How long will the double standard continue?


Gold Member
Jun 17, 2011
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Mid Coast Maine
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Xterra 705, Tesoro Sand Shark, Garrett Pro Pointer (mine). Fisher F2 my son's
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Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
How long will us as Americans put up with two sets of rules? The IRS can garnish, seize, and throw you in jail. But they don't have to even answer questions about their practices? What is wrong with our country? I am so stinking mad I could poop a brick!!!!!:angry4::cussing::protest::mad:

May 22, 2013 The DHS appears to have finally found a use for all those bullets it’s been buying. At a Tea Party protest outside an IRS building in St. Louis yesterday there were no regular police – only armed Homeland Security guards.

I am so stinking mad I could poop a brick!!!!!:angry4::cussing::protest::mad:
Well THAT might not be covered under Obamacare, but the headache or aneurysm you'll get IS! Great day!


How long will us as Americans put up with two sets of rules? The IRS can garnish, seize, and throw you in jail. But they don't have to even answer questions about their practices? What is wrong with our country? I am so stinking mad I could poop a brick!!!!!:angry4::cussing::protest::mad:

How can one be for the 2nd amendment yet against people using their god given patriotic founding father created live free or die 5th amendment??? Kind of a double standard isn't it?? I would think anyone who fully believes in the second would be thrilled to see someone exercising their constitutional rights. You either believe in the constitution and bill of rights or you don't. It's not a "pick and choose" - is it?

Well THAT might not be covered under Obamacare, but the headache or aneurysm you'll get IS! Great day!

I hate to see the treatment for hemorrhoids!! I bet it involves a banana or maybe even a cucumber...

How can one be for the 2nd amendment yet against people using their god given patriotic founding father created live free or die 5th amendment??? Kind of a double standard isn't it?? I would think anyone who fully believes in the second would be thrilled to see someone exercising their constitutional rights. You either believe in the constitution and bill of rights or you don't. It's not a "pick and choose" - is it?
Picker, I am under the understanding that once you give testimony you can't then claim the fifth...

O'K' Stocky let's play your game Say you get a audit They ask you what's up with this deduction and you say "I'll take the fifth". Or I don't know, Or I forgot.

Anyway she'll be back. It was a trap. I'v been in this situation a few times In several John Does. If they want you they will get you. No fifth will save you.

Picker, I am under the understanding that once you give testimony you can't then claim the fifth...

I believe it's not that cut and dry. Obviously if it was not legal for her to plead the fifth she certainly would have been called out on it - right? Obviously about a million lawyers on each side are involved so I'm sure everything is under the microscope.

O'K' Stocky let's play your game Say you get a audit They ask you what's up with this deduction and you say "I'll take the fifth". Or I don't know, Or I forgot.

Anyway she'll be back. It was a trap. I'v been in this situation a few times In several John Does. If they want you they will get you. No fifth will save you.

If you believe in your second amendment right than you must believe in someone else's fifth amendment right correct? Pure and simple. You either believe in the constitution or you don't.

She was called on it and I hope she will be back. One does not go for the fifth if there is nothing to hide...

question with a question. Tou work for the Government??:laughing7:

yeah I think senator mcCarthy said that

She was called on it and I hope she will be back. One does not go for the fifth if there is nothing to hide...

So our founding fathers created a right for criminals to use to hide the truth?? If the fifth amendment is so obviously flawed than what does that say about the second amendment??

Can you use the 5th if you haven't been charged with a crime?

So our founding fathers created a right for criminals to use to hide the truth?? If the fifth amendment is so obviously flawed than what does that say about the second amendment??
No not flawed. The fifth was created so you don't have to self incriminate, not to hide the truth about just anything...

No not flawed. The fifth was created so you don't have to self incriminate, not to hide the truth about just anything...

No I think this is the good example of exactly why the fifth is around and how it's used. And anyone who knows anything about criminal law know that if you might be a "person of interest" you never talk to the cops even if you are completely innocent.

Aren't you all the same people who don't trust the government and law enforcement and think that people get railroaded by the evil gov all the time?? Now you want people to tell the truth if they have nothing to hide because they will be treated fairly by the government??? What am I missing here? Have all you folks talked into constitution hating liberals in my absence??

Saying you don't need the fifth if you have nothing to hide is the same logic as saying you don't need a gun unless your a criminal?

If you believe in the letter if the law of the second and everyone's right to bear arms no questions asked; you must believe in people's right to invoke the fifth no questions asked. Right?

As I said in another thread give her immunity, her testimony cannot be used against her to bring criminal charges against her in the scandal, since she can not be charged with anything gained from testimony on the scandal, the 5th does not apply, if she refuses she is in contempt and can go to jail till she complies....

The 5th amendment privilege is not absolute, the main exception is immunity. If the government grants her transactional immunity, then she can be compelled to testify and 5th can not be invoked.

Immunity usually falls into two categories: transactional immunity and use immunity. If she was granted transactional immunity, she is immune from prosecution for offenses related to that testimony. Use immunity, the witness may still be prosecuted, but his testimony may not be used against him. The government need only grant use immunity to compel testimony.

She made a long statement and then invokes the fifth...Hmm she attacks groups that believe in the constitution and despises them and then tries to use it herself. Hypocrite!

She made a long statement and then invokes the fifth...Hmm she attacks groups that believe in the constitution and despises them and then tries to use it herself. Hypocrite!

And do you think folks should question every gun owner on why they are utilizing their second amendment right? Weren't all of you complaining that the gov was assuming everyone exercising their second amendment right was a criminal. Now aren't you doing the same exact thing with an American citizen exercising their fifth amendment right.

I think I remember a lot of people posting that rights are rights pure and simple. Not sure why the double standard? Don't you believe in the constitution and bill of rights?

Yes, of course I believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights! You know that. Again, no double standard as I am under the impression she waived her right to the fifth when she first testified by making a statement.

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