Ladies and Gentleman,
First off, as with any good debate or discussion regarding a subject such as the Lost Adams Diggings and the fact the same area known in the legend in known as the ?Sno Ta Hay? canyon, considering anyone who knows the basic story is true. I opened this discussion regarding the LAD, not to put anyone down, or try to make a fool of anyone by calling names or simplifying anyone?s mental capacities. That isn?t what intelligent discussion is about. In my personal opinion shared by pretty much every true professional with a real college education realizes this as just fact. Discussion isn?t about telling one they are nuts or seeing what isn?t there or trying to make a fool of someone else?s intellect, those who do react in that type of manner are in most classrooms considered to be the real fool, because they diminish any real chance of learning something mainly for themselves thus making only a fool of themselves while eventually are figured out by the rest of those who are interested and feel they may learn something.
Considering my personal intellect seems to be challenged by those who can?t see beyond the simplest vial of failure to keep an open mind, which is ninety nine percent of learning anything of value.
I can prove I attended nearly eight years of actual full time college, in the classroom learning, studying and researching cultural anthropology, astronomy, ancient studies and even have a pass to study at the South West Museum online in the areas not open to the general public, computer science, advanced Internet programming, marketing, entrepreneurial management, business management, besides my younger years in law school for a year and working in the field part time for nearly thirty five years prospecting, studying ancient artifacts, searching for real treasures I?ve been fortunate enough to actually discover, with real witnesses, on and on. I also worked for the California Dept of Forestry for nearly a decade, the CCC for a year and the US Air Force SAC, I also worked a medical specialist, EMT, Nurse, Labe Tech, Phlebotomist, and even private care, while I also worked for the government in other ways and have in fact helped change history in a positive way. I do have a very high IQ and am considered a prodigy while I?ve can even brag that I have worked directly under a US President and his personal aides that an actual book is being written about, so considering the wall that a forum has that keeps people from knowing others personally, I personally don?t find it amusing or satisfaction in putting others down who just may be rather intelligent. Those who do only take away from others any meaning who may just be interested. Or sometimes those who do heckle or try to sway others from a discussing are even sometimes doing so to keep the truth in some way from being known.
Now that this is established, I would like to resume this discussion, if those who would like to cause others to enjoy aren?t happy then with this discussing there are many other forums they can heckle or slander, because your negative refute means really nothing to me or others who are interested in the truth.
The area of interest, the canyon I wrote the website about brings up the fact the area known as the LAD with D meaning Diggings, the area is obviously an ancient diggings or area that was mined for minerals. Almost every single large civilization worldwide that survived longer than two hundred years average, as far as the science world knows, has created some form of large undertaking that we as common people find rather hard to believe, such as the Nazca Lines of Peru, not just because the huge effigies were created by simply moving dirt to expose the underlying lighter colored soil, but because we know for a fact now as scientists that the entire top halves of the mountain ranges were removed completely by hand leaving very flat mesas where the lines were then drawn into the landscape by ancient man. The part so difficult to believe for both the common person and scientists is that nobody can figure out what was done with the earth that was removed. Considering the Egyptian pyramids were built in a way where they worked against gravity, the way the Diggings were created was by using the force of gravity as an advantage which is why they were able to build the effigies that were also most likely easier to create than the pyramids. So that isn?t the issue. The issue is that ninety percent of everyone who studies the photos closely while keeping an open mind does see the effigies at the LAD and the same animals carved out of the natural landscape. I personally know for a fact, as not just my own professional opinion but there are now more and more of those other professionals who are just beginning to study the mounds are also beginning to also agree that these are in fact ancient effigies which in fact are not that uncommon, especially in the Americas. What makes these effigies unique is their huge size. Most every mound is of an animal, just for those who aren?t as educated as others as to what real effigies are. Now that the effigies are discovered the time will come when science will ask what the effigies can tell us as far as what our universe was like as in the stars and constellations when the effigies were built. To the average person this may not mean a lot but to a real scientist this could even mean deciphering whether or not some cataclysmic event occurred we can also learn about and maybe even avoid in the future. Regardless, considering the fact that if the effigies do exist which I know they do, then we also have one of the biggest treasures right there, the effigies which more than deserve to be considered a world heritage site or believed to be a very sacred grounds for the descendants to lived there at one time, and if not belongs to the people. Gold obviously does exist in the area as well, so then we then have to figure out just how the area can be mined without destroying the effigy mounds.
I know this is all hard to follow for some, but if you don?t give up, my personal message to you is you may just have an opportunity to be a part of the discovery and to be part of saving these mounds. The worst thing that could happen is the mounds being destroyed which if that happens or has happened I could only feel very sorry for those who were a part of destroying something so significant that would easily make world news. The best part for those who are open minded enough to go along for the ride may find something very spectacular and have more to life to look forward to than just heckling others in various message boards to make oneself look more intelligent than those they heckle who only want intelligent clean discussion so they and those they converse with can enjoy and who knows there may just be something even more fascinating at the end of the rainbow so to speak. I personally hope the effigies do or still do exist. I find this a very fascinating thing and seriously enjoy those others who enjoy the same. I seriously am grateful to those who have been so kind as to enjoy the same and the great conversation they have given and especially this great forum and to those who created it, this is what great forums are about. Thank You! : )
As an example: a young man with over twenty years of experience in researching ocean floors discovered an object that looks exactly like a UFO, the size of a 747 airbus. I can only imagine how he feels every time some heckler has something vicious or unproductive to say as they continue to research, I doubt his superiors or those he depends on for intellectual guidance and understanding would even think about doing something so ridiculous. Just to mention, have a great evening all and I hope you can maybe even have some new discovery or photos of the area. I?m sure others who do see the effigies would like to know more as well considering there is real treasure in the place just in the effigies alone. I find the area very amazing as I?m sure did Adams which is why he searched for the place for so many years and never found again. The area and the mounds are rather pretty cool in my opinion.