How to prevent massacre incidents?

Bum Luck

Silver Member
May 24, 2008
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I think most rational people agree that:

- banning "assault rifles" and high capacity magazines won't cure the problem.

- closing "gun show loopholes" won't cure the problem.

- surveillance of all kinds won't cure the problem.

All these "solutions" defy the laws of statistical mathematics.

So -

Looking at this logically, it seems to me that the best way to get at the problem is to "de-motivate" the perpetrators. That isolates that group that tends to do these things and seems like a more direct approach.

Now, I'll throw this open for suggestions. Have at it. Try to keep it serious.

I think most rational people agree that:

- banning "assault rifles" and high capacity magazines won't cure the problem.

- closing "gun show loopholes" won't cure the problem.

- surveillance of all kinds won't cure the problem.

All these "solutions" defy the laws of statistical mathematics.

So -

Looking at this logically, it seems to me that the best way to get at the problem is to "de-motivate" the perpetrators. That isolates that group that tends to do these things and seems like a more direct approach.

Now, I'll throw this open for suggestions. Have at it. Try to keep it serious.

De motivate? In today's world impossible! With political correctness run a muck Even thinking about those that commit these crimes will tag you as a raciest.
No longer can we isolate unless your talking jail time.
Another is they all look a like.

personally I'd say staying out of other countries business would definitely be a good step,
but would still take a long time at this point for those other countries to believe we would
be serious and then forgive and
forget, past actions.

then I guess some may attack us for ignoring their wants & needs :dontknow:

unfortunately the reasons someone may do it are infinite.
some just do it with no reason.
Some do it because they feel Bullied,
some do it for the opposite reason
some because they feel ignored

mandatory Lobotomy at age 5 for everyone ?

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Jihadists consider anyone that does not follow their strict version of islam as an infidel and therefore an enemy worthy of death. Our decedent way of life in the west is enough to warrant death in their eyes. Not to mention our traditional ally Israel. I can see no solution. Somebody will come up with a "solution" and that is when we will all be screwed.
The mass murders here at home? I would have to say, the problem begins with our "collective" opinion on the sanctity of life. Why the house of horrors is not all over the mainstream news gives testimony to our countries lack of common sense.
When "we" as a nation can rage in despair, demand gun control in a media whipped up fury to "save our children" and then turn a blind eye to the millions of souls sent to the great beyond by the hands of a "doctor" then we have stumbled into very dark lanes.

There is no solution to random massacres but I believe stronger border patrols and laws are tantamount to helping protect our country.We can't stop those that are already here illegally but we can sure set up greater controls and send those packing that break our laws and misuse our welfare system.

As we have all seen in the past weeks, you can't stop these massacres. Banning a type of firearm will only remove one of the tools, and who now is crying with outrage to outlaw pressure cookers?

Today's terrorist didn't develop overnight, this is their way of life. They were active before the invention of gunpowder, and will practice their craft long after the development of the next technologically developed weapon system. I wish that an answer exists to solve this problem, but the only sure solution would seem to be the highly controversial , and permanent removal of the reasons for the terrorist to exist, and the removal of the terrorist himself.

Some of the problem could be associated with this:

Lets say Linus is a conservative and Lucy is a liberal.

Lucy say's "Republicans are raciest, sexist homophobic gun toting religious fanatics "

Linus responds "But you support Muslims who are racist,sexist homophobic gun toting religious fanatics"

Lucy "!!!!!"

Lucy "That's their culture You have no right to judge them"


We would have to go back to a pre-WWII mentality - Execute murderers; put all Muslims in detention camps, deport all illegal aliens, etc, etc..

We would have to go back to a pre-WWII mentality - Execute murderers; put all Muslims in detention camps, deport all illegal aliens, etc, etc..
That is not necessary Terry. Maybe a little bit of teaching from the Israeli community could teach us how. Oh yeah, that would also take a bit of training, I don't think our TSA or DHS is up for it. And the Border Patrol is being defanged.

banning guns or any weapon won't take them out of anyones hands if they want one.

Did Banning Liquor stop alcohol.

1913California, apparently, passes the first state marijuana law, though missed by many because it referred to “preparations of hemp, or loco weed.”

100 years of marijuana laws have not kept it from the hands of those who want them.

point is, why does anyone think banning assault weapons won't
open up a new black market trade ?

This isn't about gun control. I already said that won't solve the problem.

Let's get back on track.

How can we "de-motivate" the perpetrators?

This isn't about gun control. I already said that won't solve the problem.

Let's get back on track.

How can we "de-motivate" the perpetrators?
Now I see where you are coming from! Okay, we start with the premise that Americans bring it all on themselves and try to devolve our civilization to make them happy. That sounds good, I guess.
But in the koran I believe it says submit or die, or something to that effect. So looks like there is only 1 answer for you Bum.

Good luck in your new faith! (I don't know about your family, but my wife will not submit to that sort of third class demotion.)

By the way,, Trukinbutch nailed it in another post "where is Blackjack Pershing"!!!

Now I see where you are coming from! Okay, we start with the premise that Americans bring it all on themselves and try to devolve our civilization to make them happy. That sounds good, I guess.

No, that's not where I'm coming from.

I'm looking for clear thinking to look to "de-motivate" the perpetrators.

We are not the perpetrators, Dave.

No, that's not where I'm coming from.

I'm looking for clear thinking to look to "de-motivate" the perpetrators.

We are not the perpetrators, Dave.

We have what, 375 million Americans alone, we will never be even be able to "de-motivate" the perpetrators in this country, much less in other countries. They are either deranged, mentally unstable, fanatical or just plain mean and or evil.

Our population is too large to be able find and to de-motivate all no matter how hard or intensive a program was tried.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

This isn't about gun control. I already said that won't solve the problem.

Let's get back on track.

How can we "de-motivate" the perpetrators?

"de-motivate" ? Impossible until you can read every ones minds
at once & always.
& unplug every one who contemplates,
and give them major drugs, to make them forget forever,
that that thought crossed their minds..

Tell me.

If it was discovered something as simple as a Gene causes certain people to do this,
would you be willing to commit Genocide ?

before you answer, or ask, No I wouldn't.

it may take part of humanity away from all of us

Well Bum I guess we could actually De motivate them... Have all of them (Them???) come to this site. somehow these threads did a pretty good job of De motivating a great bunch of people. :tongue3:

All you need are a few jabs maybe some below the belt :dontknow:

I think most rational people agree that:

- banning "assault rifles" and high capacity magazines won't cure the problem.

- closing "gun show loopholes" won't cure the problem.

- surveillance of all kinds won't cure the problem.

All these "solutions" defy the laws of statistical mathematics.

So -

Looking at this logically, it seems to me that the best way to get at the problem is to "de-motivate" the perpetrators. That isolates that group that tends to do these things and seems like a more direct approach.

Now, I'll throw this open for suggestions. Have at it. Try to keep it serious.

I took this a different way. Most seem to be addressing the terrorist issue. I took this to mean school, Mcdonald's, and Mall type shootings.

In this case I do n't have any idea how to ID these people, let alone demotivate them. Maybe by beefing up mental health support? Other ideas?

More weapons in responsible hands would help. Noting that when the lone gunman gos crazy in the mall/school/theater they usually end up with a bullet, self inflicted or froma police officers weapon. For instance the aurora lunatic going out of his way to ply his insanity at a gun free theater.
Security at schools is not enough, I say arm every teacher.

Terrorists are a complete different ball o wax, they are willing to die for their "cause". How do you change that?

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