Both my chainsaws are down right now. Not sure what's wrong with the Stihl, gotta take that apart to see. The Poulan works, but wants to cut askew. Blade is very sharp, so it's not dullness. It also bogs down pretty easily. I was thinking it might be carburetor adjustment, but I don't think it's that. Maybe the blade tips are a bit off on the angle. Believe I'll sharpen it again being extremely careful on the angle.
Was busy last night in AutoCAD (once had my own engineering business and purchased 2000i -15 years ago now). Couldn't feed myself consistently with the business, so went back working for companies. The software did pay for itself, all $3700 of it. Hadn't installed it in years, it really doesn't seem to like Windows 7, flaky, but it works. Coming in handy now, as I'm slowly laying out = the lay of the land
Was playing with the new Square Foot Gardening, seeing just what I could fit in where, how much fencing I need, and where to put the fence.
My basement is dirt floor, and I will say that my grandfather must have had skilled help in putting up the cinder block walls. Over 60 years later, they're still darned near perfect. I have the wood stove setting on pavers. When I came back, the basement was a horrid mess of junk. I've been picking up plastic shelving units, need to get one more. I've been scrounging through all the boxes, buckets, piles, putting those things I don't want to toss on the shelves - you never know what you'll need later! Enormous headway on cleaning the basement up already.
I'm focusing on the basement first, as that is "Command Central" = the wood stove, work shop, and garden center. After two months I can actually walk through all sides of the basement without wiggling my way through. Meanwhile my upstairs suite is still a mess. Too darned many things I don't want to throw away yet, and I need outbuildings.
Alas, a little at a time.
Keep the faith!
It's still pretty "Deep" here....