And besides keeping the house warm for Mom.....
This is coming my 4th season here - started with raised beds and veggies. The second year in the garden I went from Veggies to fruits. Now I have maturing plants - it's going to be better and better fruit seasons to come = expect a whole lot of berries this year, specifically blueberries and raspberries.
Those commerical grapes I set out - thought they were dead last year = they're back! and impressive = I'd given up on them.
So, here's what I have going in the orchard: Red Delicious, Yellow Delicious, Keifer Pear, Briar Apple, Blue Dawson Plum. I already had a 200 year old pear tree - but it hasn't dropped a pear since I've been home - coming into my 4th year now. And I have Walnut, Hickory nut, and a sweet sticky walnut tree I'd never heard of before.
Then there's two Mulberry trees, two sites of raspberries (invasive), new invasive gooseberries, Strawberries, now this year 5 producing blueberry bushes, evolving strawberries, bunch of invasive blackberries = some berries last year, but they've really taken over this year / the have now about 1/4 of my lower garden ( they'd better be giving me some quality berries this year! )
One or two more years and I'll be living on berries, and the end of the 2nd year from now I should end up as the berry guy at the farmers market = in fruit as well as plants for sale.
Just have to fumble my way through this. Delights for Mom this season, and the following season should delight us all.
Ain't berries and fruit the greatest?
Keep the faith!