Im convinced pound for pound dollar for dollar the Bounty Hunter Tracker IV is king

LOL. I don't think I'd still be detecting if I would have started with a Bounty Hunter.

I used to think the same way until I got the Bounty hunter Tracker IV .Just because it ain't high dollar doesn't mean it won't perform.

Having to wait for my BH 505 and now the IV is worse than waiting for Christmas when I was a kid.

In the meantime I've been spending my time looking for sites to dig.

Seems like there must be a lot of MD guys around my area, cause I just stopped at one of the local pawn shops and the guys tells me they can't keep anything MD related in stock. People come in all the time looking for MD stuff.

It figures cause the average age around here it like 72. I live in heavens waiting room.

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Heck your lucky your in Florida the beaches there are good for gold jewlery hunting thanks to the cubans and turists. Im in cali hunting is so so .I know the feeling bro . Happy hunten.

Trackerman said:
Heck your lucky your in Florida the beaches there are good for gold jewlery hunting thanks to the cubans and turists. Im in cali hunting is so so .I know the feeling bro . Happy hunten.

As I said on another thread, "we don't got no stinking beaches" ok, one little man made thing that's probably been hunted to death.

I'm looking for my first fund to be from a privet RC flying field I fly at. 8 or 10 guys out there every day, parking their cars all in one place on the grass field, for the past 10 years, must be something on or in the ground there besides broken props.

Also no Cubans or tourists here either.

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Sorry bro wrong Florida i guess good luck anyway.

Trackerman said:
Sorry bro wrong Florida i guess good luck anyway.

My Tracker should be here this week ahead of the 505, so it looks like my first find will be with the T IV.
I'll post what I find. NO junk.

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Cool good luck

THANKS! Trackerman, for the heads up:thumbsup: Been selling some of my Diecast so I could get the tracker.
After using the online 40% coupon it came to $69.58 out the door...cooooool deal:headbang:

HEY, got to start somewhere, so might as well start here...

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I suppose it would work halfway decent for clad up to 3 inches deep.

Ive dug clad max at around 5 inches but 6 is possible on larger metal items.

Ive dug clad max at around 5 inches but 6 is possible on larger metal items.

I would be too busy worrying what I was passing over past 5 inches...Glad it's working for you...I personally would never use one though.

The thing is when i want to clean house on clad at a place and use a light machine i use the tracker Iv. Now if i want silver and older coins i use my whites dfx or minelab quattro.

Another thing these tracker Iv for some reason are highly sensitive to quarters and dimes. I suspect the 6.8klhz frequency .There decent on nickels and pennys too. Good for ring sensitivity. Super fast sweep speed is a nice thing as well about the machine. Ive heard this model was so good in fact that bounty hunter never bother to update it or change it around. Also on bounty hunters site theres some crazzy finds with this model. Now some people dont like none id machines but i use both.

I would be too busy worrying what I was passing over past 5 inches...Glad it's working for you...I personally would never use one though.

It really depends on soil conditions. My old Tesoro Bandito was killer in the Poconos and in Mid Ohio clay just went nuts with false signals. The BH machines handle that clay better and the Land Star and Time Ranger got a lot of deep targets. I often use a Garrett Ace 250 and it does really well in wet sand (freshwater) and rich topsoil. It also finds deep targets in hard clay, but they are a pain to dig. I prefer it on rich bottom-land in targets to about eight inches.

I took the tracker out yesterday for my first hunt and only found 3 pennies.

It took me a while to learn the best positions for the knobs for best results, but after a while I was able to disc. Out any trash.
When I came home I had the wife go out into the yard and hide some change. I was able to find the quarters, dimes and pennies, but couldn't find the nickels.
I have to work on that, but right now, so far, I like the Tracker very much.

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Keep at it and just remember what i mentioned and yull be finding keepers in no time.

*here here* man. We all see and hear things differently. One *chime* could be another person's *low drone.* Lets all just talk good about what we own, give some tips here and there, and deff don't forget pics to oggle at. I'm a Garrett man myself and you'll never see me spy someone with a White's or Minelab and be like, "oh bro I'm so sorry your detector isn't like mine." Instead it's going to be like, "hell yeah man, nice detector, wanna join up and split the take?"
1 Garrett detector=Shweet time
1 Garrett detector+what my friends own=Priceless:).

Is it the same machine that people are asking $150 to $400 for on eBay right now? Gander Mountain wants $129

127.00 was around what i saw maybe they went up in price a bit. Or maybee i just gave the little bugger to much mad praise . Hear hear......

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