Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel
Many researchers have investigated the story of Waltz's ore shipments. When it comes to the LDM, I doubt each and every writer........all of them.
As for my friend Randy's "voucher".......He has a poor record in judging the honesty and character of
people he has yet to meet. Anyone who knows Randy will likely tell you the same thing.....including, I would bet, Randy himself. He is learning the truth of "trust but verify".
One of the researchers who looked into this part of the legend, was Glenn Magill. These statements can be found on pages 60 and 61 of "The Killer Mountains":
"More frustrating still were his attempts to track down Waltz's ore shipments. According to legend, Waltz and his partner, Jacob Wiser, had shipped more than a quarter of a million dollars' worth of gold to the San Francisco Mint from various points in Arizona Territory, including Phoenix, Florence, Casa Grande, and Pinal.
An even dozen letters were necessary before Magill learned that the appropriate United States Mint ledgers were now stored in the San Francisco Center of the National Archives.
An equal number were necessary before permission was obtained for a San Francisco friend to search them.
The search netted nothing. Except for the names of a few individual ore buyers and some large mines such as the Silver King, shipments were listed mostly under the names of banks, businesses and stage companies. In Waltz's time, when a man cashed in his gold, the common practice was to sell it to an ore buyer or to a stage line, in this case Wells Fargo.
An inquiry to the History Room of Wells Fargo Bank in San Francisco brought the information that the old stage records no longer existed."........Destroyed by the 1906 fire?
That makes two researcher into the legend that, pretty much, come up with the same story. I believe more could be found. Magill was trying to find
any evidence that would support the LDM legend. As a Private Detective, I would imagine he did a pretty thorough job of it.
I doubt the truthfulness of Magill and Sikorsky, as well as all of the other books that have been written. You can see that you are in good company here.
All of this has nothing to do with the veracity of Oroblanco, rather it reflects the nature of the legends and accounts relating to all things "Dutchman". Two other pieces of "evidence" that looked authentic, were the draft for $7000 sent to Waltz's sister in Kansas and the ship's manifest showing Jacob Waltz and Jacob Weiss listed as passangers into this country. Both documents have some problems.
As always, "evidence" can always be forged to support someones story, or to sell to the unwary buyer/author. Not saying that's what happened here, but it's something to keep in mind.
Like every other story that has come along concerning the LDM, if possible, I will test yours. It's just my nature, so don't take it personally. I would love to one day post.....Oro was right about those documents, saw them myself.
Take care,
Joe Ribaudo