I am O neg. If the last Mosquito on earth were in Japan It would fly past all of the people in the world to feast on me! It is so bad that I will only travel to Mosquito populated areas in the winter time. The last time I went fishing in the summer I got a bite proof foil lined jumper suit Boots a mosquito net for my face and gloved one hand. I left the right hand out to tie hooks etc.. I looked like a spaceman and yes drew lots of hard looks at the kook out fishing. I covered the exposed hand in Pure deet and fished for 4 hours. Never saw a mosquito on the hand. I watched it like a hawk. By the time evening came my hand had swelled to 2 " thick and count them, 48 bites on the hand. Never again. Garlic does not work. I eat whole bulbs of the stuff and they still eat me.
As far as personality. I am aggressive and a workaholic.
What this study is not showing is that type O people seem to gravitate towards treasure hunting?
Well, that's what we are kind of approaching, but your question is a bit different. (sorry about the skeeters)
This thread started with an O- 'analysis' by essentially the Japanese. It is fun, but not to be confused with science. There are many studies, also of different groups, which have failed to correlate personality traits with blood type. They are ongoing.
The personality trait I am interested in, psychic sensitivity/receptivity, seems touched on only via intuition. I would like to know more so am toying with the idea of a poll, about the construction of which I know nothing (help please). [A well-done poll can be the basis for a dissertation, not seeking that - just enough to get perhaps beyond random.]
Now your question asks if there is a correlation between treasure hunting and blood type ?
I would make some parallels to THing; but a handle is needed on what THing is all about as there are several different elements.
There is the activity aspect, the learning/research aspect, the prospect of riches, and most certainly is the role of belief.
Belief and faith are the same coin: is a corollary to your question 'Are treasure hunters religious ?'
(the mods have already acted on my words today, so I will forbear continuing in this vein)
So which personality trait(s) relate to THing ?
Were Tom present he might say gullibility. I would be more restrained and say credulity.
Avarice for some.
open to suggestion here