Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
#8... PTSD.Wikipendejo reporting; the wiki is not positive but it had these tidbits
Brain waves and light topography
Kim and Yi (Seoul University of Venture & Information) measured brain waves of 4,636 adults. They reported that type O people were most stress-resistant.[SUP][31][/SUP] In addition, an experiment using light topography instruments by Munetaka Haida (Tokai University School of Medicine) suggests the possibility that activated parts of human brain are different according to blood types. i.e. type A's left brain is superior to the right, while type B's right brain is superior.[SUP][32]
Blood type harassment, called "bura-hara" (wasei-eigo: a portmanteau of "blood" and "harassment"), has been blamed for bullying of children in playgrounds, loss of job opportunities, and ending of happy relationships.[SUP][43][/SUP]
Many people have been discriminated against because of their blood type. Employers ask blood types during interviews despite the warnings they have been given. Children at schools have been split up according to their blood type. The national softball team has customized training to fit each player's blood type. Companies have given work assignments according to their employee's blood type.[SUP][44][/SUP]
However, these episodes are thought to be more or less exaggerated–as well as horoscope addiction in Europe or the US, which is sometimes reported in Japan. No blood-type harassment trials have been reported, so far. In reality, most Japanese people don't think blood types determine their personalities, but affect it in some degree.[SUP][36][/SUP][SUP][37]
for the RH negative wanting some feel-good strokes (off topic: anyone remember TA - Transactional Analysis, Erick Berne ?)
and here is DiT's dopamine connection from
8. Immediate “Fight or Flight” Response
This can cause episodes of excessive anger, hyperactivity, temper tantrums, and chemical imbalance bringing about manic experiences. Blood Type O individuals are also vulnerable to destructive behaviors when exceedingly bored, tired or depressed, due to the synergistic relationship between feelings of reward and release of dopamine.