kinda fascinating, the time others have invested in this - for real?
O- shown,
each blood type apparently will have as many words (is there an overall summary, a wheel of blood traits?)
In Japan type o negative blood types were asked to describe their best qualities, a large amount of people surveyed responded that their good qualities included:
- Being responsible
- Strong drive to achieve
- Decisive
- Organized
Self-perception among Type O people is much more keen than that among other blood types. It was also determined through years of collecting data that Type O people have a higher standard that they hold themselves to than the standard of all the other blood types combined.
wow, I'm not Japanese but seems a bullseye; will dig more (by Wikipendejo)
here is another, but for O
still a hit, but written like that astral projection crap
rat personality, now we're moving; seems junk, way off - it is crap
View attachment 1712950
here is our wheel of personality, from
junk ? (I am NOT sociable!)
but none of these address the psychic stuff ??
edit: in Japan they will ask the blood type during a job interview