histroy of the cave /tunnel

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


"That's correct. He knew Bill, but never officially met BB."

Just for the record, I believe Randy was warned about Wyatt prior to meeting him, as well as after. There is also the case of Late49er/Ben Davis/eldorado/Lizzie and some names I have forgotten. ::) I warned him about that Hydra as well.

Randy is one of the nicest young men I have met but he may be a bit too trusting of strangers. :o

I doubt that is news to those who know him.

Take care,


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

Bob Collins said:
Hey guys here's the website I was talking about I think.

The guy go's by the name "Legend Hunter".


I may be wrong about this site and can't verify because a lot of it doesn't work anymore.

Still it looks as though this guy has a lot of great Treasure Hunting knowledge and knows his stuff.




Sorry but...................



Your "Legend Hunter" is a big FRAUD! His real name is Bill Riley. He is a forklift mechanic in Tucson. A lot of people here know who he is. DJUI5 (Randy) knows him quite well.

You can rest assured that if Bill Riley says something, it is a lie. He has gone by about half a million aliases here and on several other forums. He was banned from TNet because of his incessant lies and a propencity to start online fights with people. He is an internet tough guy. He starts crap, and threatens people, then when his threats are called, he whines and cries about calling the police. He is a sad guy, who needs to make himself look knowledgeable. I won't go into it any more, but if you don't believe me, you can ask any number of people here who know his ways (DJUI5, CactusJumper, Oroblanco, ROCHHA, and some more).


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


"You can rest assured that if Bill Riley says something, it is a lie."

Not true at all. Bill Riley is the worlds leading authority on Gigantopithecus. Actually I think someone else has appropriated that title, but he's right up there......so to speak. Probably plenty of room at the top for two leading authorities. :D


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

OH YEAH! I forgot all about his Bigfoot Website!


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

leave it to bill to find someone that has smoke more then i have lol ...

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

Dear B,

It was really sad to see you make that post. I wanted the whole thing to be true. :'(

That statement has made the rounds in Dutch Hunting circles for many years before Thomas Terry came along. It has probably been checked out many more times than it has been quoted in a book.

Your first clue should have been when he said: "The still existing records of Wells Fargo and the Us Mint at Sacramento...." First of all, there has never been a U.S. Mint in Sacramento.....that I know of. Next, is the fact that the records he speaks of for Wells Fargo in San Francisco, don't exist. They were destroyed in the Great San Francisco Fire of 1906.

If Terry had taken the time to check his story......like all of the top LDM researchers have, he would have found the same thing they did. That would be zero, nada, zilch. I would be willing to list the authors who have checked out this same exact story.

In this case, using Terry for a source is a total waste of time.

I don't know what Oro saw, but it's something that no one else has ever seen.

Good luck on the move.

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


I will start using the name ROCHHA from now on referring to BR. He knew him pretty well, but QUICKLY grew to not be able to be around him. Chill bra' I think you are taking this waaaay too seriously! First, Joe starts getting cranky, now you. ;D ;D ;D


I don't recall you having any nuclear conflicts with him.


Which Bill? He was gone before you started posting here. Or do you mean Bob?


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


Sorry you took this to heart. Not enough ;D :D :)'s I guess. That's what I get for not having Carolyn looking over my shoulder.

"When I see those records, I'll be sure to let all of you know. Oro wouldn't lie."

Never said he did. The facts, as I know them, say he was mistaken in what he saw.
That would be the same way you are mistaken in this comment:

"Also, please stop bringing me up every time BR gets brought up, we took one little hike a year ago, it's not a big deal."

I don't, but I have a few times and just followed the thread a few more. In reality, you have brought up the subject of Mr. Lonely and you more than I have. My judgement of Bill Riley is not going to be changed by anything you can tell me.

I don't blame you for being angry at my post to B and Oro. In truth, I went back and removed part of it. It may anger them, and I apologize for the lack of tact. The better course here, would have been to say......cool source, I'm convinced. Thanks.

As for your gentle response, I can only say this:

Cool. Thanks, I'm convinced. ;D


ps. Your still invited to the Bradshaws. :)

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

I am starting to think the blindbowman is the only sane one of the lot here.

He just stated his visions and thoughts and then stepped back and watched the fireworks.

Blindbowman if I ever come to your area of Arizona, I will party with you any day. ;D

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


You can put off your trip for awhile. Bowman doesn't live in Arizona.

Still trying to remember when I posted my last "serious" reply. :) ;) :D ;D...and, :-*

Here's one for mike to. >:(.... ;)

I am sooooo misunderstood.


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

That is great news! I was not wanting to go to Arizona anytime soon. ;D

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


WHAT????? Now that's wierd.....by anyone's standards. :)


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

Last time I was there I made a wrong turn at Weavers Needle.

I have not been the same since. ;D ;D

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

There are NO "wrong turns" from Weaver's Needle. ;)

North, East and West, you are likely walking towards a fortune, assuming it has not been removed. South and you are probably leaving, which might just be the best thing to do. :o


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

mrs.oroblanco said:
Oroblanco asked me to post this, as he is working hard trying to load a lathe and horizontal mill on our truck, so, here goes:


"The still existing records of Wells Fargo and the US Mint at Sacramento show that $254,000 in gold was shipped by Walz between 1881-1889. The records cannot be denied." (end of quote).

This is an quote from United States Treasure Atlas, Volume 1, Thomas P. Terry pp 59.

He said we are not the only ones who have seen them.


well done , i know for a fact the last time waltz was at the mine was 1888, so your dates are right in place ...

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel

tell me you did not by that joke, about its all a fake , trick ....lol ..

Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


First a 'thank you' to Mrs Oro for posting a quote for me, I don't like to ask someone else to make posts FOR me and don't intend on making that a habit, just was really busy yesterday but had found that quote the night before and wanted to get it posted so you folks could see it, and check it if you like.

Cactusjumper I have to agree that Terry got a lot of information wrong, as his work was really a compilation of numerous sources, but that quote sure did not sound like some tale told at the local pub. You are certainly free to dismiss what I said, and hold the words of your sources as superior to my own, I have no problems with it. I repeat what I said here earlier, "don't take my word for it, go and check it out for yourself.". You can call me a liar or simply mistaken, I don't mind; after all you don't know me personally like a few people here do, and I don't know you personally either. I will still be happy to buy you a beer or a coffee, if ever we should meet in person, and happily hear some 'war stories'.

That said, I don't understand the 'bashing' of Randy, for having met people in person or for having gone on a hike or two with anyone. I don't know Bill Riley personally, only have chatted via online forums and he did seem to have some far-out ideas/beliefs, but again anyone here could be seen by others as having some far out ideas and/or beliefs. While I would not trust Mr Riley's theories enough to expend any effort in searching for treasures, he may very well be a nice person. As Randy said, unless he has been hurt or cheated by some person(s) it is more than a bit unfair to judge Randy simply because he is outgoing enough to meet with people regardless of what sorts of ideas they hold. I would not hesitate to join up with Randy to go hunt for the LDM or any other lost mine or treasure, which is something I cannot say about some other members here. :-\

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.


Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel


I don't intend to call you a liar or even hint at that. I do believe you may be mistaken about what exactly you saw.....document wise. Happens to me every day lately. :'(

The $254,000 ore shipments story has been around a long time. It has been checked out seven ways from Sunday by some of the best LDM researchers in the business. They checked Wells Fargo, the different U.S. Mints and archives and even looked for a U.S. Mint in Sacramento. :D It has been prooven without any basis over and over again.

The last person I asked about it was Dr. Thomas Glover. Same searches, same results. I hold the man's research abilities second to none, and I know some pretty good hands.

As for Randy.....This is the last time I will discuss this matter....with anyone.
If you or anyone else thinks I "bashed" Randy, including Randy, I will apologize again now, and that's the last time. This is the West, not New York City. If you're a wee bit sensitive you just might get your feelings hurt on a regular basis. The teasing is not meant to leave any permanent scars.....but it might leave some red marks on those with tender skin.

If Randy wants to leave our brief association laying in the Arizona dust, it's his choice. As I said, I think he is a fine young man. If he wants to compare me with Bill Riley, we won't be doing many social events together. :D

I expect every "fact" I place on a public forum to be challenged. If anyone expects less, better start writing this stuff in your diary.

Really wish you and your bride the best possible life in your new home.

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

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