Dear Lamar,
With each passing day I look in here expecting to see a post from you saying, Oops......looks like I was mistaken about the Peralta's mining in Arizona. It also looks like I was wrong about the Peralta's not owning the Valenciana Mine in the Bradshaws. You have posted neither of these obvious facts.
It is my guess that your confusion on the Valenciana in Sonora, comes from "Spirits Of The Border...." by Ken and Sharon Hudnall. On page 44 they state: "Pablo Peralta owned a silver mine in Ures, Sonora, for many years, but by the middle of the 19th. century the silver was about exhausted and corruption in the local government force him to abandon the mine...........It was probably about 1863 when Pablo and Miguel left California and went to Arizona. They held a registered mining claim on the Agua Fria River a few miles from present day Black Canyon City, and they called their the Valenciana, the same name as the abandoned silver mine in Mexico".
I may be wrong, but I believe the Valenciana Mine is in Guanajuato. If that's true, the Peralta mine they mention in Ures, is not the Valenciana.
I have offered to send you hard copies of the documents, which you have ignored. This is really information you could have found in a great number of places. Any of the historical works on the James Addison Reavis, Peralta Land Grant swindle, will mention the Peralta mining endeavors in Arizona.
If you are unable to find them, I would be happy to recommend some sources. On the other hand, I am still willing to send you hard copies of the documents. I am in the habit of sending this kind of information at no charge, just as many of my LDM friends have done for me over the years.
I look forward to some kind of reply.
Take care,