Idaho Dredgers take a stand

Oak, I was camped right next to John and Mike! It was a shock to find out that you guys know each other. Sorry to say I don't know your real name and he didn't know your tnet name. But from how he was talking I knew it was you! They are awesome guys and I fully plan joining their origination Join The American Mining Rights Association | Stand Up For Your Rights American Mining Rights Association! They gave me so much crap and I flung it right back!
We had threats from the Idaho conservation league and other greenie groups...they didn't have the balls to step foot on Island Bar. Lots of the people there was openly packing handguns incase things went down...nothing did.

The EPA also did not show tickets written or anyone arrested other then a drunk local miner at the park rally carrying a bottle of mercury wanting it to be raffled off. I think the fact that the EPA did not show up is setting precedence that they are unable to enforce their own illegal rule.

Their were about 71 vehicles throughout the event...not sure how many people came, looked around and chatted with miners then left. We had people from Illinois, Michigan, California, Oregon, Washington, Arizona show up and stay for the whole event. Not sure what other states were represented... I really hope that this spreads nationally and miners from other states stand together and fight! We hicks here in Idaho had the guts to risk fines of $37,500 per day to dredge and we need to keep the momentum going!

I was dredging right below the entrance to the Island Bar and some people were talking to littlenugget (I think) and the lady was really surprised and made the comment that the turbidity was nothing like it was made out to be. Hmm

On the gold front, it wasn't that good. We were on the wrong side of the river, it was flowing very high and fast. You couldn't of dredged the gut even if you wanted to.

I met some awesome people, made lots of new friends and met this guy Todd from Spokane Washington who helped me out...basically he helped me to read the layers and figure out how to find the pay streaks.

In other news, Shannon from Join The American Mining Rights Association | Stand Up For Your Rights American Mining Rights Association is going to the South Fork Clearwater (they bought a claim there) and has invited the EPA to show up on July 15 and arrest him for dredging. He told them when and where and wants to be arrested so he can get this illegal activity by the EPA to court. Honestly I don't think the EPA is going to show up. I have a few pics I'll post later but they are nothing exciting.
More later and I'm sure littlenugget will add more as he was one of the head honchos.

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All of you guys get a huge thumbs up! :thumbsup:
I hope you prevail..I hope the A holes fail!!
If I could be there..I would.

No Problem.
Here are what pictures I took...most people had already left on Saturday and these were taken Sunday.


Yes it was a great event stayed an extra day just to make sure that people did not come in and trash the place up and blame it on the miners.
Had a great time! meet a lot of great people. and made some really good friends. Omnicron is was great time heaving you up there.
In all we Had about 20 to 30 dredges in the water at different times through out the event.
Was talking with rafters and letting them in on what the EPA is doing to everyone not just miners and had some really good responses and supported what we are doing.
The jet boaters where also supporting the event as well.
About 97% of the people that came down just to check out what was going on was not against this event. Even had some come down and check out the dredges and to see the broken glass bottles, gold,lead, fishing lures, sheet metal pieces that we got out of the river and more trash as well.

this was a great success not only for Idaho but other states as well.

Again from SWIM i would like to thank all that showed up at the event and those that and those that supported this but just could not make it.

South West Idaho Mining Whats funny everyone, is we were not breaking a law, it is a regulation, regulatory agencies can't make law only congress can make law when was the last time you could get a permit to break a law. Also the EPA has already done a study and there agency's own study said what we do is non significant, that's on paper! One more thing using words like may, could, might are are not facts they are theory

You folks in Idaho need to stand up and take a bow. What you did is very important in garnering much needed attention to over reaching scope of government agencies... I salute:occasion14::occasion14::occasion14::occasion14::occasion14::occasion14::occasion14::occasion14:

Thanks guys!
Thanks to all who showed up!
Thanks to all who wanted to show up but couldn't!
To those who were to scared to show up...ask your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend to give you your spine back!
To the Crossmans, you put your necks out more then anyone as this event put a bull's-eye on your backs for years to come, Thank you!

To bad nothing like this could be done in Cali...I talked with John from AMRA and he didn't think it would be possible...but still I wonder...

IT WAS DONE IN KALIF AND THE WUSSIES DID NOT SHOW. 7 solid weeks,tv,radio,internet and newspapers coverage with 2-10" and a 8" & 5" but as usual the kalif wimps stayed home. 1/100th the population and your showing was outrageous. Kudos and nuttn' but respect to those who do NOT stay and home a hide in the closet-Please pm addy for donation please to your righteous cause--John

Hoser, I must of missed it...when was it done? I'm starting to really come into my own with this f'n crap and trying to shut down dredging nation wide. Hell not just dredging, they are going to go after everything at some point. Enough is enough!

If anyone knows of a event like this coming up, please share the knowledge. I'm so poor right now with only 1 income and while my season total is over 1 ounce, we are getting ready to move to CO, I'll find the money to make the trip if its close enough.

Now that you guys are done with this you should go read the drudge report and see what the Californians are fighting the govt about. Dredging in Idaho will be preserved as long as you have backup like this but there is something looming that's going to bring the whole country to its knees.

I almost forgot this, they got one of the our council men to dive and dredge. Unfortunately he almost drowned due to his weak gag reflex. The story goes they suited him up, gave him a regulator and googles. They went down, he took charge of the nozzle and was sucking away. After a few minutes he tapped on the guy with him and pointed up. Well he had got himself twisted in the air line and he kicked off the ground and his head went above the water. I think it was littlenugget that was up top side and he saw the expression on his face, one of panic and terror. He slipped back under water as he couldn't kick his feet. The other diver seen what was happening and grabbed him and pushed him up as lilnugget grabed him from the top.
Once he was back on solid ground he said that this kicked ass but there is nothing recreational about this, it's very dangerous hard work! He wants to do it again!

And the lady that was talking to littlenugget and made the comment that the turbidity was nothing like it was made out to be was in fact the main lady in charge of the Idaho Recreation Council. He husband who was with her I guess has been infected with gold fever just by being around the dredges and seeing a little gold. I'm told by 'nugget that he's going to be getting a dredge or going to be dredging with someone to learn. I'll try to get 'nugget to correct me on the details I get wrong but he has gone back to work now so will be fairly busy.

I almost forgot this, they got one of the our council men to dive and dredge. Unfortunately he almost drowned due to his weak gag reflex. The story goes they suited him up, gave him a regulator and googles. They went down, he took charge of the nozzle and was sucking away. After a few minutes he tapped on the guy with him and pointed up. Well he had got himself twisted in the air line and he kicked off the ground and his head went above the water. I think it was littlenugget that was up top side and he saw the expression on his face, one of panic and terror. He slipped back under water as he couldn't kick his feet. The other diver seen what was happening and grabbed him and pushed him up as lilnugget grabed him from the top.
Once he was back on solid ground he said that this kicked ass but there is nothing recreational about this, it's very dangerous hard work! He wants to do it again!

And the lady that was talking to littlenugget and made the comment that the turbidity was nothing like it was made out to be was in fact the main lady in charge of the Idaho Recreation Council. He husband who was with her I guess has been infected with gold fever just by being around the dredges and seeing a little gold. I'm told by 'nugget that he's going to be getting a dredge or going to be dredging with someone to learn. I'll try to get 'nugget to correct me on the details I get wrong but he has gone back to work now so will be fairly busy.

Great story!

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