Gold Member
Aug 19, 2014
Tarpon Springs
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JW 8X-ML X2-VP 585
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Look and weep at the condition...
Eat your heart out.

I will thank all in advance for any banner nominations. :P


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Upvote 60
Sheesh you missed it ?

How could you miss such a beauty...
I mean...
I could miss it...
Because My eyes are still all teared up with tears of joy... that I have blurred vision.

You know, I think those are engraved initials on that rare piece! Maybe some local research and you could find whose it was and return it! I'm sure they are missing it.
Probably a great love story behind this.. A return would be a double banner!

sadly... you found more in that one piece than I have all winter...

You know, I think those are engraved initials on that rare piece! Maybe some local research and you could find whose it was and return it! I'm sure they are missing it.
Probably a great love story behind this.. A return would be a double banner!

sadly... you found more in that one piece than I have all winter...

Ready to not feel that bad...

I did not even find that one...
Its a google search picture... :)


Let us give that pull tab a decent burial and speak no more of this.....

NO ! please DO NOT bury it anywhere around here.

Take it to your yard.

I'm terribly sorry I didn't take a pic of the ones I found. Remember how in the 70"s we put those together to make a chain? I found a chain with about 15 of those beauties on it.
I regret now, not having the pic for proof of such an item of historical value.

It's a counterfeit

Ready to not feel that bad...

I did not even find that one...
Its a google search picture... :)


Are you kidding me....!!!!!!!!!! I'm NOW not sending your custom made frame I stayed up all night making. You've now ruined it for EVERYBODY.

Well it could have been gold....

Ready to not feel that bad...

I did not even find that one...
Its a google search picture... :)


Thanks for admitting that. I was thinking of messaging the mods with my doubts about your "too good to be true" find. Something didn't smell right.

I've seen others in this condition before, what really sets this off is the curvature of the tab, very rare angle...congrats on a great find..:notworthy: :laughing7:

:occasion14:...well earned,digging up the whole table and all but worth it in the end.big congrats on a bucket lister for me. !!!

Thanks for admitting that. I was thinking of messaging the mods with my doubts about your "too good to be true" find. Something didn't smell right.

What do you mean my find does not smell right ?

As soon as I took it out of the ground... I smelled it... yep PURE aluminum NYBORG man...
It smelled of PURE history...

Even still smelled of diet mountain dew. :P

I've seen others in this condition before, what really sets this off is the curvature of the tab, very rare angle...congrats on a great find..:notworthy: :laughing7:

BAH !... Museums don't even have one like this...

I know... I have looked...
When I ask the curators at the museum IF they have seen a better example...
They just stare...
For they cannot even answer me after being exposed to the beauty and pristineness of this bad arse beauty !

Well it could have been gold....

Hey! Hey!!! The golden pull tabs are mine!

Brad gets the golden bourse shoes, I get the gold pull tabs!

.....AARC, there's that, and they are probably afraid. Was there a long stare followed by the words..."now don't get excited.." then a free ride... Hmm?

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No actually... I guess they were worried...
Because they had two security guards escort me to my car.

For the obvious... they KNEW how rare this one is... and valuable.
They even asked me if I wanted cops to come and escort me as well...
I said no...
I figured that its valuable ... but these two security guards were really big guys... so I felt ok.


I really think the two guards would quit their jobs and come work for me after they saw it as well.

After all...
I am gonna need FULL TIME security for this puppy.


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If this gets out....we're all gonna get mugged for our pull tabs!

What do you mean my find does not smell right ?

As soon as I took it out of the ground... I smelled it... yep PURE aluminum NYBORG man...
It smelled of PURE history...

Even still smelled of diet mountain dew. :P


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