How Long Will It Be Before The Deciphered Pages Are Made Public For Most To See.

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Are you returning to the Cliveden Mansion theory that is as hollow as the bricks full of gold or as Poe faking his death after writing the Beale Papers and going to France to work with Jules Verne.
A steganography code is a hidden message concealed in the text, a persher code is one in plain sight but one must read between the lines.
Which is it?

You're following my work quite closely I see.

I do find it quite amusing while being totally misguided. :laughing7:

I do find it quite amusing while being totally misguided. :laughing7:

I don't think you (for the lack of a better word) ...misguided. We should all have a high opinion of ourselves.

Solid research always trumps unsupported speculative claims no matter the opinion one holds of self or others.
The illusion is in the presentation, but, I am sure, with your acumen, you are quite aware.


Have you not heard of steganographic pesher? A story secretly hidden within a text/ciphers that is not known by the profane, but rather to an enlightened eye?
ECS, when you guys really realize that I understand your position, the Beale Papers is fake, the story is a steganographic pesher that leads somewhere (unconfirmed)...then you will turn around and accept the delay in revelation. As Releventchair said, "secrecy" for some reason.
HA! "L", you had "it" in a Treasure Mag. YEARS ago... "BT" is NOT in PA!

HA! "L", you had "it" in a Treasure Mag. YEARS ago... "BT" is NOT in PA!
...and Edgar Allen Poe did not write the Beale Papers then fake his death to move to France to collaborate with Jules Verne.

HA! "L", you had "it" in a Treasure Mag. YEARS ago... "BT" is NOT in PA!

Reb, the wealth suspected in a mansion in Philly is identified via the C1 code in Beale. It is not the "Beale Treasure" per se. One could, I suppose, and I have had the notion, say that the mansion is the "Beale Treasure"...but, more accurately, the "Beale Treasure" is elsewhere. This "elsewhere" is the "secrecy" I am focusing on here on this thread. ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE (from C1) leads to "The Gold Bug" which leads to the mansion. You all can tear this up all you want, but it is what lead me there. Validation is impossible at the mansion; (publicized) provenance at the mansion is impossible (I'll say nothing more on this issue). That story ends there. Now, because the "Beale" is a two-prong treasure, steganographic pesher story, one could say "it" is not in PA and be correct. So, you are correct. The treasure of majority is what I'll refer to as "Beale Treasure" and is elsewhere than in Philly, PA. "Beale" stylometry hints at Edgar Allan Poe, but I concede, he did not write the story. I do think C1 was created earlier than the copyright date and may have been created (or heavily influenced) by Poe prior to 1849 when, like it or not, he may have faked his murder. Therefore, Poe may have created the ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE cipher in C1. Now, if Poe created C1, it fills the sails of possibility that C1 is, in fact, a letter frequency cipher in its entirety, leading one to Machias Seal Island. The nuts/bolts cryptographic "proof" document has existed and was created by an elderly man from California ( a former NSA employee ). I have witnessed this document. Ron Gervais outlines this frequency method in his " Page 26 - #6 ". So, a tenet of Beale could be the mansion; a tenet of Beale could be Machias Seal Island (very near Oak Island I might add); a tenet of Beale is the "elsewhere" location. One of these locations is subject of an announcement to come at some time in the future.

Reb, the wealth suspected in a mansion in Philly is identified via the C1 code in Beale. It is not the "Beale Treasure" per se. One could, I suppose, and I have had the notion, say that the mansion is the "Beale Treasure"...but, more accurately, the "Beale Treasure" is elsewhere. This "elsewhere" is the "secrecy" I am focusing on here on this thread. ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE (from C1) leads to "The Gold Bug" which leads to the mansion. You all can tear this up all you want, but it is what lead me there. Validation is impossible at the mansion; (publicized) provenance at the mansion is impossible (I'll say nothing more on this issue). That story ends there. Now, because the "Beale" is a two-prong treasure, steganographic pesher story, one could say "it" is not in PA and be correct. So, you are correct. The treasure of majority is what I'll refer to as "Beale Treasure" and is elsewhere than in Philly, PA. "Beale" stylometry hints at Edgar Allan Poe, but I concede, he did not write the story. I do think C1 was created earlier than the copyright date and may have been created (or heavily influenced) by Poe prior to 1849 when, like it or not, he may have faked his murder. Therefore, Poe may have created the ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE cipher in C1. Now, if Poe created C1, it fills the sails of possibility that C1 is, in fact, a letter frequency cipher in its entirety, leading one to Machias Seal Island. The nuts/bolts cryptographic "proof" document has existed and was created by an elderly man from California ( a former NSA employee ). I have witnessed this document. Ron Gervais outlines this frequency method in his " Page 26 - #6 ". So, a tenet of Beale could be the mansion; a tenet of Beale could be Machias Seal Island (very near Oak Island I might add); a tenet of Beale is the "elsewhere" location. One of these locations is subject of an announcement to come at some time in the future.

A few dreams away and you can envision even more!:treasurechest::tongue3:

Reb, the wealth suspected in a mansion in Philly is identified via the C1 code in Beale. It is not the "Beale Treasure" per se. One could, I suppose, and I have had the notion, say that the mansion is the "Beale Treasure"...but, more accurately, the "Beale Treasure" is elsewhere. This "elsewhere" is the "secrecy" I am focusing on here on this thread. ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE (from C1) leads to "The Gold Bug" which leads to the mansion. You all can tear this up all you want, but it is what lead me there. Validation is impossible at the mansion; (publicized) provenance at the mansion is impossible (I'll say nothing more on this issue). That story ends there. Now, because the "Beale" is a two-prong treasure, steganographic pesher story, one could say "it" is not in PA and be correct. So, you are correct. The treasure of majority is what I'll refer to as "Beale Treasure" and is elsewhere than in Philly, PA. "Beale" stylometry hints at Edgar Allan Poe, but I concede, he did not write the story. I do think C1 was created earlier than the copyright date and may have been created (or heavily influenced) by Poe prior to 1849 when, like it or not, he may have faked his murder. Therefore, Poe may have created the ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE cipher in C1. Now, if Poe created C1, it fills the sails of possibility that C1 is, in fact, a letter frequency cipher in its entirety, leading one to Machias Seal Island. The nuts/bolts cryptographic "proof" document has existed and was created by an elderly man from California ( a former NSA employee ). I have witnessed this document. Ron Gervais outlines this frequency method in his " Page 26 - #6 ". So, a tenet of Beale could be the mansion; a tenet of Beale could be Machias Seal Island (very near Oak Island I might add); a tenet of Beale is the "elsewhere" location. One of these locations is subject of an announcement to come at some time in the future.
OK; carry on...

"Could be."
"Could be."
"Could be."

In the end it always come down to, "could be."

... I have had the notion, say that the mansion is the "Beale Treasure"...but, more accurately, the "Beale Treasure" is elsewhere.
This "elsewhere" is the "secrecy" I am focusing on here on this thread. ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE (from C1) leads to "The Gold Bug" which leads to the mansion...
The treasure of majority is what I'll refer to as "Beale Treasure" and is elsewhere than in Philly, PA. "Beale" stylometry hints at Edgar Allan Poe, but I concede, he did not write the story.
I do think C1 was created earlier than the copyright date and may have been created (or heavily influenced) by Poe prior to 1849 when, like it or not, he may have faked his murder. Therefore, Poe may have created the ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE cipher in C1...
The ambiguity of vague references in the Beale narrative text have lead to all these creative may have, could be speculative theories and cipher solutions, none of which are similar, the fact that they are all differ from each other is a testament of this employed creativity.
What is lacking in these various theories is HOW did James Beverly Ward gain access to this manuscript and WHY did he go through the effort and expense to copyright and publish the Beale Papers only to withdraw it from sale after contact from the Buford children.
If one can not place the Beale manuscript in Ward's hand, any presented theory lacking that connection very quickly fall apart.

It can be whatever anyone desires it to be, just as the history of the narrative illustrates time and time again. Over the years cryptologist have presented all manner of process and solution followed by long-winded explanations in detail. But all they are really doing is explaining how they created their process, they are not making any actual connection to the narrative. Big difference.

Not making connections to the Beale narrative and those responsible for the copyright, printing, publishing, advertising, and sale of the BEALE PAPERS is the most obvious flaw to many of these stories behind the story and hidden "messages" in the story theories.

What is totally forgotten is that the job print dime novel pamphlet was ONLY SOLD in the limited Lynchburg market for a relatively short time and left no apparent impact or interest to those of that time as revealed by complete lack of mention in Edward Pollock's 1887 SKETCHBOOK OF LYNCHBURG or Rowland D Buford's SKETCHES OF BEDFORD COUNTY.

The ambiguity of vague references in the Beale narrative text have lead to all these creative may have, could be speculative theories and cipher solutions, none of which are similar, the fact that they are all differ from each other is a testament of this employed creativity.
What is lacking in these various theories is HOW did James Beverly Ward gain access to this manuscript and WHY did he go through the effort and expense to copyright and publish the Beale Papers only to withdraw it from sale after contact from the Buford children.
If one can not place the Beale manuscript in Ward's hand, any presented theory lacking that connection very quickly fall apart.

I would still like to see your documents verifying that James Beverly Ward was contacted by the Buford Family or any family to stop selling the Beale Papers. I have never seen any written documentation? Do you have a link? James Beverly Ward said most of the copies were burned in a fire at the printing company. Do you have anything other than what James Beverly Ward said to Clayton I. Hart?

There is that mention in "ONE LETTER,ONE ENCLOSURE SUBJECT: THE BEALE TREASURE" c1986 of which you are aware:
From the above:
"The Lynchburg newspapers for this period have survived on microfilm. There is NO MENTION of a fire destroying a print shop anytime near the time when the pamphlet was offered for sale".
(If memory serves me well, there was a fie in a print shop two years BEFORE the Beale Papers publication)
I did find another mention concerning the Buford children, mainly Rowland,confronting Ward and having him remove the pamphlet from sale. after a complaint from Vincent A Witcher, former CSA Lt Col, 34th Virginia Battalion.
All my notes are written on yellow legal pads and I have either misplaced or lost it ?

Then there is Gorham B Walker's statement (Ward's great grandson) :
"Mr Walker admitted having a copy of the Beale Papers ( grandmother Adeline's copy?) in which he placed no credence...and thought undoubely Mr Ward was the true author of the Beale Papers".

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What I find as being the only trump card in all of this speculation is the fact that Ward himself never came clean about the narration one way or the other. Again, leaving us with just another of the many complete unknowns in the mystery.

... the "Beale Treasure" is elsewhere. This "elsewhere" is the "secrecy" I am focusing on here on this thread.
ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE (from C1) leads to "The Gold Bug" which leads to the mansion...
the "Beale" is a two-prong treasure, steganographic pesher story, one could say "it" is not in PA and be correct. So, you are correct. The treasure of majority is what I'll refer to as "Beale Treasure" and is elsewhere than in Philly, PA.
"Beale" stylometry hints at Edgar Allan Poe, but I concede, he did not write the story. I do think C1 was created earlier than the copyright date and may have been created (or heavily influenced) by Poe prior to 1849 when, like it or not, he may have faked his murder.
Therefore, Poe may have created the ERE FEN DUE RED KNEE cipher in C1...
"Rosalie (or perhaps Muddy) in need of money, unable to access a trove of gold as Edgar was also unable to access, sold the gold secret and Poe's uncompleted "GRAND DIDDLE", concerning this gold secret to Charles W Button"- Legrand January 23, 2008

Who was Rosalie and Muddy, where is the proof that they sold this "Grand Diddle" secret to Button and what became of the Ralph Waldo Emerson connection you also promoted?
It seems your constantly evolving theory has more legs than a red knee tarantula.

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