy! I always check every wheatie I find for a date before I pocket it. If it's pre-1920 or a key date, I whip out my camera and take pics and a video. Gives your find more credibility. Just my take on it...

I'll bet if it were a viking wheat penny it would have been an instant banner.

I just wanted to thank each and everyone who was considerate enough to respond to my original post. I am still pretty "green" as to how things work around the T-net sight. My original post was in no way to campaign for the coin in question. Just wanted an explanation of what considerations go into selecting a banner find. I have learned quite a bit from reading every reply to this post. As to the person who found the 1909 S VDB Lincoln Cent they responded to my last PM and they are not upset or disappointed. Just busy with raising a family and life in general.

So once again thanks for all the input shared here and bringing clarification to me personally and perhaps a few others happening upon this thread. Cheers and happy hunting ya'll. Kurios1:icon_salut:

There are two keys to getting a banner. The first key is modesty. The OP should never suggest that it should be a banner find and should never agree if someone suggests that it's one."Nah, it's a good find, but not banner worthy." Gotta give it that "aw shucks" approach or you'll never make banner. And do NOT keep bumping the thread with one line replies. Never works.

The second key is to have in situ pics of the discovery. No one wants sterile pics of your find after you've cleaned it up. We want dirt and grime on that puppy! I always check every wheatie I find for a date before I pocket it. If it's pre-1920 or a key date, I whip out my camera and take pics and a video. Gives your find more credibility. Just my take on it...

some of My favorite Banner Pics have been Dirty Relics.
I'm not talking re-dirtying them with sprinkles of dirt or a piece of mud strategically placed.
I'm talking actual dirty relic. if it's already Clean, Take Lots of pics
instead of re-dirtying it. perhaps a Certain Angle will be a Hook.
Be artistic. Different :coffee2:

Of course when talking a 1909 S VDB Lincoln you really need a Hook.

A Lincoln Cent is just Blah on it's own

and I have a choice of one side or the other.
a copper Lincoln or copper wheats
no alternating side pics possible anymore

So the VDB would need to be really Sharp & large to just post a VDB up there.

in other words nice & Valuable, But not necessarily an eye catcher
unless your actually Holding it in a field or added something else to the pic that
makes it look like a eye catcher Pic

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Yes.. if the member who found it was not new when he found it.
members who sign up here & Miraculously find a Banner worthy find the next day
or even next month, get a Congrats but that's it.
Me personally, I think it should be at least a Year Between :dontknow:

If the Pics are Banner worthy

If there is a story included

If it gets enough Banner Vote reports without anyone campaigning to get
members to Vote.

When I get 3 Banner votes in 3 Seconds from 3 different members :tongue3:
I'm pretty confident someone was making PM's or phone calls, saying Vote for Mine, I'll vote for yours :laughing7:
Not saying it happened here.
I'm not remembering the recent find of an 1909-vdb
Here you go J O PA

Yes.. if the member who found it was not new when he found it.
members who sign up here & Miraculously find a Banner worthy find the next day
or even next month, get a Congrats but that's it.
Me personally, I think it should be at least a Year Between :dontknow:

If the Pics are Banner worthy

If there is a story included

If it gets enough Banner Vote reports without anyone campaigning to get
members to Vote.

When I get 3 Banner votes in 3 Seconds from 3 different members :tongue3:
I'm pretty confident someone was making PM's or phone calls, saying Vote for Mine, I'll vote for yours :laughing7:
Not saying it happened here.
I'm not remembering the recent find of an 1909-vdb
Of course it helps to add the Link!

The quality of the post (the story behind the find) is an important part of a find getting the Banner nod. Read the post, notice that there wasn't a story about the find, the site, the hunt? No story, thus no matter the amount of votes, no Banner granted. Many more finds are banner worthy and never make it to the top, for the lack of the story or poor quality of pics.

I have been here for 3 years so I feel I am talking from experience.

Yes.. if the member who found it was not new when he found it.
members who sign up here & Miraculously find a Banner worthy find the next day
or even next month, get a Congrats but that's it.

I never thought of that psychology before, but you're right: It's probably the old "crowds draw crowds" psychology. And when you walk into an auditorium full of people looking for a place to sit, you tend to sit next to a friend or someone you know, if you happen to see them in the crowd.

SO TOO do we all probably subconsciously tend to click on the posts of persons who have been long-time contributors. You have grown accustomed to their wit and style of writing. Perhaps you know their prior finds and admire their types of hunt environment show-&-tells, etc... And perhaps are subconsciously not clicking on posts of those persons you never heard of (unless the title were something very catching ?)

My only banner was extremely unexpected, and found under poor circumstances. I was metal detecting in an overgrown poison ivy patch in the woods with a beginner metal detector, after loaning my T2 SE to a friend for the hunt, who didn't want to be stuck with the, "lesser metal detector." I thought the sundial was from a 1930's garden or something when I dug it, and unceremoniously threw it in my backpack with my diggers, cans, iron chunks, and other large items. I took great care of a complete 1980's coke bottle that I found though. To my great surprise when researching, it was a rare pewter 1740's-1780's sundial, with examples in the Met and Colonial Williamsburg, and many decorative reproductions being made in the 1970's. I still wasn't even thinking that it could be banner worthy, banner is only for gold coins, right? To my amazement, there it was the next day, right on the top. It was moved to the "Best of Treasurenet" sub-forum after the thread died off in a couple weeks, a huge honor to me! My find was not extremely valuable either, probably worth under $500, but a very unique and rare piece found under rather poor circumstances, which is more important in coolness than value in my opinion. A good moral too, you don't need an expensive metal detector to find something cool.

Sometimes value isn't the only factor, story, context, and uniqueness are huge, and this was a new member who wasn't even eligible yet. I do think that this find was worthy of banner, if he found it a couple months later he could probably have made it. The message in a bottle probably wasn't worth that much, but was easily one of the coolest finds ever posted on this forum, I had fun seeing members try to solve the message.

Who cares who got banner people? I say stop wasting time and go dig more holes! Speaking of which, sun is down, time to go detecting.

The 1909 S VDB is the most faked coin ever, perhaps that helps keep these flying under the radar. I'm willing to bet that over 400,000 1909 S VDB's have been sold on eBay.

That is a true statement and fact if you are relying totally on coins that were submitted for certification (authentication) and grading and only U.S. coins. The real fact, is that more Morgan Silver Dollars are counterfeited than practically any other coinage ever minted and the main Counterfeiters who are Chinese, don't always counterfeit Key Date and Semi-Key Date coins when it comes to the Morgan Silver Dollars. Behind the Morgan Silver Dollars, the next most counterfeited coin series is likely the Trade Silver Dollars, Spanish Pillar Dollars, Gold coins from all over the world and a wide variety of rare European Silver coins.


I have not yet found anything bannerworthy and I am ok with that. What DOES bug me is my many witty creative posts that do not get banner!

My only banner worthy find was last week. It was an unopened snicker bar that somehow got stuck in the crack of my seat cushions! Man that was a banner find at midnight.

Well, personally I think it is a great find and I would be more than thrilled too, had I found it....but have to admit I did not know of the relative rarity of it until comments were posted. I didn't know about the "tinkler" either so even if the 1909-VDB wasn't successful in being voted BANNER it (and other really good finds) get my attention when one or more people have voted "Banner". I still hope I am casting my votes correctly as I am using the TNet App which is not as complete as the website. My understanding is that I click the post, click "more", find "report" and type BANNER, and submit....and I have done that BUT at the top of the "report" line it says "inappropriate" which is NOT what I am trying to report. I assume that the report just gets the moderator's attention to get the vote in. I barely have time to post and read, so I don't know how the moderator(s) keep up with all these posts! Thanks, moderators! Good discussion.

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