I have found the Lost Adams Diggings Sno-Ta-hay Canyon

AZ_Gold said:
.....I'm not trying to be insulting and I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but I just can't believe any of these claims. Despite the many statements that's it's been "verified", I don't see any evidence of that here. Or anywhere else.

Good luck all the same.

Why, AZG, the first rule here: never let the facts get in the way of a good story. Welcome to TNet.

Springfield said:
Why, AZG, the first rule here: never let the facts get in the way of a good story. Welcome to TNet.

Thank you kindly. :hello:

Springfield said:
AZ_Gold said:
.....I'm not trying to be insulting and I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but I just can't believe any of these claims. Despite the many statements that's it's been "verified", I don't see any evidence of that here. Or anywhere else.

Good luck all the same.

Why, AZG, the first rule here: never let the facts get in the way of a good story. Welcome to TNet.


What he said........Ditto. :D


cactusjumper said:
What he said........Ditto. :D


Hi Joe. I hear what you guys are saying, and I enjoy a good story or even a good tall tale. :wink: I think the problem I have with this one is that the original story has gotten lost. This is no longer about a legend of lost gold, it's about a phenomenon known as pareidolia. It's about a guy who sees imaginary earthworks where only natural geologic features exist. In my humble opinion anyway. ;D Carl Sagan said "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". Well, I've heard the claims repeated plenty of times. I'm ready to see the evidence. :laughing7:

Ladies and Gentleman,
First off, as with any good debate or discussion regarding a subject such as the Lost Adams Diggings and the fact the same area known in the legend in known as the ?Sno Ta Hay? canyon, considering anyone who knows the basic story is true. I opened this discussion regarding the LAD, not to put anyone down, or try to make a fool of anyone by calling names or simplifying anyone?s mental capacities. That isn?t what intelligent discussion is about. In my personal opinion shared by pretty much every true professional with a real college education realizes this as just fact. Discussion isn?t about telling one they are nuts or seeing what isn?t there or trying to make a fool of someone else?s intellect, those who do react in that type of manner are in most classrooms considered to be the real fool, because they diminish any real chance of learning something mainly for themselves thus making only a fool of themselves while eventually are figured out by the rest of those who are interested and feel they may learn something.

Considering my personal intellect seems to be challenged by those who can?t see beyond the simplest vial of failure to keep an open mind, which is ninety nine percent of learning anything of value.
I can prove I attended nearly eight years of actual full time college, in the classroom learning, studying and researching cultural anthropology, astronomy, ancient studies and even have a pass to study at the South West Museum online in the areas not open to the general public, computer science, advanced Internet programming, marketing, entrepreneurial management, business management, besides my younger years in law school for a year and working in the field part time for nearly thirty five years prospecting, studying ancient artifacts, searching for real treasures I?ve been fortunate enough to actually discover, with real witnesses, on and on. I also worked for the California Dept of Forestry for nearly a decade, the CCC for a year and the US Air Force SAC, I also worked a medical specialist, EMT, Nurse, Labe Tech, Phlebotomist, and even private care, while I also worked for the government in other ways and have in fact helped change history in a positive way. I do have a very high IQ and am considered a prodigy while I?ve can even brag that I have worked directly under a US President and his personal aides that an actual book is being written about, so considering the wall that a forum has that keeps people from knowing others personally, I personally don?t find it amusing or satisfaction in putting others down who just may be rather intelligent. Those who do only take away from others any meaning who may just be interested. Or sometimes those who do heckle or try to sway others from a discussing are even sometimes doing so to keep the truth in some way from being known.

Now that this is established, I would like to resume this discussion, if those who would like to cause others to enjoy aren?t happy then with this discussing there are many other forums they can heckle or slander, because your negative refute means really nothing to me or others who are interested in the truth.
The area of interest, the canyon I wrote the website about http://www.snotahaycanyon.com brings up the fact the area known as the LAD with D meaning Diggings, the area is obviously an ancient diggings or area that was mined for minerals. Almost every single large civilization worldwide that survived longer than two hundred years average, as far as the science world knows, has created some form of large undertaking that we as common people find rather hard to believe, such as the Nazca Lines of Peru, not just because the huge effigies were created by simply moving dirt to expose the underlying lighter colored soil, but because we know for a fact now as scientists that the entire top halves of the mountain ranges were removed completely by hand leaving very flat mesas where the lines were then drawn into the landscape by ancient man. The part so difficult to believe for both the common person and scientists is that nobody can figure out what was done with the earth that was removed. Considering the Egyptian pyramids were built in a way where they worked against gravity, the way the Diggings were created was by using the force of gravity as an advantage which is why they were able to build the effigies that were also most likely easier to create than the pyramids. So that isn?t the issue. The issue is that ninety percent of everyone who studies the photos closely while keeping an open mind does see the effigies at the LAD and the same animals carved out of the natural landscape. I personally know for a fact, as not just my own professional opinion but there are now more and more of those other professionals who are just beginning to study the mounds are also beginning to also agree that these are in fact ancient effigies which in fact are not that uncommon, especially in the Americas. What makes these effigies unique is their huge size. Most every mound is of an animal, just for those who aren?t as educated as others as to what real effigies are. Now that the effigies are discovered the time will come when science will ask what the effigies can tell us as far as what our universe was like as in the stars and constellations when the effigies were built. To the average person this may not mean a lot but to a real scientist this could even mean deciphering whether or not some cataclysmic event occurred we can also learn about and maybe even avoid in the future. Regardless, considering the fact that if the effigies do exist which I know they do, then we also have one of the biggest treasures right there, the effigies which more than deserve to be considered a world heritage site or believed to be a very sacred grounds for the descendants to lived there at one time, and if not belongs to the people. Gold obviously does exist in the area as well, so then we then have to figure out just how the area can be mined without destroying the effigy mounds.

I know this is all hard to follow for some, but if you don?t give up, my personal message to you is you may just have an opportunity to be a part of the discovery and to be part of saving these mounds. The worst thing that could happen is the mounds being destroyed which if that happens or has happened I could only feel very sorry for those who were a part of destroying something so significant that would easily make world news. The best part for those who are open minded enough to go along for the ride may find something very spectacular and have more to life to look forward to than just heckling others in various message boards to make oneself look more intelligent than those they heckle who only want intelligent clean discussion so they and those they converse with can enjoy and who knows there may just be something even more fascinating at the end of the rainbow so to speak. I personally hope the effigies do or still do exist. I find this a very fascinating thing and seriously enjoy those others who enjoy the same. I seriously am grateful to those who have been so kind as to enjoy the same and the great conversation they have given and especially this great forum and to those who created it, this is what great forums are about. Thank You! : )

As an example: a young man with over twenty years of experience in researching ocean floors discovered an object that looks exactly like a UFO, the size of a 747 airbus. I can only imagine how he feels every time some heckler has something vicious or unproductive to say as they continue to research, I doubt his superiors or those he depends on for intellectual guidance and understanding would even think about doing something so ridiculous. Just to mention, have a great evening all and I hope you can maybe even have some new discovery or photos of the area. I?m sure others who do see the effigies would like to know more as well considering there is real treasure in the place just in the effigies alone. I find the area very amazing as I?m sure did Adams which is why he searched for the place for so many years and never found again. The area and the mounds are rather pretty cool in my opinion.


filemaker01 said:
I opened this discussion regarding the LAD, not to put anyone down, or try to make a fool of anyone by calling names or simplifying anyone?s mental capacities.

Wow. Phil, I never called you names or put you down. I simply expressed my opinion and challenged some of your claims. Isn't that what a debate is all about?

You can challenge anything I said. I won't be offended. Please explain to us how ancient cultures could have used images of an invisible unknown nebula.

My comment about pareidolia was not meant as a comment on your mental capacities. It's something that happens to all of us. Our brains are hard-wired to see patterns. I believe you are seeing patterns in geologic features in an image, which most likely are something very different when you look from the ground or from much closer.

You've been saying you have "absolute proof" for over a year. So show us the proof. Show me a paper from a scientist that verifies these are animal effigies.

I haven't heard anyone other than you say there are ancient mounds/effigies. I just don't see any there. That's my opinion. Am I allowed to have an opinion?

From all you just said, it seems to me that your idea of an intelligent debate means hearing only from people who agree with you. Sorry, but that's not how a discussion works.


Please don't take what I wrote as anything personal or anything towards you, seriously, that last thing I want is to be a part of or cause anyone to believe I think anything less of them than complete respect. Sometimes it's easy to read something in a way that makes it seem more negative than it is when written. Natural pride and worry of being embarressed is just as much a deep feeling that I feel as well. Please don't think what I wrote was meant in such a negative way. If I wrote something like I don't think anyone here is licensed to diagnose me with seeing things that aren't there, doesn't mean I don't respect that person and would say the same to a close friend which I do honestly feel a good repore with everyone here. I appologize if I came across so negative.

Another thing I should have mentioned, Springfield mentioned something about the rancher out there at the Diggings. I did a little research about that, and from what i found, he's been basically protecting the area by keeping it as a ranch, and the treasure hunters and gold diggers out, he must have seen or known there was something very special about the area. The entrie world and especially our country owes him a great deal of graditute and should be very thankful to him for doing so. Seriously it's people like him who generations to come can be gratefull to as well.

The mounds really are a huge moral booster to the nation, in that right now our nation is seriously suffering and these mounds really do give hope in that when we look at the huge effot that went into these symbols of homage to their deities, by creating the mounds, like most ancient civilizations, believed the dark rift was the origin of the soul which is why the Cygnus effigy is so important as well as other civilizations believed the same about Cynus and Lyra. The more one studies the edges and around the body of the Cynus mound you can begin to see how they were formed by humans in their repetitive nature all along the sides and in the curved parts of the body, repetition is key to understanding the way they formed the mounds.

We are so lucky in that by being a forum here we're all part of this discovery and each can take advantage in various positive ways like writing about, researching etc. The media will have a great time with this and I'm sure maybe those who want to make a documentory or two. There really is a great treasure just in this alone. The problem is that without support to keep them preserved they will always be in danger of being destroyed prematurely by other than nature.

Anyway, my appologies if i came off a bit strong, but seriusly I do enjoy everyone's input and help on this. Thanks, Most Sincerely, Phil

Hey, filemaker, I took a look at your snotahay.com website. I thought I'd ask you about one of your pix: on the "More Images" page, 5th from the top, is what looks like an aerial photo of Zig Zag Canyon laid on top of a photo of the night sky. The caption underneath of this composite picture says "The image overlaid on the right is of the Taurus Constellation with the image of the bull or the bison on the bottom left as in the canyon left side. The canyon itself may have been made in the image above right." In addition to gold hunting, I'm an amateur astronomer myself, since I've spent quite a bit of time out in the desert at night. I know that the photo of the night sky is centered on Sagittarius, because I can recognize the dust lanes in the center of the Milky Way, and the star which is the "spout" of the "Teapot" in Sagittarius. Sagittarius lies almost completely in the opposite direction from Taurus in the night sky, they are not even close to each other. Didn't you say you studied astronomy in college? Not that this has anything to do with searching for gold, but you've made some quite fantastic claims here on this website as well as on your own snotahay.com website. If you're not accurate with your understanding of the night sky, it kind of makes me wonder what else you're not accurate with, too. Good luck, though, with your search for the ancient effigies. :hello:

Hi AU, I got the image from a professor who got it from Google Sky, it's funny you would mention this, my statement was a question, to gain feedback, not ridicule, and yes as a matter of fact, I have studied astronomy in college, besides, hecklers are a dime a dozen, real research is priceless, The professor works at a rather well known observatory, so I wrote him about your statement and he's going to send me better photos so it's easier for others to understand when viewing the website. : )

The nice thing is this morning, I recieved correspondence from various government agencies who are right now helping to figure out how to gain the funding needed to study the mounds officially, so obviously I'm not the only college student to understand the real significance, but hopefully those who find it easier to dismiss something than study it, will never know the truth one way or the other.

Phil :icon_sunny:

I went back and re-read this entire thread, from it's beginning in August of 2010. You started out on a treasure hunt, soliciting helpers to take you to the location to dig for gold from the Lost Adams Diggings. Then your purpose changed to one of preserving the cultural aspects of burial mounds of Apache chiefs, as you stated the gold has been discovered and is "played out". Then, the purpose changed again, along with the creation of your website snotahay.com, to one of preserving incredibly massive "animal effigy" mounds, literally several square miles in size. Throughout the discussion, you refer to your contacts with the White House, the State of New Mexico, the Bureau of Land Management, NASA, the National Geographic Society, and various professors and universities, even movie studios.

At no time have you ever claimed to have visited this location, nor have you produced a single physical artifact from the location indicating it is what you claim it to be. You use vague references to people you have talked with, instead of saying "Professor I. Jones from the University of New Mexico, who's e-mail address is ijones@unm.edu, has studied this site, and can confirm these effigy mounds are real." You say you obtained the picture of the Sagittarius star clouds, mis-identified on your own website as "Taurus the bull or bison", from a professor of astronomy, who took the image from Google Sky. Why would a professional astronomer use freeware like Google Sky, when he or she has access to much better imagery? What is the name of this professor, and which university is he or she associated with?

You can call this "heckling" if you wish, but that is not my purpose here. I simply want the truth to come out, and if your claims are legitimate, you'd provide us with the name of your contact at the White House, or at the National Geographic Society, or any of the other institutions you've been working with. Any real professional who can validate your claims. Best of all, if your claims were legitimate, you'd visit the location, and provide us all with some actual physical evidence that ancient Native Americans moved perhaps a cubic mile (or more) of dirt and rocks. Surely they must have left some artifacts behind, like tools, their residences, their food, or something.

I'll wait for any kind of concrete proof of your claims, Phil, or even legitimate verification from a professional researcher with a real name and contact information. Until then, you've made up a nice story. Good luck selling your movie rights. :thumbsup:

filemaker01 said:
I got the image from a professor who got it from Google Sky.... The professor works at a rather well known observatory

A professor, working at a well known observatory, who can't properly identify such a well known constellation? That is just shameful! You might tell him that all he needs to do is turn on the appropriate layer and Google Sky will identify it for him. He's probably not used to such complicated software.

To demonstrate, here is the same image from your website:


As you can see, it is indeed Sagittarius. Anyone can easily verify this for themselves.

As for the text on the website, here is a direct quote: "The image overlaid on the right is of the Taurus Constellation with the image of the bull or the bison on the bottom left as in the canyon left side."

I can see how AU_Hunter might see that as a statement of fact. It certainly doesn't appear to be a question to me. But then again.... I never went to college. Maybe I'm missing some subtlety here.

Hey, can I please get the name of that professor? I'd really like to ask him some questions.


AU_Hunter said:
.... I'll wait for any kind of concrete proof of your claims, Phil, or even legitimate verification from a professional researcher with a real name and contact information. Until then, you've made up a nice story. Good luck selling your movie rights. :thumbsup:

There's a very lucrative market in 'reality' television programming, and there have been a number of pre-production efforts over the years to develop a 'treasure hunting' series. I spoke with an independent producer some years ago in Silver City who was beating the bushes in the Southwest looking for ideas, but nothing came of it. The only show related to the topic that caught on is that Alaskan placer mining show, which has managed to survive into a second season. Perhaps Mr. filemaker can parlay his current ideas into a paying gig. His choice of venues for the LAD is weak, although there is good access from the highway for filming and it's close enough to Chaco to warrent some mighty strong celestial associations. I for one would rather see this sort of thing rather than pawn shop lore, tattooing adventures or hillbilly hand fishing.

Springfield said:
There's a very lucrative market in 'reality' television programming...I for one would rather see this sort of thing rather than pawn shop lore, tattooing adventures or hillbilly hand fishing.
All well and good, Springfield, but at least there is some "reality" in pawn shops, tattoo shops, and even hillbilly hand fishing. They actually catch catfish by hand on that show, and real people get real tattoos on the other shows. That's what makes them "reality shows", in name, anyway. With this thread, on the other hand, there is no "there" there. No reality. Nothing other than some storytelling. No reality here, only fantasy, so far. So it doesn't qualify for "reality" in any way I can tell.

AU_Hunter said:
Springfield said:
There's a very lucrative market in 'reality' television programming...I for one would rather see this sort of thing rather than pawn shop lore, tattooing adventures or hillbilly hand fishing.
All well and good, Springfield, but at least there is some "reality" in pawn shops, tattoo shops, and even hillbilly hand fishing. They actually catch catfish by hand on that show, and real people get real tattoos on the other shows. That's what makes them "reality shows", in name, anyway. With this thread, on the other hand, there is no "there" there. No reality. Nothing other than some storytelling. No reality here, only fantasy, so far. So it doesn't qualify for "reality" in any way I can tell.

Hmm ... good point. OK, let's put this in the 'Finding Bigfoot' catagory.

AZ Gold,

Considering all fairness in your asking me so many questions or making statements to contradict my statements I would like to ask you a couple of questions. First I find your statements rather odd in that you would take the time to try to cover up any discussion of the area or canyon effigies in such a negative way. What are your own interests in the same area that you would actually believe that your few statements and little interests you?ve shown up until now would keep so many others who have been discussing this subject here for all this time since I personally started this thread in 2010 well over a year ago, would make you believe others would simply agree with you or not want to discuss this any further? Can you understand why your actions and taking the time to actually make the statements you have just seem rather suspicious? You either do or don?t have an interest in the mounds or area personally to be here discussing this in the first place let. As one student asked me, just what would your own interests be in the area that would compel you to be so negative in what others find so absolutely fascinating. Also, would you mind give a bit of a background as to your own credentials and actual class time studying such subjects and actual academic credits and discoveries you have made and credits you've officially earned with hard work and years of research that would prove with actual scientific methods that the mounds don't exist?

To others who do find this treasure so fascinating:

I may have some very good news in the near future on another discovery made by a student who has also been researching the the same area and true story, I hope others will find as fascinating considering just how many others have on the same subject outside of this forum I will share in the near future. As they say, there are many forms of treasure: One may find treasure in simply selling goods and services to those who actually hunt or research for treasure or prospect, while others may find actual treasure thanks to the person who supplied the tools and made it possible. Treasure is basically in two forms, as a raw mineral or as a raw mineral that has been forged or modified in some way by humans such as gold coins or stamped bars of gold, gemstones that are cut, etc. Effigy mounds are considered one of the most important treasures to many who respect culture or wish to actually learn something rather than heckle or nay say for their own personal reasons. Treasure is where you find it and is what you believe it is personally regardless of what the treasure may be to one person can be something quite different to someone else. To believe treasure is simply something one can recover for their own personal gain and to keep from others enjoying and to make only themselves rich or wealthy rather suffer from what is called "gold fever" and rather miss the point of what real treasure is or sharing actual knowledge and research to contribute to mankind in some way. Anyway, thanks everyone and especially those who have been so kind to encourage and help in this matter of the effigies, it's been a very real pleasure sharing real scientific and such educational information! You are awesome and will be remembered as such! This is how real treasures are actually discovered and what makes treasure hunting so enjoyable for so many. Thank You, most sincerely! : )

It seems like you're looking through the wrong end of the telescope, Phil. You're the one making claims about the LAD gold, the Chief's Burial Grounds, and the Animal Canoe effigy mounds, both here and on your personal website. It isn't anybody's responsibility but yours to show any credentials, since you're the one making the claims. It isn't up to me or anybody else to prove the effigy mounds don't exist, it is up to you to prove that they do. I can claim that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, but then it's perfectly reasonable for you to expect me to back that up with some kind of proof. It wouldn't be reasonable for me to make that claim, then expect you to prove that Santa doesn't live there.

So, please, show us all a single bit of physical evidence from the site, or provide the name and contact information for a single one of your professional contacts who could substantiate your claims. That would be a simple thing, wouldn't it? Not too much to ask?

filemaker01 said:
AZ Gold,

Considering all fairness in your asking me so many questions or making statements to contradict my statements I would like to ask you a couple of questions.

Phil Phil Phil... I think if you read the last few entries you will see that you're misdirecting this latest rant. I only asked what the name of the "professor" was. I thought I was rather polite about it too.

But speaking of asking questions: I've asked you twice how it's possible that ancient cultures drew pictures of the Egg Nebula when it's invisible to the naked eye (a fact that anyone who has studied astronomy would know) and wasn't discovered until 1996. Source.

I have far more to say, but it wouldn't be appropriate here. I will answer one of your questions though. You wonder if I'm interested in "the mounds". What mounds? I haven't seen any mounds or any evidence of any mounds. I'm very interested in real archaeology and anthropology. If you actually find something let me know.

Can I prove they don't exist? No. I can't prove the Easter Bunny doesn't exist either. You obviously don't understand how the scientific method works.

So Phil... how did those ancient cultures see an invisible nebula? And how did you find the only astronomer in the world who can't identify Taurus?

Great news everyone!

We?ve received such an excellent positive response by many various political, governments, social and other cultural preservation entities who have taken an interest in studying the area in question that we?re making changes to our website to accommodate various events now in the process of planning concerning the same entities for the benefit of the effigy mounds and the area. Thanks to all those who contributed in some positive way including and especially the owners of this website, we will be extending invitations to such events to those who are interested in the subject to attend such events through our website. If you would like to receive an invitation please just contact us through our website http://www.snotahaycanyon.com . Again, I really appreciate all those who have been involved in this discussion in a positive way, regardless of whether or not they agreed but at the very least helped in some way and we wish everyone here the best. In the mean time we also plan to continue to answer real questions and respond to positive ideas and thoughts regarding this subject of the Lost Adams Diggings, Sno Ta Hay Canyon and the effigy mounds, you will receive a special invitation to attend such event in the near futures. We are so fortunate to have received many very positive communications by various politicians and those who have taken a great interest in preserving the effigy mounds for further studies and research. You've all been very kind.

Sincerely, thanks again everyone,



In response to your question, the professors name, just to make it easy for you, is: Professor ET Bigfoot, : )

Have a great evening everyone, thanks again,

Most Sincerely,


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