I support the 2nd amendment

I wish that I had something intelligent to write about this problem...but I don't. We are a Nation of freedom's and liberties that are unknown anywhere else in the world, and yet we can't get along with ourselves. We are all what we are, and for one, I am tired of having to defend my thought's and beliefs with everyone who disagrees, and thinks they are the second coming! this Country has been run into the deep abyss by our elected officials, they are not to blame, the voter's who but them into office on sound-bites, and hollow promises are! We can not continue to go down the road we are, and unless we have a major change in our Congress, we will continue to kick the can down the road, and dig a bigger hole, short term solutions are the norm today, but not the solution to the problems that exist.....get our officials to read the Constitution, and do what they were sworn ton do will be the first step. I will always support and defend the Constitution of this Country to the end....why do those elected to do so continue to subvert, and try and change it?

Frankly, picking on each other here does absolutely nothing, and among us are no unknowns....but why can't those in power see what all of us can see, and do what needs to be done? If I had the answer to that I would be president, and my hemoriods could do a better job than the present one! I've said enough, and think I even have reached a point of not saying anymore, because I don't think anyone cares any more........Gary

Thanks for the thoughts Gary,

I never get tired of reading them. You never know when a rain drop hitting a pebble on a mountain will be the start of an avalanche. Now is the time when words or reason and rationality are most important. You also do not know who is on the other end of the keyboard. Some of us may have access to those who can make a difference...you just never know. Keep up the good work my friend.


Thanks for the thoughts Gary,

I never get tired of reading them. You never know when a rain drop hitting a pebble on a mountain will be the start of an avalanche. Now is the time when words or reason and rationality are most important. You also do not know who is on the other end of the keyboard. Some of us may have access to those who can make a difference...you just never know. Keep up the good work my friend.


true dat, anyone could be on the other end ( I'm listening)

You cannot pick and choose which liberties you support. Being admitted to a state psychiatric hospital entitles losing ALL of ones rights, not just the second. Be careful what you wish for. You never know when some psychiatrist may decide the next free bed in the asylum belongs to you. I took the Hippocratic oath...did you?

You cannot pick and choose which liberties you support. < Define Liberties. Thanks!

The Weight of a Snowflake

"Tell me the weight of a snowflake," a coalmouse asked a wild dove.

"Nothing more than nothing," the dove answered.

"In that case I must tell you a marvelous story," the coalmouse said. "I sat on a fir branch close to the trunk when it began to snow. Not heavily, not in a raging blizzard. No, just like in a dream, without any violence at all. Since I didn't have anything better to do, I counted the snowflakes settling on the twigs and needles of my branch. Their number was exactly 3,471,952. When the next snowflake dropped onto the branch--nothing more than nothing -- as you say -- the branch broke off."

Having said that, the coalmouse ran away.

The dove, since Noah's time an authority on peace, thought about the story for a while. Finally, she said to herself, "Perhaps there is only one person's voice lacking for peace to come to the world." - Source unknown

You cannot pick and choose which liberties you support. < Define Liberties. Thanks!

If you need me to define liberties for you then this conversation is over. Clearly, we are not intellectually able to have a rational conversation.


If you need me to define liberties for you then this conversation is over. Clearly, we are not intellectually able to have a rational conversation.


I can't let that go, I have been a spectator here, but that is passive aggressive. Surely you have seen lawmakers twisting the meaning of words, and you yourself said that "someone" might have decide which liberties to take away? That leaves it to interpretation.

My guaranteed RIGHT is to own weapons, some in government think they should classify it as a government allowed liberty to be taken away when they feel like it.

Yeah ,, I will take you up on that Crisp.

How do you feel about taking money from one able-bodied person of sound mind, and giving it to another able-bodied person of sound mind? Jim
Like when we took our nations wealth and tried to redistribute it to Iraqis?





the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.

"compulsory retirement would interfere with individual liberty"


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the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one's way of life, behavior, or political views.

"compulsory retirement would interfere with individual liberty"


Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk now Free

Thanks TH, After seeing that definition it looks like maybe it no longer applies very well to any Americans anymore? Well except a few politicians.

Why did you stop at Iraq? Haven't we doubled down on how much we give away?
Obama?s $2 billion to Brazil ends up helping send oil to China « Hot Air
So its fine when the party you support engages in wealth redistribution, as long as you feel your political agenda is being promoted? I posted a point, and all you did was point fingers at others instead of addressing that point. But your party claims to be BETTER then the Dems, and I look forward to you pointing to the things in your record that PROVE that is the case...

So its fine when the party you support engages in wealth redistribution, as long as you feel your political agenda is being promoted? I posted a point, and all you did was point fingers at others instead of addressing that point. But your party claims to be BETTER then the Dems, and I look forward to you pointing to the things in your record that PROVE that is the case...

You have a problem with your logic. You have me supporting one of these 2 parties. I simply have pointed out that you omitted facts to prove your side is better than the other.

I can't let that go, I have been a spectator here, but that is passive aggressive. Surely you have seen lawmakers twisting the meaning of words, and you yourself said that "someone" might have decide which liberties to take away? That leaves it to interpretation.

My guaranteed RIGHT is to own weapons, some in government think they should classify it as a government allowed liberty to be taken away when they feel like it.

Yeah ,, I will take you up on that Crisp.
Stay out of prison or liberty will not be a right. Or a fire arm. It happens.
Rights and liberties are out the window when you become deranged.Have you had to weigh someones sanity for their own non political well being and that of others as Crispin has? You truly think politics has anything to do with that?Someone states they support the second why in the hell are you ragging on them regardless of party?You alone will not hold a right for more than yourself with a weapon and that,s only temporarily unless your immortal. Why run off potential allies.
I have weapons on all hands but am sick of shootings on nearly every evening news and am not the one(s) dealing with the after effects.Its not the self defense or justified shootings that bother me, though they sure would were i in the medical field,,same as most owners.When someone acknowledges the second as a right who is on the repercussions side of its abuse there is no need for dispute please.

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I can see you are passionate RC, But I am not sure of what you are saying? Except standing up for Crispin. I don't think you understand why I took exception to his post.( the passive aggressive "You are not intelligent enough to talk to") And I have to say that I am not so sure that the liberties of a citizen here should be judged by 1 person.

An ally is great, but Liberty must be understood, self reliance and the founding of the country on personal moral convictions are paramount. The second depends on it!

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Standing with Crispin. He did not ask me to.
I buy salt,flour,milk and more. Am dependent on gasoline and seldom complain of the price.
Have been close to self sufficient years ago but even then there was an interdependence . Medical field took cash to visit. Barter only went so far,feed was partially dependent on money too.I,m happy for you if you don,t know anyone who should not be armed. Sorry, my selfish thoughts assumed it was more common than i thought.
Should you or Crispin or anyone feel you need to restrict my or any ones access to truck keys or weapons and are able to take them by force temporarily your right or wrong but not rare.Others would look to a governing body as their brothers keeper ,results if any would be after the horse is out the gate.

I think I agree, RC.
One thing may or may not be more important than your liberty, And that would be your life.
I do not take it lightly that 1 person should make that choice unless they are confronted with the defense of oneself by someone that does not respect your life and liberty.

One thing. Remember this oldie but goodie?

One day after President Obama unveiled the administration’s plan to curb gun violence, Vice President Joe Biden today defended their intentions, answering critics who have spoken out against the plan for potentially infringing on the Second Amendment rights of Americans.
“The president and I support the Second Amendment,” Biden said definitively.
Biden, who’s led the task force on gun violence since the December shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, noted that he owns guns.
“I have two shotguns, a 20-gauge and a 12-gauge shotgun,” he said. Later in the speech he said his son Beau was a better shot than he is but that is because Beau is in the Army."

Biden Confirms Support for Second Amendment, Says He Owns Two Shotguns - ABC News

What is your opinion on Biden or Obama supporting the Second Amendment, They said so, "definitively".

Umm, trying to put it nicely. Considering by measuring their personally helping any one as a result of their efforts it is a credibility issue.Enforcement of existing law,fast an furious truth avoidance leaves them a failing grade.Does not sour me on party though not my cup of tea, ,while tempting it risks too broad a stroke.Same as Crispins post, i take it as that of an individual first.And while i,m no cheerleader of a psychiatrist i took some one to see, across the board there are exceptions enough to support the whole.
I,m solid on the second.A judge and prosecuting attorney confirmed that years ago. So long ago that the pros. attorney now on this nanny states gun board did not seem to recognize my name. :laughing7:

RC, No problems. I allow that I may come across as harsh some times. But I am really a mustacheeod teddy bear. With a hard stance on self defense. And my rights. And the Constitution. And your rights. And Crispies rights. Even maybe Uncle Matts and PIPs rights.:occasion14:

If only in spirit you are related to the over the mountain men.You are needed for answering modern day Fergusons.
Makes you alright in my book .Discourse needs a cross section or we just all pluck the same note all day.

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I am humbled by that sentiment RC.
Thank you. I would be proud to stand with you too!

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