I'll show you mine'You show me yours

If my ore does contain as much platinum as I claim...I already have a rock crusher to get me started...It is similar to this one here... Mortar and Pestle 5" High 8.5 Lbs with a 1 Pint Capacity Heavy Cast Iron | eBay ...All I need now is to figure out how to work the darn ore... And plenty of Preparation H and Aleve...Oh...And enough luck to find the darn place that the ore came from...lol

Who knows???Maybe one day...If I work a couple hundred pounds of ore...I can work my way up to an rc-46...I don't think that I'd need anything larger than that to crush up catalytic converters refractory to get me some platinum...hehehe

As IF I have found a long lost Spanish or Jesuit mining area depicted in the Peralta stones or some other famous lost treasure map...rofl

Shoot...If some rich adventurer would like to kick down a few million...Who knows???I could probably remember how to return to said area...

I guess we'll just have to wait and see...I doubt anyone around here is interested in such an adventure...

alot of people would be interested in the adventure...its just the few million dollar buy in that you are going to have a problem with...if someone had a few million bucks...they wouldn't need to go looking for platinum would they?:dontknow:

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alot of people would be interested in the adventure...its just the few million dollar buy in that you are going to have a problem with...if someone had a few million bucks...they wouldn't need to go looking for platinum would they?:dontknow:

The buy in is pretty steep azdave...But it is mere chump change if it is the actual area depicted by the Peralta stones...Or the Tayopa map...Or the Perfil map...Or the Molina map...Heck...It would be something IF there really is a cache of bars or some other treasure in said area...Some people speculate that it could be in the billions of dollars...

I really don't know how much may be involved azdave...And the adventure really would be an adventure...If the Duke were still alive he might be interested in such a quest...I guess that they just don't make them like they used to...

And I will continue to insist that I have found the area depicted in the maps...Wherever that location might be...And maybe one day I will let the cat out of the bag...But until then...I will be content in knowing that I believe that I have solved the great mystery of many old treasure maps...hehehe

Who knows azdave...Maybe one day you may stumble upon my little area and your eyes too will be opened...One never knows...

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Even IF I have found the area depicted in many maps...I am still having a problem with the axiom of 3=2-circle within a circle-18=7 of Euclidian geometry...So finding the treasure really isn't a walk in the park...It seems that the creators of the Peralta stones may have been a little too smart for their own good...Maybe that is why the location became lost...Even they could not decipher their own codes...

The buy in is pretty steep azdave...But it is mere chump change if it is the actual area depicted by the Peralta stones...Or the Tayopa map...Or the Perfil map...Or the Molina map...Heck...It would be something IF there really is a cache of bars or some other treasure in said area...Some people speculate that it could be in the billions of dollars...

I really don't know how much may be involved azdave...And the adventure really would be an adventure...If the Duke were still alive he might be interested in such a quest...I guess that they just don't make them like they used to...

And I will continue to insist that I have found the area depicted in the maps...Wherever that location might be...And maybe one day I will let the cat out of the bag...But until then...I will be content in knowing that I believe that I have solved the great mystery of many old treasure maps...hehehe

Who knows azdave...Maybe one day you may stumble upon my little area and your eyes too will be opened...One never knows...

the duke?....if you are talking about john wayne he was involved in treasure hunting...he was even in the superstitions looking at one time

the duke?....if you are talking about john wayne he was involved in treasure hunting...he was even in the superstitions looking at one time

The one and only azdave...Didn't he have a ranch between Tucson and Nogales or somewhere in that area???

I am sure that The Duke probably would have anted up for such an adventure...But what do I know???

There is one other thing that is missing in the equation...I am quite certain that someone is holding out with the Peralta stones...I believe that there should be one more cross stone that somebody is keeping to themselves...In the belief that one day the area in question will be made known and they can just waltz in and recover the treasure in question for themselves...Though who can say for certain???

Maybe one day a modern day Duke will step up and pay my asking price for an interesting adventure...I really don't care IF anyone does or doesn't step up...I know what I know and I am fairly confident that I have found what I claim to have found...

The one and only azdave...Didn't he have a ranch between Tucson and Nogales or somewhere in that area???

I am sure that The Duke probably would have anted up for such an adventure...But what do I know???

There is one other thing that is missing in the equation...I am quite certain that someone is holding out with the Peralta stones...I believe that there should be one more cross stone that somebody is keeping to themselves...In the belief that one day the area in question will be made known and they can just waltz in and recover the treasure in question for themselves...Though who can say for certain???

Maybe one day a modern day Duke will step up and pay my asking price for an interesting adventure...I really don't care IF anyone does or doesn't step up...I know what I know and I am fairly confident that I have found what I claim to have found...

the duke had alot of property in arizona....most of it by maricopa and casa grande

I guess he did own lots of property in that area...This is the one I was talking about... https://www.deseretnews.com/article/666982/Arizona-spread-owned-by-John-Wayne-is-for-sale.html

And as for the missing third cross...It is depicted on Not Peralta's map http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/tayopa/239401-misc-data-adventures-tayopa-treasure-hunter-244.html near the almacen...

Maybe one day someone will figure the darn thing out...I am having problems making heads or tails of the darn thing...lol


The crosses in NP map are for three very rich mines of each region . In the coyote heart region are the three circles from the Horse stone map , and for the Caballos another three mines which are not depicted in any stone map , but in a paper map .


The crosses in NP map are for three very rich mines of each region . In the coyote heart region are the three circles from the Horse stone map , and for the Caballos another three mines which are not depicted in any stone map , but in a paper map .

I believe that the three crosses represent the three stone crosses of the Peralta stones, of which one is not being shown to the public...Who knows???It could even stand for los tres minerales del mundo...lol...And as for the Caballos being another three mines...Are you referring to the image of the Caballo with a 3 on it...And if so...I believe the statement that I made long long ago is still correct...As in the 3 and the horse represents tres leguas, or three leagues of measure...As depicted in the Molina treasure images located here http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/treasure-leads/63698-tumacacori-treasure-room-mines.html In post#14 ...I believe it to be as I have been trying to express...I believe many of the treasure tales and maps of lore are all depictions of the same mining area...But who can say for certain???

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The Caballos " three crosses " are these , in a GE image .

Caballos  los tres minerales del mundo.webp

Maybe I should stop giving ya'll so many dang clues...Maybe one of these days someone may figure it out without having to ante up...lol

What clues are you giving ? I didn't read yet any theory from you about a specific treasure or tale .

What clues are you giving ? I didn't read yet any theory from you about a specific treasure or tale .

Well markmar...Haven't you been following this thread???I have been claiming to have found a certain mining area that fits into many treasure tales...Such as the location depicted by: the Peralta stones, or Tayopa, or the Perfil map, or the Molina map, or who knows what other tales...

And as for clues...Well...I guess that some of ya'll will have to read between the lines or some of the old comments I made under Ed T...Believe me...There are a few clues that I have given...But I will not go into specifics...My clues are vaguer than those given by Forrest Fenn...lol

I doubt anyone will ever take me up on my offer...I doubt any treasure hunters on this site has a few million to cough up to solve some of the greatest enigmas of the treasure hunting world...Oh well...

I guess I'll continue to spread manure around and see if any magic mushrooms sprout up...

Who would actually believe that the area in question is a platinum bearing deposit???I am beginning to doubt it myself...hehehe...Maybe I'll just go back to searching for the easy to work metals...Like gold and silver...Platinum is a pain in the arse...Maybe one day I will figure it out and try to return to the little hole in the wall that I got my ore from...I guess that we'll just have to wait and see...

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Well markmar...Haven't you been following this thread???I have been claiming to have found a certain mining area that fits into many treasure tales...Such as the location depicted by: the Peralta stones, or Tayopa, or the Perfil map, or the Molina map, or who knows what other tales...

And as for clues...Well...I guess that some of ya'll will have to read between the lines or some of the old comments I made under Ed T...Believe me...There are a few clues that I have given...But I will not go into specifics...My clues are vaguer than those given by Forrest Fenn...lol

I doubt anyone will ever take me up on my offer...I doubt any treasure hunters on this site have a few million to cough up to solve some of the greatest enigmas of the treasure hunting world...Oh well...

I guess I'll continue to spread manure around and see if any magic mushrooms sprout up...

Who would actually believe that the area in question is a platinum bearing deposit???I am beginning to doubt it myself...hehehe...Maybe I'll just go back to searching for the easy to work metals...Like gold and silver...Platinum is a pain in the arse...Maybe one day I will figure it out and try to return to the little hole in the wall that I got my ore from...I guess that we'll just have to wait and see...

there are many platinum deposits that you can drive to..why would you want to hike to your deposit...the reason the deposits are still there is because nobody can figure out how to process the ore and extract the platinum...there is a pretty large deposit right off highway 88 close to government well ...many have tried to work the deposit and come up short

there are many platinum deposits that you can drive to..why would you want to hike to your deposit...the reason the deposits are still there is because nobody can figure out how to process the ore and extract the platinum...there is a pretty large deposit right off highway 88 close to government well ...many have tried to work the deposit and come up short

I wonder if any of the deposits that you mention azdave are the deposit depicted in any of the treasure tale maps that I am speaking of...Who knows???I will continue to claim that my little hole in the wall is one with the provenance of which I am claiming...I wonder if any of the sites that you have mentioned can claim to be the area that the Piedras de Inga that Antonio de Ulloa had came from???Heck...It would really suck if my ore turns out to be tungsten bearing...Wouldn't it???I really do doubt that though...I doubt that anyone in the past would have made so many treasure maps leading to the same location...hehehe

I do believe that if God is willing azdave...One day I just may gain the knowledge to make the mule ride and hike to my little hole in the wall of which I speak...I guess that we'll just have to wait and see...I don't think that I'll be getting rid of my crusher any time soon...hahaha...One day I just may be able to get me an rc-46...One may only hope...

I still think I should just give up and make a trip to Reno...I am pretty sure my little Tia Juana was a honker of a diamond...And I do believe that I will continue to make such a claim until the day I die...I wonder what ever happened to my little Tia Juana and the guy I gave the darn thing to???Who knows???

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From what i remember because you deleted all your posts , you have wrote as EdT how your mine from where you got your ore was in Durango , Mexico . An old man with his daughter guided you to that mine , on a mule ride , in a very rough country for few days . You have wrote how was almost impossible to return to that mine because you wouldn't remember the path , the old man had died and his daughter was not able to go there because she was ill of breast cancer .
As for Tayopa or Molina tales , I didn't heard about any Platinum bars or any other stuff . They were only for gold and silver .
Here the most treasure hunters know how the Tayopa , the Molina and the stone maps , are for different regions and you can not put them in a single tale or region .

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From what i remember because you deleted all your posts , you have wrote as EdT how your mine from where you got your ore was in Durango , Mexico . An old men with his daughter guided you to that mine , on a mule ride , in a very rough country for few days . You have wrote how was almost impossible to return to that mine because you didn't remember the path , the old man had died and his daughter was not able to go there because she was ill of breast cancer .
As for Tayopa or Molina tales , I didn't heard about any Platinum bars or any other stuff . They were only for gold and silver .
Here the most treasure hunters know how the Tayopa , the Molina and the stone maps , are for different regions and you can not put them in a single tale or region .

You have a good memory markmar...

Who really knows what the treasure mentioned in most of the tales really is markmar...If it is from the area of which I speak...I am beginning to believe that the bars may be a combination of metals...The only way to find out for certain would be to actually locate the buried treasure and assay the bars themselves...And I'm certain that the Spanish or Jesuits who buried them hid them well...They may be lost forever...

It is almost impossible to return to the mine as you stated markmar...The old man and his daughter have passed away...So I would have to try to go by my memory to retrace my steps to the area in question...And as I have mentioned I was pretty drunk on Gin at the time and I hate riding on a mule...Altogether it was a week long trip...Three days to the area one day in the area and three days back...I was out of Gin on the return trip...That is about the only good thing that I have going...But then again...How much of this story is fact and how much of it is BS???

Who knows what the future may hold markmar???We'll just have to wait and see...

I wonder if any of the deposits that you mention azdave are the deposit depicted in any of the treasure tale maps that I am speaking of...Who knows???I will continue to claim that my little hole in the wall is one with the provenance of which I am claiming...I wonder if any of the sites that you have mentioned can claim to be the area that the Piedras de Inga that Antonio de Ulloa had came from???Heck...It would really suck if my ore turns out to be tungsten bearing...Wouldn't it???I really do doubt that though...I doubt that anyone in the past would have made so many treasure maps leading to the same location...hehehe

I do believe that if God is willing azdave...One day I just may gain the knowledge to make the mule ride and hike to my little hole in the wall of which I speak...I guess that we'll just have to wait and see...I don't think that I'll be getting rid of my crusher any time soon...hahaha...One day I just may be able to get me an rc-46...One may only hope...

I still think I should just give up and make a trip to Reno...I am pretty sure my little Tia Juana was a honker of a diamond...And I do believe that I will continue to make such a claim until the day I die...I wonder what ever happened to my little Tia Juana and the guy I gave the darn thing to???Who knows???

i have an rc46 for sale

i have an rc46 for sale

IF it were possible for me to make you an offer on it I would azdave...But sadly...I am short on cash and I am up to my eyeballs in debt...

IF there ever comes a day when I can figure my ore out...And sell some platinum from recycled catalytic converters...I might make you an offer on your rc-46...

But who knows IF and when that day might ever come...Until then...I will continue being poor...lol...It is really not that bad being poor...But there sure as heck are times I wish I weren't...

With my paranoia and lack of trust in people azdave...I would have to ask...What is the catch???I would only have to work one or two days out of the year with an rc-46... rofl...That is...IF I can ever figure out this stinking ore...

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