Indian hut site?

ghost surf

Full Member
Dec 11, 2004
A friend of mine lives a mile south from a tall hill in Lindsey,WI. We found a spot in her back woods where there are rocks that surround a split V shape tree with a toom stone looking round rock on one side with carved holes in it.We had a guy who studies Indian archeology who says it could be where a hut may have been and the rocks where used for holding the side down.He also says it may be a barreal spot..but is not sure.I have a picture of them around the tree standing where the rocks are situated.She lives sort of on a hill and there is water on one side of that hill.If you stand in the middle the area would be a perfect spot for a Indian village or camp spot and there are other V shape tree's that follow a straight line back to the hill area I spoke of.What do you think?




There is also a sitting stone just not to far from there, stuck between two close trees.

This is how the stones circle the V shaped tree and the C stands for the circular stone which stands up like a toom stone.The grass does not even grow in the spot.
I am going to do some detecting in the fall.Also a lady who lives down from her says she found a 33,000 year old Spear head that was certified by a lab in a museum in Milwaukee.

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Global Warming What??? There's no global warming... ;D ;D ;D No, I think you're right about the high ground... time to sell that coastal property- I don't think it will take long either.

gldhntr- I found your last post a little confusing.. I guess you're saying that history books are written by the winner and are completely useless.. I guess that would be true to a point. Arrowheads/atl-atl/spear heads etc... are all very different. They are key elements in helping to identify age of sites/layers. Are you saying that lithic typologies are irrelevent? If you find a certain type of point and all over the place, all the sites that have been excavated all have that point carbon dated in the same time frame then it's relatively safe to assume that when you find one identical that it too is from that same period.

Then you say: "the thing about clovis, is we are supposed to believe that no- one here then all the sudden clovis man out knapping and hunting....when columbus arrived here in the 1400s it was estimated that 44 million indians were already here. that took awhile..."

Yeah, it did take a while, like twelve thousand years... I would say that's a while. about the first part of that... all of a sudden we have clovis people out knapping and hunting. How else would they show up on the scene? The only way that doesn't make sense is if you believe there have been people here for the last 50,000 years. That doesn't make sense. 40,000 years of "pre-clovis" people who don't use stone tools (or at least nothing intentionaly flaked) and after 40,000 haven't left enough evidence of their having been here for us to prove it? You talk about a half dozen "maybe" sites after 40,000 years of occupation?? come on now. And then you go from no stone tools to some of the most advanced stone tools ever created overnight, it came about overnight because it's a short time frame when the first people came through the ice free corridor.

On there being 44 million Natives here at the time of contact? What did you do, pick out one estimate from one author at random? There are dozens of estimates on what the native population was at the time of contact.. truth of it is that nobody knows- you prefer to read "studied works" but have no problem throwing numbers out there like it some kind of fact when you really don't know if it's even close.

All right- sorry for rambl'n on again gldhtr. ;)

To tell you the truth... I believe whats written in books and those who wrote them, I personally just don't believe anyone out there knows all the truth.This world has a lot to offer and you will find it if you look for it.Also,some people have the money and time to look and the high tech schooling with the papers and the big words to throw in your face to prove it,that they have what it takes to do the job and you don't know anything or very little.Well,then there are us (Just what I was talking of..!)those regular everyday people who just go out and do what you big experts do by pointing a metal detector on the ground for a few moments or just go out with a bottle of water and there eye's and a small book from experts and find what you have been bragging about all along in just a few moments.
I personally,find the extreme fun in going out and looking for these lost hidden treasures.... (without all the bull that goes with it and all the... Who knows it better then you or him or her arguing ect.....) Out to find it on my own time and by my own self.
The answers of what is it,how old it is and is how much it's worth anything at all, comes after that and thats why I like this site.
So! To that! I will still go out and look even if I have not found really anything..because sooner or later I will find something and I will be as good as you big experts.
Oh yes!
I want one of those cool Einstein pictures! ;D

ghost surf said:
To tell you the truth... I believe whats written in books and those who wrote them, I personally just don't believe anyone out there knows all the truth.This world has a lot to offer and you will find it if you look for it.Also,some people have the money and time to look and the high tech schooling with the papers and the big words to throw in your face to prove it,that they have what it takes to do the job and you don't know anything or very little.Well,then there are us (Just what I was talking of..!)those regular everyday people who just go out and do what you big experts do by pointing a metal detector on the ground for a few moments or just go out with a bottle of water and there eye's and a small book from experts and find what you have been bragging about all along in just a few moments.
I personally,find the extreme fun in going out and looking for these lost hidden treasures.... (without all the bull that goes with it and all the... Who knows it better then you or him or her arguing etc.....) Out to find it on my own time and by my own self.
The answers of what is it,how old it is and is how much it's worth anything at all, comes after that and thats why I like this site.
So! To that! I will still go out and look even if I have not found really anything..because sooner or later I will find something and I will be as good as you big experts.
Oh yes!
I want one of those cool Einstein pictures! ;D

Hi Ghost: You're as good as any of the so called "big experts" now and don't let anyone tell you differently. You go out and search, at your own expense, in places that you've determined would be likely to have been inhabited in the past. The big name guys, with big backing, working for museums, etc., rarely, if ever, make a move without "grant money". We amateurs go out and do it for the love of doing it. To us, finding something that is financially valuable is really great but finding a cool little thumb scraper is just as great.

Books are extremely important. Many treasures have been located by the reading of books. I would caution you however not to take any one writers opinion as "gospel". It's sad but true that many works are tainted by the writers personal opinions and/or omissions of known data. This is especially true in the case of history even in first hand accounts. This is because, as human beings, we tend to look at things from our own perspective. It is also true that "to the victor goes the spoils" and more often then not, the victors write the history books. The examples of this alone would fill a library. After you've read something, sit back and think about it. Ask yourself, "does this or that add up?" Another book says something different about the same subject. Which one is right? Most often the truth will be somewhere in between. There are also many charlitans out there. Eventually these people are exposed for what they are but sadly they often suck many people into believing them first. Keep an open mind, always ask questions, never take anything on "faith", use your own experience and most importantly, trust your gut feeling. Remember, you are no better or worse, then anyone else. We are all equals at the bottom line.

I'm not an expert, not a professional, not any of that- I go out collecting and metal detecting just the same as you... I learned about the stuff because I had a passion for it, reading every book I could get my hands on (improved my vocabulary too), going out looking for sites every chance I had. I skipped school to go "looking" but on here people seem to hate me, logical thought, training, and god forbid a vocabulary are scary to some people I guess. I'm done, I'm going out looking....... good luck to you guys to. No offense meant to anybody here.

You all are really some good people,I think we are all special in our own ways and we will find some really good stuff some day....I have not really!...I do have one bone looking rock,shaped as a scraper I think?I found in my onw front yard.. that I will be putting on the site as soon as I get my pictures back.Hey cannoman! Your an oK fellow too, maybe some day we can talk about it over coffee and yes we should get a club or something going on this stuff..You already know I am a LEO supporter and into law.I am a volunteer with a missing people site or two and crime period...I just do that as a hobby, But mean to help when I can...I can garrentee the police around here know that too!I keep up with the news too.
I always Go to the Mineral show in Marshfield and sometimes to the coins show in Wausua..Hey did you know the Chief of Wausua Police sells coins>He's cool! ;D

Wow, too hot to be out walking the fields today- stayed long enough to find a couple of flakes and that was it. Ghost- I think starting a club like that would be a cool thing to do- I would be game for it. When I got out of college I went into the coin business full time for a couple of years.. got the tax license and what not.. did good, made enough money to pay the bills and what not but wasn't disciplined enough to really make money at it. I would make enough to pay the bills and then go out looking for stuff the rest of the week- that came to a screeching halt when I got married ;D

I don't really know if I would be able to go to a club...But maybe if they did something like... what did you find this year and maybe a what is it session would be kind of neat...Being pictures are nice, but seeing the real item found is more better for learning what to look for ect..You know what I mean.Like they do at the gem and mineral shows.Maybe even get together for a museum trip or something..I keep saying I want to go to the Steven's Point or Madison,WI Museum but it's nicer when you have others with the same interest go along.Anyway,being married puts a Crick in things.I don't worry about that to much I am trusted.Say if you hunt over at Silver Mound where do you live?I live over by Spencer/Chili area. So far this year I have gone out hunting three times because of the warm weather, I thought my life was more important..But last year,I was out all the time everywhere!Say Do you know Kevin from "Ground View" Metal detectors? He is a really nice guy.I have been thinking of buying a White's Metal detector. Oh by the way the person I know who does the Indian archeology is Jeff Lindow and his wife Marshia.Pss...really good honorable people.Do you know them?Anyway have a good night all and keep digging!

ghost- I go camping at silver mounds (have three or four times, my wife likes it because it's so clean, quiet) but I've only been able to hunt there once. I sent my nephew knocking door to door until he found somebody that let us look in their field. Other couple of times I was there I struck out, either didn't get permission or couldn't find the person who owned the land. I can't say I know the Lindow guy but that name sounds so familiar.... maybe from back in the days when I worked at the regional archaeology center in stevens point... I also did some digs in the area- wonder if he didn't work on one to?? I don't know... sounds familiar enough though. As neat as the club thing would be it would be hard to get together.. being married isn't the problem as my wife trusts me too, but with two kids, a job, things to do around the house... etc... it's hard to find time to go out and look or metal detect much less actually go anywhere. You should post some of the stuff you have found.. I'll post some more of mine also- I love looking at the stuff. I don't know Kevin at all, I bought my detector from Steve Miller- he's one of the guys that organizes that coin hunt every year. Oh yeah, I live in between Wisconsin Rapids and Wisconsin Dells. Alright... now get some pics of your stuff up here!! I want to see them.. I'll try to post some more of my artifacts in the next couple of days. Later.. ;)

Hey cannonaman17,
And anyone else.

I am adding this on here, seeing people from Wisconsin are using this site....Just as a precaution be careful if your hunting alone.

Maybe this in not per-say....Treasure's someone they are looking for and this man is dangerous..can't go into any information....

Have You Seen This Man? Jul 17, 2006

The Wisconsin Rapids Police Department says a dangerous man is on the loose.
They're working with other law enforcement agencies across the state.. trying to find David Hopp.
He went missing in December of last year.. in Germantown.
Although investigators have been looking for him ever since.. there are now new warrants issued.. and charges filed with the D-A's office.
Chief Kurt Heuer, "he's a dangerous guy, this is a guy we need to find.. based on our criminal complaints.. charges and warrants.. this is a dangerous guy.. two females tragically hurt.. we need to make sure this doesn't happen again."
Police say three Wood County women are among many women he's assaulted throughout the years.
**Hopp faces multiple charges.. including sexual assault, kidnapping, false imprisonment, stalking and reckless endangerment. **
If you have any information you are urged to call the Wisconsin Rapids Police Department at 1-715-423-4444.

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Thanks for reading this information.

I found my first Indian Trail Tree marker, Bent Tree, and or Indian Thong tree back in 1957. The Osage Indians left trail markers in the Ozark area. I will post sevral phots for proof.


  • Indian thong tree and Margaret.jpg
    Indian thong tree and Margaret.jpg
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Another Indian marker. This was not to far from a marked village, by a creek with frsh running water.


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I am adding another tree found 1957.
This is on our Lake Ozark property purchased in 1956. While excavating and cleaning out the lot we saw this odd looking tree. At that time we had no idea what it was. The tree was very old and very rotten. My parents cut it down and more than likely we used the wood to cook over the open fire pit until we built our cabin.



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    Indian Boundary Marker.jpg
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Here we go again, people are going to not believe me and hate me all over again- those trees are nothing more than trees that were damaged growing up... they are nowhere even close to being old enough to be touched by the natives. FOLKS: Every bent tree in the woods is not the result of Natives. I've spent a lifetime in the woods either hunting for things, mushroom picking, metal detecting, artifact hunting, deer hunting, fishing, I even worked in the woods for a while and I can tell you that trees like this while are unusual to look at are common, they are all over. I can find and take pictures of similiar trees that are less than 50 years old, there hasn't been an indian living in this area for 150 years. Not saying there aren't indian marker trees left out there but they are VERY few authenticated ones left- the vast majority are long gone- for the most part there hasn't been natives living out "in the woods" so to speak since the the mid to late 1800s. Now lets say you have an indian who is really old and is afraid that he is going to forget how to get to the local water hole. Lets say he's one of the last of his kind, too stuborn to leave his ancestoral grouds... lets say he's still alive and the year is 1880. He lives E. of the Mississippi river and the whites are all over but he's not leaving... okay, so he's getting forgetful and doesn't want to wake up one day not knowing how to get to the river.. right... okay, we'll mark a tree and as long as he doesn't forget what the mark means he won't forget how to find the river. Now for him to manipulate a tree into some recognizable "sign" it will need to be at the very least ten years old.. it will also take a couple of years to make sure it grows the intended way. So this old indian finds a tree that is ten years old and does his thing, so that tree is from 1870. Lets fast forward now to 2006. Under the most favorable of circumstances, and I stress that part, the most favorable of circumstances- any tree that you find today that is an Indian "trail marker" or what ever you want to call it, has to be a minimum, A MINIMUM of 135+ years old No offense but the pictures above are not 135+ years old and there is absolutely no way the indians made them. The one older picture looks like a tree that might be that old but having a simple split top is considerabley more likely the result of a tree falling onto it as a sapling or some similar circumstance than that of a Native marking something. :'( I'm sorry guys/gals but we have to use at least some common sense here. :-X

Hi cannonman,

Me my friend went to the hut site again and now we also notice the circle area around the round v tree/rock is lower, like a slight hollow,it's kind of weird.I wish I could see what it looks like from above.I am starting to wonder if maybe she has one of those animal drawings or something.You should see the huge live bee nest( paper wasps) in one her trees and it's getting bigger.I can tell you this site is special and was not man made or done as a joke or from kids.I would like to ask the neighbor if it would be possible if we could see if there is any other spots like it,but my friend Say's they are kind of picky about people on their property.

ghost surf said:
Hi cannonman,

Me my friend went to the hut site again and now we also notice the circle area around the round v tree/rock is lower, like a slight hollow,it's kind of weird.I wish I could see what it looks like from above.I am starting to wonder if maybe she has one of those animal drawings or something.You should see the huge live bee nest( paper wasps) in one her trees and it's getting bigger.I can tell you this site is special and was not man made or done as a joke or from kids.I would like to ask the neighbor if it would be possible if we could see if there is any other spots like it,but my friend Say's they are kind of picky about people on their property.

Ghost, you are never going to know what it is unless you test hole it. Watch the wasps (nasty little buggers). Also, if you don't think it's man made, is it worth messing with?? If it's not man made, other then possibly being an unusual natural occurrence, why is it so special??

To me it's something that does not fit and until further investigations, it will stay the way we found it.They will be digging soon and that will be a chance to see whats around the outside of this spot.But until then It will be a question. Thanks for the information and such. ;)

Is the inside of the circle covered in stones? (May be down a few inches) Are there any patterns that you can see made of stone other than this circle? There are cases known of Natives making "effigies" out of stone. (I don't remember what they are called but it's only in the past few years that there has been much light shed on the subject) Anyways, they are usually geometric shapes, they are always flat, and no know "use" for them has been established. The normally are fairly small to, something that an avearage adult could build in an afternoon without any assistance. I will try to find some info. on the subject for you- at least remember what they are called. I do look forward to seeing what if anything the excavations turn up there, that will probably be one of the best indicators. :)

deepsix47 said:
ghost surf said:
Hi cannonman,

Me my friend went to the hut site again and now we also notice the circle area around the round v tree/rock is lower, like a slight hollow,it's kind of weird.I wish I could see what it looks like from above.I am starting to wonder if maybe she has one of those animal drawings or something.You should see the huge live bee nest( paper wasps) in one her trees and it's getting bigger.I can tell you this site is special and was not man made or done as a joke or from kids.I would like to ask the neighbor if it would be possible if we could see if there is any other spots like it,but my friend Say's they are kind of picky about people on their property.

What you could try is Goggle Earth. I use it often and it's amazing the details you can bring up. You might also ask around any small local airport. There is always someone willing to take you up for the price of fuel and the opportunity to get some free flight time in. A GPS will give you an exact location or you can have people on the ground mark it for you. This will also give you a look at the surrounding area. Over the years, flights like this have guided me to some really cool finds (in the water and on land). You can spot everything from Mounds to small structures (that no longer show any evidence of their existence from the ground) from the air. Anyway, good luck to you.

Ghost, you are never going to know what it is unless you test hole it. Watch the wasps (nasty little buggers). Also, if you don't think it's man made, is it worth messing with?? If it's not man made, other then possibly being an unusual natural occurrence, why is it so special??

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