I support the 2nd amendment

I think Cris believes in the 2nd amendment but not necessarily the Democratic party as a whole. Not to put words in his mouth but I think Cris' claim of being a liberal is he thinks that those that can should help out those in our society that need a hand up. He'd be non-violent, against war etc., etc. and let everyone do whatever makes them happy. We ALL feel that way; the difference being we HATE the abusers where, imho, many choose to ignore the abusers or pretend they don't exist. That's the difference here.

I think Cris believes in the 2nd amendment but not necessarily the Democratic party as a whole. Not to put words in his mouth but I think Cris' claim of being a liberal is he thinks that those that can should help out those in our society that need a hand up. He'd be non-violent, against war etc., etc. and let everyone do whatever makes them happy. We ALL feel that way; the difference being we HATE the abusers where, imho, many choose to ignore the abusers or pretend they don't exist. That's the difference here.

Forgive me Crispin for putting words in your mouth, but I refuse to believe that he HATES anyone.

Didn't claim Cris hated the abusers, those of us tired of their abuse hate them. Yep, I hate 'em! No different than a pickpocket. I don't love pickpockets either. I guess if the government takes the money and then gives it to the pickpockets I should feel better??

I do not hate anybody. To hate an individual would be narcisstic and assume omnipotent knowledge of life, the universe, and everything. Example, I was fixing a hot tub leak this weekend with my dad. Once we found the leak we had to drain the hot tub...the normal mechanism (gravity) takes a day. He came up with a great idea and we drained 9/10 of it in 15 min. When we got down to the last tenth his idea would no longer work. He jumps in the hot tub with a regular size cup and starts feverishly bailing water. He is not even watching where it is going and most of it is going right back into the hot tub. I say to him...
"Dad, what are you doing, stop acting like a dam fool."
He replied, "Don't call me a fool!"
I answered,"I would never call you a fool. You are one of the smartest people I know; however, you were acting like a fool by trying to bail out the titantic with a sippy cup!"

I then went into the garage, grabbed a large bucket and we had the remainder of the hot tub emptied in 15 minutes. My dad is one of the smartest people I know. He was acting hilariously dumb.

I find it interesting that some people have responded to the premise of this thread by saying Crispin is a confused republican or something similiar in nature. (Not calling anyone out, just noticing a general theme.) It seems that some are having a hard time accepting support for this forum from a liberal.

Fact: I support the 2nd amendment. I believe the words "shall not be infringed" need no further explanation.
Fact: I did not always believe this. Any newcomers who doubt that could go back and read any number of threads to document the progression.
Fact: I am a liberal.

Seems like some people on this forum are having difficulty separating actions from entities. The world is not yes or no, true or false, black or white. Everything is open to interpretation...take it away PTC (only if you are so inclined.)


I do not hate anybody. To hate an individual would be narcisstic and assume omnipotent knowledge of life, the universe, and everything. Example, I was fixing a hot tub leak this weekend with my dad. Once we found the leak we had to drain the hot tub...the normal mechanism (gravity) takes a day. He came up with a great idea and we drained 9/10 of it in 15 min. When we got down to the last tenth his idea would no longer work. He jumps in the hot tub with a regular size cup and starts feverishly bailing water. He is not even watching where it is going and most of it is going right back into the hot tub. I say to him...
"Dad, what are you doing, stop acting like a dam fool."
He replied, "Don't call me a fool!"
I answered,"I would never call you a fool. You are one of the smartest people I know; however, you were acting like a fool by trying to bail out the titantic with a sippy cup!"

I then went into the garage, grabbed a large bucket and we had the remainder of the hot tub emptied in 15 minutes. My dad is one of the smartest people I know. He was acting hilariously dumb.

I find it interesting that some people have responded to the premise of this thread by saying Crispin is a confused republican or something similiar in nature. (Not calling anyone out, just noticing a general theme.) It seems that some are having a hard time accepting support for this forum from a liberal.

Fact: I support the 2nd amendment. I believe the words "shall not be infringed" need no further explanation.
Fact: I did not always believe this. Any newcomers who doubt that could go back and read any number of threads to document the progression.
Fact: I am a liberal.

Seems like some people on this forum are having difficulty separating actions from entities. The world is not yes or no, true or false, black or white. Everything is open to interpretation...take it away PTC (only if you are so inclined.)


To me you're a Human Being,I dislike labels!!! That was a mouthful though.:laughing7:

Crispen, while I'm honored you would defer so highly to me, I may have to pm my response. LOL!
A lot of extremist, I just don't have the strength, to wrangle with.
I hope you know where I'm coming from.

Cris, if there is ANYTHING you were going to change about yourself is your opinion of the 2nd, you've come very close to being perfect! :)

The biggest problem the world faces is growing extremism compounded by staggering ignorance.

The whole world is battling Muslim extremists who spread their radical message by preying on the ignorant.

The US is rapidly facing political extremists who also prey on the ignorant.

Short of petty crimes, there is no consequence for anything and no one is held accountable for anything.

This growing trend of extremist behavior being accepted and tolerated by our society is truly alarming.

That is a very well defined statement of the problem.

Anything else is smoke and mirrors. Remember, dishonest people use distraction as a device, like magicians.

The biggest problem the world faces is growing extremism compounded by staggering ignorance.

The whole world is battling Muslim extremists who spread their radical message by preying on the ignorant.

The US is rapidly facing political extremists who also prey on the ignorant.

Short of petty crimes, there is no consequence for anything and no one is held accountable for anything.

This growing trend of extremist behavior being accepted and tolerated by our society is truly alarming.

I totally agree, the extremists who want to rewrite the constitution, who want to restrict our rights under the 2nd amendment, who want to remove the 10th amendment, who tollerate and expect us to support nonworking people too lazy to work at the very expense of the working class, who want the government in every single aspect of our lives who are willing to surrender our freedoms for false claims of safety, who believe anything "A" president says must be true are indeed alarming and are an extreme danger to our very freedoms, rights and this country...

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I totally agree, the extremists who want to rewrite the constitution, who want to restrict our rights under the 2nd amendment, who want to remove the 10th amendment, who tollerate and expect us to support nonworking people too lazy to work at the very expense of the working class, who want the government in every single aspect of our lives who are willing to surrender our freedoms for false claims of safety, who believe anything "A" president says must be true are indeed alarming and are an extreme danger to our very freedoms, rights and this country...

Are you (we?) missing a few tens of trillions?

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