Im convinced pound for pound dollar for dollar the Bounty Hunter Tracker IV is king

Trackerman, I'm sure that B.H. is a good buy for the little amount of cash it costs but the only king I see around here is your avatar........

Ronnie James Dio......The King Of Rock'n Roll. :headbang:


If Ronnie swung a detector one of his arsenal would be a Tracker IV Rip Ronnie.

just remember, no matter what detector you are swinging; time is a never ending is a never ending smile!


Well I'm back from my second hunt and I must say it was a real learning experience.
I took your advice and set the IV to TONE disk knob to 12:00, sensitivity all the way up.
Went to a local park and found a penny right off the bat. No big deal but I started learning about the tones/sounds the IV make when it senses something.
At first I wasn't sure what was meant by a BROKEN signal, but now I know what it sounds like.
The first few times I heard it I dug it just to see what it was, to make sure it really was trash. It was.
Little by little I was learning the sound of a good signal. There is a definite difference between a coin and trash.
After 3 or 4 hours I was getting much better at knowing trash from treasure.
Now every time I thought it was a good signal, I dug it and it was a coin.
And ever time I thought it was trash and dug it to make sure, and it was trash.
So today I found my first dimes and quarters. And of course a bunch of pennies. Also some copper tubing and a few lead fishing weights.
All in all I'm happy.
Oh I also figured out how to discriminate pull tabs so I don't hear them anymore.

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Careful when discriminating pull tabs that you don't lose gold . Good luck!!

VTX said:
Well I'm back from my second hunt and I must say it was a real learning experience.
I took your advice and set the IV to TONE disk knob to 12:00, sensitivity all the way up.
Went to a local park and found a penny right off the bat. No big deal but I started learning about the tones/sounds the IV make when it senses something.
At first I wasn't sure what was meant by a BROKEN signal, but now I know what it sounds like.
The first few times I heard it I dug it just to see what it was, to make sure it really was trash. It was.
Little by little I was learning the sound of a good signal. There is a definite difference between a coin and trash.
After 3 or 4 hours I was getting much better at knowing trash from treasure.
Now every time I thought it was a good signal, I dug it and it was a coin.
And ever time I thought it was trash and dug it to make sure, and it was trash.
So today I found my first dimes and quarters. And of course a bunch of pennies. Also some copper tubing and a few lead fishing weights.
All in all I'm happy.
Oh I also figured out how to discriminate pull tabs so I don't hear them anymore.

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Well, I spent almost three hours at 2 different parks today, the first was more promising, but I had no idea that there was a marathon scheduled and before I knew it I was surrounded by people, which isn't a comfortable way to hunt. I've found a little clad at the second park before, and did again today. However, it's really frustrating that I spend three hours and only came back with 27 cents and some kids junk jewelry. I know I am doing something wrong, but don't have the experience to know what it is. I dig a lot of trash, but to me soda cans and dimes sound very much alike. Bottle caps and pull tabs sound like nickels a well. So I'm digging tons of trash. I tried to notch out the soda cans, but it didn't seem to work. I need t set up some test finds In the back yard to listen to the sounds again, but I was just anxious to get out there today S it is the first day it hasn't rained or that I have had to work In a while, so I just went out first thing.

Any advice about how to recognize coins/jewelry from trash more easily would be appreciated.



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First, welcome to the MD world.

I will offer a couple of tips I have learned. One detector I have is a Bounty Hunter Sharp Shooter 2. I hunt it all....Parks, gathering places, old home sites.....

I have found when you pass your coil over a "trash" target, that sounds like a target, if you will continue to swing the coil over it, until the coil hits the edge of where the target was first sounded, the tone will change to another tone......swing back over the target area centering the coil over the target and you get a good target sound again. Now as others have stated, you gotta dig the trash if you want the gold! But normally a coin and gold will sound the same tone if the edge of the coil hits it, or the center of the coil hits it.

My handle on here is Shiloh Trashdigger, and I am not ashamed to dig the questionable sounds. You will improve your trash to treasure finds, but I gotta tell gotta dig em

Also I have found on the flat crushed cans and jar lids, when you get that good silver signal, lift your coil in the all metal mode when pin pointing the target. If you lift the coil off the ground 10 to 12 inches, and you still are hearing the signal, it is gonna be a flat can or jar lid.

It takes time and patience. Patience and time. While hunting a city park this week, I found a gold wedding ring about 3 inches down. Yep, it sounded of a pull tab, but the signal was so good and did not change, I dug, and there was the gold ring, standing on edge.

Trust me, you will learn, but do not be deceived to think you will be able to never dig is nice to watch all the videos of diggers pulling silver coin after silver coin.....makes you think you are doing something wrong....but they find and dig trash too.

And let me leave with this thought. I love metal detecting. When I get my detector, my back pack, and my pinpointer, all my cares are left behind. To me, this is not about having the best detector on the market, every detector is a good detector. However, the detector is never any better, than the person using it. Metal detecting is not about getting rich. It is about the peace and enjoyment I get out of finding things under the ground that were lost and forgotten. Now do not get me wrong, finding valuables is nice, but for me, it is about quality and enjoying life. When it becomes more than that to me, I will be done with the hobby.

Hope that helps some. And glad to help with any other thoughts.

It takes time to find goodies and not everyday you'll find something nice. Somedays it's clad somedays it's trash and junk jewlry. Sometimes good stuff. Learn your machine well and remember always location location location,

Shilohtrashdigger said:
First, welcome to the MD world.

I will offer a couple of tips I have learned. One detector I have is a Bounty Hunter Sharp Shooter 2. I hunt it all....Parks, gathering places, old home sites.....

I have found when you pass your coil over a "trash" target, that sounds like a target, if you will continue to swing the coil over it, until the coil hits the edge of where the target was first sounded, the tone will change to another tone......swing back over the target area centering the coil over the target and you get a good target sound again. Now as others have stated, you gotta dig the trash if you want the gold! But normally a coin and gold will sound the same tone if the edge of the coil hits it, or the center of the coil hits it.

My handle on here is Shiloh Trashdigger, and I am not ashamed to dig the questionable sounds. You will improve your trash to treasure finds, but I gotta tell gotta dig em

Also I have found on the flat crushed cans and jar lids, when you get that good silver signal, lift your coil in the all metal mode when pin pointing the target. If you lift the coil off the ground 10 to 12 inches, and you still are hearing the signal, it is gonna be a flat can or jar lid.

It takes time and patience. Patience and time. While hunting a city park this week, I found a gold wedding ring about 3 inches down. Yep, it sounded of a pull tab, but the signal was so good and did not change, I dug, and there was the gold ring, standing on edge.

Trust me, you will learn, but do not be deceived to think you will be able to never dig is nice to watch all the videos of diggers pulling silver coin after silver coin.....makes you think you are doing something wrong....but they find and dig trash too.

And let me leave with this thought. I love metal detecting. When I get my detector, my back pack, and my pinpointer, all my cares are left behind. To me, this is not about having the best detector on the market, every detector is a good detector. However, the detector is never any better, than the person using it. Metal detecting is not about getting rich. It is about the peace and enjoyment I get out of finding things under the ground that were lost and forgotten. Now do not get me wrong, finding valuables is nice, but for me, it is about quality and enjoying life. When it becomes more than that to me, I will be done with the hobby.

Hope that helps some. And glad to help with any other thoughts.

Thank you. Those are some good points that I hadn't heard before and I'm with you. This isn't just about finding the loot, I enjoy the fun of being out there. I totally expect to dig a high trash to treasure ratio, but just don't have enough experience to identify what my md is seeing. These tips will help. I had no idea about lifting e coil a foot up to help identify crushed cans! That is just the kind of pointer I needed! I have been digging tons of crushed cans!

Thanks to everyone for their help. I really do love doing this and hope i didn't come across as if I didn't. I just a newb fishing for pointers.

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Trackerman said:
It takes time to find goodies and not everyday you'll find something nice. Somedays it's clad somedays it's trash and junk jewlry. Sometimes good stuff. Learn your machine well and remember always location location location,

I keep thinking that I have good locations, but nothing so far. I thought for sure that a sand volleyball court will yield some jewelry, but no dice. I have also hunted a 50's home that was abandoned with no luck. The best luck I have had is at playgrounds, where I have found some clad. I'm hanging in there and learning my machine and know good things are to come. I don't expect to find 1700 silver, as I think there is less of it floating around here in Texas, but I would love to find some silver coins .like Rosie's or mercs and maybe some jewelry. I hit a park yesterday that has been around since the late 1890's but it wasn't a good day to dig as I had not idea a marathon was scheduled. : (

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Do you have any older parks or picnic sites that aren't visited much now around ya. Also some of your spots could have been detected before. Not that they don't miss things. Also. Lifting the coil to figure crushed can. Would that mean a lid to a buried jar filled with coins would tone like a crushed can? Just a thought.
If you've got a good tone dig it.
Go to your library and check out local history and old town maps. Some areas are demoed and have parks or retention basins. Replacing old homes.
Hope this helps ya.

I looked in side of a bounty hunter cam-o L S
for one thing the housing is 900 time the size of the computer board. the computer board is one inch by three if that
the rest is air in side

Maybe it needs all that space to keep it cool. Lol
That's funny that the board is soooo small. It's about the size of a memory card for a PC. I wonder if they make the body bigger so you feel you get your money's worth. You think all of them are like this? A $50-60 piece of computer board, $20 body frame, $30 rods, $50 coils. $150 mfr cost for a good detector. We pay $600-$5000 for unit. Guess I'll start making detectors. Lol. Wait they've already got my name out there.

Small motherboard but big brain lol..Great none I'd machine price wise I can't be beat.

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i'll take your tracker 4 and out hunt anybody on the planet thats using an ace 250

I had an Tracker IV and a pioneer 505. I sold the 505 and kept the IV.


  • image-1477865129.webp
    25.2 KB · Views: 315
is that your take for the day in that photo? Not a very convincing argument for your detector of choice...

I have this machine! It can find pennies like no ones business. I am looking to upgrade to a Fisher

I got back into detecting Feb this year my kids asked what I wanted for my 50th Birthday told them want another detector one that didn't cost alot told them the BH iv from hl with the 40% coupon. With my limited time and a bad back I hunt totlots and for no more than 30 minutes at a time. in 3.5 hours I have found 49 pennies 6 nickles 6 dimes 10 quarters and 3 pieces of junk jewerly. So for a $70 detector its great.

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