"I fact-checked Sean Hannity on Obamacare"

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Wow, so many uniformed prejudges in one post!

let's handle the first sentence - hospital ERs treating common stomach aches and headaches.

Hospitals in inner cites do get used as substute GPs. Why? Because poor people have no place else to turn when they get sick. That's part of what ACA is supposed to resolve. I say this realizing that you are perfectly fine with these people being refused treatment. Especially because the right wing blogosphere has told you every time a poor person does this you are paying for it. Truth is you are not paying for it. Most inner city ERs are part of health care systems that are private corporations. They suck up the cost of those who can not afford to pay.

I live in the Philly area. There are no less than 9 major hospital health care centers with ERs with 10 miles of me. Everyone of them a private corporation. 4 of those 9 operate ERs in inner city neighborhoods.

One other point about the high cost of treatment at an ER. Every hospital has protocals. A process that must be followed for every person who shows up in their ER. These protocals are meant to screen out all the less likely possibilities. This is done for your safety and health as well as liabilty double check for the hospital. Maybe, in the end, all that was needed was some Pepto Bismal. But, then again if it turned out that those stomach pains were being caused by diverticulitis, and your big intestine splits open a few hours after you walk out of the ER Pink Bottle in hand, you'll be dead in 24 hours and the hospital has lots of splainin' to do! Point being there is a reason for all the testing. Better safe than irreversibly sorry.

Somehow I missed the part where any clinic receiving federal funds (practically all of them, even in remote rural areas like mine) can lose ALL of their federal funding if they refuse to serve even one individual based on income. If you make enough to pay a copay, then the treatment isn't 100% free, but it is at a very reduced cost. If you don't make enough, your visit was free (oops, medicaid pays and it ends 12/31/2013 for all but the very poorest) and you see the same doctor as those paying full price ($125.00 for an office visit here in southeast Arkansas).

I think he's putting some of that information into his posts with invisible ink ... or maybe he's DELIBERATELY LEAVING IT OUT in an effort to OBFUSCATE THE TRUTH.

Hospitals can and will refuse treatment, for non-medical emergencies!
I've had it happen to me and I have seen it happen to others.
Ain't nothing new there!

NF, how many times you sat and wasted time in a welfare office, trying to get assistance for someone, laying in a hospital, unable to do it for themselves? I feel horrible for our welfare system, as it wastes resources, time, and money, because ppl like to just LOOK busy vs having to actually do something to earn their paychecks.

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Since it is my thread, I will kindly request that it be locked. Thank you.

Since it is my thread, I will kindly request that it be locked. Thank you.

Now that is how you stop debate!! Great job! Where's PIP!!!!! 1st amendment going here!:laughing7:

Stop the thread? It was just getting interesting! C'mon now, no one has been ugly to you, we've all been quite tolerant, but truthful.

If it is locked, we will still tell the facts ... i.e. the truth ... in other threads, so I think it should be left open.

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Thread is getting too nasty. I dont want to be associated with such riff raff.

Thread is getting too nasty. I dont want to be associated with such riff raff.
Wow, that's the pot calling the kettle black! LAWL! That actually made me LOL!

jb, If I owe you an apology, I apologize. I didn't mean to have a hand in derailing your thread.
I've seen too much and lived it everyday I went to work....... it doesn't always help with the solutions, though.
Don't know who your "riff raff" comment is directed at, but I take no offense........ LOL!

Hey, isn't there a football game going on somewhere, or new video game release? :laughing7:

Since it is my thread, I will kindly request that it be locked. Thank you.

Typical democrat! You don't like that there are all these inconvenient facts getting in the way of the political rant you started so you demand it be silenced.

I say that this thread is within the terms of the forum and should remain open!

Typical democrat! You don't like that there are all these inconvenient facts getting in the way of the political rant you started so you demand it be silenced.

I say that this thread is within the terms of the forum and should remain open!

It has been done MANY times before by moderators. Not sure why my simple request should be looked at any differently?

Also, did I start a political rant or did I just post an article, as MANY people do on this forum every single day?

Well the article Was a political rant after all.

Well the article Was a political rant after all.

For the millionth time... Am I not afforded the same freedom as everyone else on this forum? People post political articles every single day - regardless of the source or agenda of the poster.

I think this might be one of the only truly political articles I ever posted and yet I am being strung up for doing so? Seems a tad bit hypocritical to me.

Thank you for proving my point. Remember, I have not once ever personally insulted you.
I did not mean that as a personal insult directed at you(I don't even know you), I'm sorry if you took it that way.
When talking and debating hard issues, when there is no win or lose, I guess best just to choose "draw".

Plus, I deflect uncomfortableness with humor, or an attempt at it. Again, it wasn't directed at anyone in particular.
Gotta remember, ppl only take offense, if they feel they are guilty of what another may say.

Oh, eta: What was the point? LOL!

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I did not mean that as a personal insult directed at you(I don't even know you), I'm sorry if you took it that way.
When talking and debating hard issues, when there is no win or lose, I guess best just to choose "draw".

Plus, I deflect uncomfortableness with humor, or an attempt at it. Again, it wasn't directed at anyone in particular.
Gotta remember, ppl only take offense, if they feel they are guilty of what another may say.

Thats a bunch of BS and you know it. You are just continuing the whole "teenager" dig started by another poster. How is that NOT a personal insult? Please explain that one to me.

It has been done MANY times before by moderators. Not sure why my simple request should be looked at any differently?

Also, did I start a political rant or did I just post an article, as MANY people do on this forum every single day?

"For the millionth time... Am I not afforded the same freedom as everyone else on this forum? People post political articles every single day - regardless of the source or agenda of the poster.

I think this might be one of the only truly political articles I ever posted and yet I am being strung up for doing so? Seems a tad bit hypocritical to me."

FYI.. Both of these posts are yours. You claimed it was an article, not political, then it is political and you should be afforded the same freedoms.

I agree, I stand by it. Except for your wavering on what you wanted to call it everything is fine with me.

Thats a bunch of BS and you know it. You are just continuing the whole "teenager" dig started by another poster. How is that NOT a personal insult? Please explain that one to me.

You should know,, Pat is probably the last person to try and purposefully nettle you, you are overreacting to her post.

Sorry if you are the victim of projection Pat.

"For the millionth time... Am I not afforded the same freedom as everyone else on this forum? People post political articles every single day - regardless of the source or agenda of the poster.

I think this might be one of the only truly political articles I ever posted and yet I am being strung up for doing so? Seems a tad bit hypocritical to me."

FYI.. Both of these posts are yours. You claimed it was an article, not political, then it is political and you should be afforded the same freedoms.

I agree, I stand by it. Except for your wavering on what you wanted to call it everything is fine with me.

Dave, for once in your life just afford me a tiny break. Good lord, Ive had a bad cold Im sorry I am not expressing myself perfectly.

I said it was a political article, not a political rant by myself. I even put the author's name at the top of the article when I posted it. Can we move on now?

You should know,, Pat is probably the last person to try and purposefully nettle you, you are overreacting to her post.

Sorry if you are the victim of projection Pat.

Seriously? Who are you to tell me that I am overreacting? Dave, get over yourself and stop picking on me.

Prime example of why I asked for this thread to be locked so this nastiness can finally end.

Thats a bunch of BS and you know it. You are just continuing the whole "teenager" dig started by another poster. How is that NOT a personal insult? Please explain that one to me.
All the back and forth, I see in MANY threads, not just this one, reminds me of a bunch of gossiping teenage girls.
Someone made a comment, I expounded on it. OMG! Is this NOT a forum?

And since YOU DON"T KNOW ME, I will take your, "that's bs" comment, with a grain of salt.

EVERYONE on this forum is more than capable of dishing it out and should be capable of taking it!
Your trying to make something personal, that is not, but again, if the shoe fits.......

I'm done with bs, too. Have a nice life. If you ever did need me for anything important, I'd go out of my way to be there for you, slap that horse in the face, too, why dontcha.
Sorry you been feeling bad, too. I do hope you feel better soon!

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