✅ SOLVED Holy moley what did i just find?


Full Member
Dec 30, 2013
Ll I know is it's a coin it says 1810 n it looks beautiful .


Front n back


Anytime I get a permission, I am very quick to show off the zincolns and clad dimes...the other coins...What other coins?
I didn't have permission.. Lol . I knew I was close to the border of where I could detect and where I couldn't . I kept looking over my shoulder the whole time.. It was not a relaxing experience. Soon as I found it , I took it to them . I scanned the area quick n got a a few more good hits , I didn't even bother digging.
Apparently it's good I didn't . The ranger said she isn't going to tell anyone I found it with a detector . She is going to say I just found it on the ground. It was only an inch down. Apparently they are very strict. She said that they have artifacts still in the ground ( apparently they use high tech vision stuff) that are left untouched until the archeologist can properly record it. She said where they find the artifacts tells them moreabout the history of the land. And here I was flicking spanish silver out of the ground. Lol

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Went to PA once... in the summer... was nice... saw some historical sites... but no MDing.
Cool state... especially in the winter :) "cool" being the key word.
Thin blooded... no shirt wearing... sandle/fiop wearing... Florida boy here... born in IL. been all over the world. and in many many states... but FL has always been home just for that "cool" reason. :)

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Yup it's real alright. And I'm kinda bent I had to hand it in.. Lol. I was on the border of where it was almost off the historic property... But had it been on state park land I woulda had to show it to them too ( supposidly). I might have kept quiet about it on state park land... But I couldn't do it to the historic district. I swung my detector for like 2 minutes n found it... Who knows what else is around there.... I 'll never know.

This would keep me up at night lol

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Well, either way, you found it and it's an awesome relic / coin. You might not have it in your possession, though still it's your "find"! Congrats! :occasion14:

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Thank you for doing the right thing! And they are right, it doesn't matter that it is "just a (fill in the blank)", it is the placement and connection of one artifact to another that tells the story. Have fun volunteering with them - sounds like fun!

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Very nice coin!
Congratulations on Spanish silver.

Too bad you had to turn it in. I'd be lying if I said I would have had the same integrity under similar circumstances.
My hat's off to ya'. ;)

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I'm in the north west section of PA. Generally nothing too old up here, but I have found a couple draped bust large cents and a seated liberty dime. All keepers!

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