I support the 2nd amendment


Silver Member
Jun 26, 2012
Central Florida
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Coinmaster Pro, Sand Shark
Primary Interest:
I fully support the second amendment. I believe the words "shall not be infringed" need no further explanation.
I am tolerant of other religions.
I am not a racist.
I believe our government has failed its people.
I know our health care system is broken.
I honor all our veterans.
I am a liberal.
Anonymous voice from the crowd yells, "Somebody get a rope!"

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Crispin, You definition of Liberal and mine seem to be a bit different. I personally think one of the biggest problems in our Nation's politics is being labeled as liberal or right wing. It kind of builds a fence around us that we are expected to stay in. Many of us do not fit the mold. Republican or Democrat is the same. Even having political parties is a HUGE mistake in my opinion. How can anyone think that having two parties constantly fighting is productive. How about having politicians the weigh the pros and cons of an issue and vote as they see fit and do not follow the path set forth for them by a party. Politicians no longer vote for their constituents as a rule, nor do they even vote their conscience. They vote as their party dictates. If they want party support on funding etc in their area they are forced to toe the line and not buck the system. This essentially means only a handful dictate how they vote. Saying you are liberal is awesome if that is the title you prefer. As is probably obvious, I am as pro 2nd Amendment as it gets. In trying to think of a few things that would throw me out of the right winger status the obvious would be the legalization of marijuana, no helmet laws, and about any other restriction placed on my behavior or safety. That is not the government's job. I am a free man and feel as long as my behavior does not cause harm to others it is absolutely none of the Governments business what I do. That mindset does not bode well with many right wingers. I also feel that the government assistance has ruined our nation and has now become a way to buy votes. It takes the drive away to be productive. Why kill yourself working when you can get a Government check mindset. That food bought from that check is taken off my table and put on theirs. For those who feel that it is up to them to sink or swim it takes the initiative away to really excel something. Why work really hard to accumulate the things in life you really want when the government is going to take 40% of it away and give it to a family who chooses to sit on their butts. So you may be a liberal, and I may be right wing. You may not agree with some of the above, but it is apparent on at least some of the issues we are on the same page. :dontknow:

CRISPIN ! Glad to see you back old friend !

Your a unique animal . But , a highly repected one .....:occasion14:

I fully support the second amendment. I believe the words "shall not be infringed" need no further explanation.
I am tolerant of other religions.
I am not a racist.
I believe our government has failed its people.
I know our health care system is broken.
I honor all our veterans.
I am a liberal.
Anonymous voice from the crowd yells, "Somebody get a rope!"
LIberal and Progressive have the same connotation. Progressive suggests that we should "move forward" from the old ideals. Conservatism is the idea we should stay on the traditional path. Your opinions are of the traditional, or conservative, viewpoint....how can you be a Liberal/Progressive? You may be a Democrat..that would suggest you believe your party believes in the same points you do. I see that all the time. It amazes me that people believe the Dems believe in the points you made.
I have a question, Crispin.....How do you feel about taking money from one able-bodied person of sound mind, and giving it to another able-bodied person of sound mind? Obviously, you don't have to answer, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. I'm just curious, and seeking to know you better.

Crisp - You are not a Liberal, you are a confused conservative..............Hey, that's OK though!!!!! As you tolerate other religions, I tolerate liberals :tongue3:

I fully support the second amendment. I believe the words "shall not be infringed" need no further explanation.
I am tolerant of other religions.
I am not a racist.
I believe our government has failed its people.
I know our health care system is broken.
I honor all our veterans.
I am a liberal.
Anonymous voice from the crowd yells, "Somebody get a rope!"
Even my like button is wonky today! Says I can't "like" nobody today! Says I ain't even signed in, let's see if I can post, LOL!

If many of you think real hard, the most bleeding liberal ever, folks go to see once a week.
Shame there is so much dysfunction today. Why would we not try "something" different(besides economic suicide)?
I would rather "choose" to make change(for the better), than have change "forced" upon me!
Ppl usually "choose" to make changes for the better, changes that are "forced" upon another,
is not always for the best.

Not enough beds at the insane asylums - So, I have to :dontknow:

What ever your political label its your generations political ball now.mine and the larger force of boomers ahead of me did not get into politics enough for the upper/lower senior party leaders to listen .Not proud of it but that has much to do with current conditions, Generations that disliked debt allowing the powers that be to spend at will shows neglect on our part.Thanks for recognizing the second, i know thats no excuse to abuse my fellow man by owning/using arms.By me or others.
Call your self what ever you like .Your generations voice or lack there of will shape the future.If it does not reach beyond party it might not matter though.A cohesive people can get through disagreements.

Relchair, it's appreciated that you would attempt to shoulder responsibility for some of this mess.
the fact is, we are all responsible, to some degree or the other, but throwing blame around is frankly,
like trying to throw chit around, to make it smell different. Some one gonna have to clean it up in the end.

Have we not ALL watched some types of misappropriations, waste, and stupidity in our governmental dealings?
It's called beauracracy buearacracy, oh heck even spell check took a holiday....... LOL!
It's actually "looking like your doing something, when you are doing nothing, and wasting resources that you then,
turn around and waste again, all while getting paid to do it"! Who in this country operates their household on,
spending more than you make? Why do we keep letting our cities, counties, states, and DC keep doing it?

Better think about priorities and what's important, folks! Think real hard!
Relchair, a lot of older generation is "locked" in to Medicare, social security, retirement moneys, and such, they may not feel these things are going to affect them, or that they could have any affect now, WRONG. We, the younger generations need you all's voice now, more than ever. Otherwise, we all might end up at some miley cyrus concert getting tattoos, LOL!
(Remember when the old folks sat on porches and rocked? LOL! Cause there was nothing else to do, but work or relax! LOL!)

Ok, off soapbox. I may not have the answers, but I'm willing to talk and act upon better ideas
than this cluster, we got going on atm! LOL! Hang in there America!

What ever your political label its your generations political ball now.mine and the larger force of boomers ahead of me did not get into politics enough for the upper/lower senior party leaders to listen .Not proud of it but that has much to do with current conditions, Generations that disliked debt allowing the powers that be to spend at will shows neglect on our part.Thanks for recognizing the second, i know thats no excuse to abuse my fellow man by owning/using arms.By me or others.
Call your self what ever you like .Your generations voice or lack there of will shape the future.If it does not reach beyond party it might not matter though.A cohesive people can get through disagreements.
Actually, our generation did get into politics...at least the Liberals among us. They are now running the country, and running it right into the ground. It's the adult version of "flower power". Everything is good, nobody is bad....no need to take the consequences of bad decisions...the government will fix everything. Too lazy to work...that's OK, here's your check and cellphone. Buy a house you can't afford...no problem here's your mortgage write-down. Just trust them.

I fully support the second amendment. I believe the words "shall not be infringed" need no further explanation.
I am tolerant of other religions.
I am not a racist.
I believe our government has failed its people.
I know our health care system is broken.
I honor all our veterans.
I am a liberal.
Anonymous voice from the crowd yells, "Somebody get a rope!"

Liberals of today are not the liberals of yesterday, I posted about that on another thread...

Good post except the last line....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

LIberal and Progressive have the same connotation. Progressive suggests that we should "move forward" from the old ideals. Conservatism is the idea we should stay on the traditional path. Your opinions are of the traditional, or conservative, viewpoint....how can you be a Liberal/Progressive? You may be a Democrat..that would suggest you believe your party believes in the same points you do. I see that all the time. It amazes me that people believe the Dems believe in the points you made.
I have a question, Crispin.....How do you feel about taking money from one able-bodied person of sound mind, and giving it to another able-bodied person of sound mind? Obviously, you don't have to answer, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. I'm just curious, and seeking to know you better.

Come in from the cold and get to know me better. In order to answer your question I must know one thing. Who gets to determine what is and what is not of "sound mind?" The devil is in the details.

Not enough beds at the insane asylums - So, I have to :dontknow:

You cannot pick and choose which liberties you support. Being admitted to a state psychiatric hospital entitles losing ALL of ones rights, not just the second. Be careful what you wish for. You never know when some psychiatrist may decide the next free bed in the asylum belongs to you. I took the Hippocratic oath...did you?

Come in from the cold and get to know me better. In order to answer your question I must know one thing. Who gets to determine what is and what is not of "sound mind?" The devil is in the details.
Well, the reason I included that is I believe that handicapped people deserve help, and should get it from all of us. That doesn't only include physically handicapped, either. But, on the other hand, I'm against any help going to adult human beings, on a long-term basis. If they're taking my hard-earned money, I don't want it going to some deadbeat simply because he/she doesn't have all the things some government official thinks they should have. So I was wondering, as a Liberal, how you feel about that. Do you tolerate the "equality of outcome" idea, so prevalent among the left today.

Well, the reason I included that is I believe that handicapped people deserve help, and should get it from all of us. That doesn't only include physically handicapped, either. But, on the other hand, I'm against any help going to adult human beings, on a long-term basis. If they're taking my hard-earned money, I don't want it going to some deadbeat simply because he/she doesn't have all the things some government official thinks they should have. So I was wondering, as a Liberal, how you feel about that. Do you tolerate the "equality of outcome" idea, so prevalent among the left today.

Do you believe in Multiple Sclerosis? Do you believe in Schizophrenia? You have changed the words "of sound mind" to "handicapped" but not the essence of the original statement. I have people walk into my office everyday and laugh in the face of modern medicine. They proclaim no such diseases exist, pray itself cures cancer, and Big Pharma is a conspiracy to take people's money. You will find some on this forum of like beliefs. I have looked at one patient and deemed them suitable to work when other doctors have said otherwise. I have heard one doctor say, "My legal opinion gets sold to the highest bidder." I have taken the shirt off my back to hold pressure when being a first responder to an MVA. What is the definition of a "deadbeat?" Who is worthy and who is not? The world is full of corruption and people looking for a hand out. It is also full of people who share their lunch with a hungry stranger. In the end, we must all get right with God; otherwise, our lives in earth will be full of suffering. I seek to help those who I can. My answer to those who choose to abuse it is: Your life is its own reward.

I am no sucker either. My eyes are wide open. I seek neither pleasure nor pain. The universe will always be kept in balance no matter what you, me, or anybody else on this planet thinks or does. The only thing we to decide is what to do with the time we have.


Do you believe in Multiple Sclerosis? Do you believe in Schizophrenia? You have changed the words "of sound mind" to "handicapped" but not the essence of the original statement. I have people walk into my office everyday and laugh in the face of modern medicine. They proclaim no such diseases exist, pray itself cures cancer, and Big Pharma is a conspiracy to take people's money. You will find some on this forum of like beliefs. I have looked at one patient and deemed them suitable to work when other doctors have said otherwise. I have heard one doctor say, "My legal opinion gets sold to the highest bidder." I have taken the shirt off my back to hold pressure when being a first responder to an MVA. What is the definition of a "deadbeat?" Who is worthy and who is not? The world is full of corruption and people looking for a hand out. It is also full of people who share their lunch with a hungry stranger. In the end, we must all get right with God; otherwise, our lives in earth will be full of suffering. I seek to help those who I can. My answer to those who choose to abuse it is: Your life is its own reward.

I am no sucker either. My eyes are wide open. I seek neither pleasure nor pain. The universe will always be kept in balance no matter what you, me, or anybody else on this planet thinks or does. The only thing we to decide is what to do with the time we have.

I pretty much agree. I especially agree about the part "getting right with God". And, I believe, that is a personal issue for each of us. So, when I look at it that way, I believe charity should not be mandated by a government entity. I believe taking one persons legally-earned money, and giving it to another, is sinful. I also believe it tears society apart. On the other hand, I believe that voluntary giving benefits both the giver and the receiver, and helps pull society together. The evidence is all around us....the more the government does for people, the worse our society becomes. And, I did NOT change "of sound mind" to "handicapped". Obviously you can't have be schizoid, and be of sound mind....don't know where you got that. Also, if you have a debilitating disease, that prevents you from earning your own way, you should get help from your fellow citizens. That disease does not include laziness, or simply making bad decisions in life, or coming from a tough childhood. Most of the people I associate with could claim those problems...they don't, haven't, and are doing fine.

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I wish that I had something intelligent to write about this problem...but I don't. We are a Nation of freedom's and liberties that are unknown anywhere else in the world, and yet we can't get along with ourselves. We are all what we are, and for one, I am tired of having to defend my thought's and beliefs with everyone who disagrees, and thinks they are the second coming! this Country has been run into the deep abyss by our elected officials, they are not to blame, the voter's who but them into office on sound-bites, and hollow promises are! We can not continue to go down the road we are, and unless we have a major change in our Congress, we will continue to kick the can down the road, and dig a bigger hole, short term solutions are the norm today, but not the solution to the problems that exist.....get our officials to read the Constitution, and do what they were sworn ton do will be the first step. I will always support and defend the Constitution of this Country to the end....why do those elected to do so continue to subvert, and try and change it?

Frankly, picking on each other here does absolutely nothing, and among us are no unknowns....but why can't those in power see what all of us can see, and do what needs to be done? If I had the answer to that I would be president, and my hemoriods could do a better job than the present one! I've said enough, and think I even have reached a point of not saying anymore, because I don't think anyone cares any more........Gary

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