How Long Will It Be Before The Deciphered Pages Are Made Public For Most To See.

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When you have no exit, there is no option.

Just looking at the differences from the others! Interesting you think people need to manufacturer something about such an obscure topic.

I would seem due diligence to spend time on the things you believe!

But what people would waist his life on something they did not believe. It would be like standing outside of the of the stake house telling people it's a crime to eat meat!

What? Please clarify.

You can look at the differences.
Why not look at the similarities as well?
How either equates to a waisted life depends on the perspective /belief of the waisted. That varies. Look at all of it ,so not to get tunnel vision. Not all will though ,will they?

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Just looking at the differences from the others! Interesting you think people need to manufacturer something about such an obscure topic.

I don't think such, "I know such" because the very history of the mystery details as much time and time again. What's interesting is that these folks don't realize that they're manufacturing the stuff, despite the very history before them. Tells you they've certainly not done their due-diligence, or that they simply ignore all of the contrary evidences they encounter. :thumbsup:

I don't think such, "I know such" because the very history of the mystery details as much time and time again. What's interesting is that these folks don't realize that they're manufacturing the stuff, despite the very history before them. Tells you they've certainly not done their due-diligence, or that they simply ignore all of the contrary evidences they encounter. :thumbsup:

You do seem to have a abstract view of things! But I still find you a bit of an odd duck!

You do seem to have a abstract view of things! But I still find you a bit of an odd duck!

Odd in that I don't buy into things so easily as you do, which I use to do, just like you. But this is all part of the learning processes in the real world, which is why I commended you and others for your willingness to succeed where others have failed, even if your efforts are misguided. :icon_thumleft:

By the way, you'd better get in as many licks as you can because spring is just around the corner and when it gets here I'll be out recovering more real treasure until the next winter instead of being here to help kill the winter downtime.

By the way, you'd better get in as many licks as you can because spring is just around the corner and when it gets here I'll be out recovering more real treasure until the next winter instead of being here to help kill the winter downtime.


Glad your following and enjoying the pre-season humor, a lot of educational stuff on the channel as well that you might be interested in should you ever decide to do a little treasure hunting/metal detecting yourself. Going to be another good year this year. Thanks for sharing! :icon_thumright:

I appreciate Masterpoe helping me out by his reposting of that video as this only drives more viewers to my channel, helps increase my channel analytics and standing in the Youtube search engine algorithm so that it will appear higher in the search engine results, thus helping to drive more traffic to my channel. So PLEASE, feel free to respost it more often and anywhere you'd like. Feel free to repost all of my videos! :icon_thumright:

Look, when it comes to search engine algorithms, any type of social media sharing, reposting, related content, etc., it all helps to drive up those search engine ratings. I can usually tell when someone has resposted or shared a video because there will be a spike in that video's activity. This is why some channels even strive to irritate people or to raise controversy, etc., because it can all really fuel views and viewer minutes, etc. But we're getting off topic, just a little insight into how those search engines function and why reposting and sharing is a good thing...:thumbsup:

Poe was run down by a runaway brougham on a Paris street during the 2nd year of the Confederate War. Charles Baudelaire identified his body at the Rue Morgue, and included among Poe's personal effects was the C1 cipher.
Baudelaire retained the cipher, making a copy that he gave Judah P Benjamin, who after escaping from the Union from Florida made his way to the Bahamas, and England, and for a short stay in Paris.
Benjamin, who gave his copy of Vattel's "Law of Nations" to CSA Major Edward Sixtus Hutter at Danville after the fall of Richmond, later mailed the cipher from London under an assumed name of Thomas J Beale to Hutter.
Hutter passed on the cipher to his brother, Ferdnand, who along with his cousin James Beverly Ward, Ward's wife and cousin John William Sherman, created the Beale Papers to distract those Northern Aggressors from looking for the VMI hidden Richmond stores and the lost Confederate treasury.
The Hart brothers, KGC descendant "guardians", added further to this subterfuge with their "Papers", and George Hart misleading Pauline Innis and her husband who were conducting a secret government search for the lost Confederate assets.

...and as the raven told the three crows, that is the way it happened, give or take a lie or two.:thumbsup:
...and NO Templars were involved in this version.

Charles Baudelaire split for Belgium following Poe's alleged death and Charles Laudanum'ed claim identifying his body.
With the end of the war ,so ended Charles translations of Poe began in 47.
Was it an accident on that Paris street? Or was Baudelaire obsessed with Poe whom he believed channeled thoughts of his own in his work, (but for the cipher) and so would claim it to decipher himself to find more of himself? Or was Poe living multiple lives at the same time....And simply needed to "die" and be identified to leave Paris , and society's notice?

Poe was run down by a runaway brougham on a Paris street during the 2nd year of the Confederate War. Charles Baudelaire identified his body at the Rue Morgue, and included among Poe's personal effects was the C1 cipher.
Baudelaire retained the cipher, making a copy that he gave Judah P Benjamin, who after escaping from the Union from Florida made his way to the Bahamas, and England, and for a short stay in Paris.
Benjamin, who gave his copy of Vattel's "Law of Nations" to CSA Major Edward Sixtus Hutter at Danville after the fall of Richmond, later mailed the cipher from London under an assumed name of Thomas J Beale to Hutter.
Hutter passed on the cipher to his brother, Ferdnand, who along with his cousin James Beverly Ward, Ward's wife and cousin John William Sherman, created the Beale Papers to distract those Northern Aggressors from looking for the VMI hidden Richmond stores and the lost Confederate treasury.
The Hart brothers, KGC descendant "guardians", added further to this subterfuge with their "Papers", and George Hart misleading Pauline Innis and her husband who were conducting a secret government search for the lost Confederate assets.

...and as the raven told the three crows, that is the way it happened, give or take a lie or two.:thumbsup:
...and NO Templars were involved in this version.
HA HA HA! "Close Enough"!


Poe's body was kept in an icehouse for several days next to the Rue Morgue for viewing.
The coroner of the Rue Morgue in his report noted that Poe had an infected red knee caused by a rabid dog bite which contributed to Poe's walking in front of that runaway carriage.

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Poe's body was kept in an icehouse for several days next to the Rue Morgue for viewing.
The coroner of the Rue Morgue in his report noted that Poe had an infected red knee caused by a rabid dog bite which contributed to Poe's walking in front of that runaway carriage.

Huh....I thought it was a spider bite.

Why, really, did Baudelaire so passionately transcribe Poe's works into French....WHO inspired him to do so??

He lost a bet with Jules Verne concerning le poulet croiser le rue.

... I may be able to talk more about Beale in the next month or two...

Currently, operating funds are low to non existent. Looking for help in this arena...let's get down to finalizing a solve of Beale... It is is patient.

It sure seems that Legrand's involvement was finalized by the BMT Icehouse freezeout!

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