Re: histroy of the cave /tunnel
cactusjumper said:
What was your source for tying Kino and the Seven Caves together?
the killer mts . by Curt Gentery
its all in the idea the indains told Kino that the "Anasazi or Ancient ones"
in my research i could find not definement between these two tribes if that is what they are , the Anasazi were a very early tribe ,man6y at frist believe these two are the same tribe ,,...i dont beleive this is true ..
the Anasazi were my focus of my research to defind what tribe made this secerd cave here is why :
A regional cultural grouping of peoples living along the Arizona–Utah borderlands of the USA, emerging within the Basketmaker Phase defined in the prehistory of the southwestern part of North America. Dating to 400–1300, the Anasazi tradition is the largest cultural grouping of the period and covers the northwestern quarter of New Mexico, much of southwestern and western Colorado, the northern half of Arizona, and most of Utah: an area known as the ‘Four Corners’. Much of this area has inadequate rainfall for the size of populations involved and some basic irrigation measures were used, although not extensively. Alongside agriculture, hunting and the collecting of wild foodstuffs was also practised. Ceremonial centres near the settlements remained important. Exchange links with Mississippian Cultures are evident from, among other things, similarities in the form of some ceramic containers. The distinctive characteristics of the Anasazi tradition developed during the Basketmaker III Phase (ad 450–750). Beans were added to the diet and communities became more committed to agriculture. Domesticated turkeys were introduced to supplement deer and rabbit meat obtained through hunting and trapping. A sophisticated ceramic technology developed with the resultant bowls and jars often internally decorated with black painted geometric patterns. There was also a transition from scattered village life to nucleated settlements. At first these comprised pit-houses with domed roofs and a central hearth.
After ad 750, in the Pueblo I and II Phases, the size of the settlements increased considerably. These large settlements or ‘pueblos’ comprised multi-storey and multi-roomed houses, some with over 100 rooms and constructed from masonry. By about ad 1300 many of the classic sites of this culture had been abandoned, perhaps because of climatic factors, erosion, intergroup conflicts, or demographic changes. One theory holds that Anasazi communities migrated away from their former homeland.
note the Anasazi inhabit the area from well beyond the events to about the same time line as the 1300 vanishing of the tribe in question and
note their connection to the areas of northwestern mexico and southern Arizona,as well as A sophisticated ceramic technology developed with the resultant bowls and jars often internally decorated with black painted geometric patterns.
These large settlements or ‘pueblos’ comprised multi-storey and multi-roomed houses, some with over 100 rooms and constructed from masonry. By about ad 1300 many of the classic sites of this culture had been abandoned, perhaps because of climatic factors, erosion, intergroup conflicts, or demographic changes. One theory holds that Anasazi communities migrated away from their former homeland.
here we see a tribe that could have been there and could have made the bowls and jars told of to Kino not to add the multi storey and multi room houses
" intergroup conflicts"
"One theory holds that Anasazi communities migrated away from their former homeland"
these statements reflect just what my theories had pionted out as posable of the tribe i was looking for ...
i beleive it was the Anasazi but as you already know , there is little to no real evidence to prove this , in fact there is little evidence to prove much is known about the Anasazi at all . most is guess work at best ... i have researched the Anasazi on the web to try to beable to ID a site if i do in fact find it ... i know where to look now ... the dick holmes acount stated around circle of indain ruins .. i know where that is . i cant touch anything in those ruins it is unfaithful to a shaman i have stayed away from exploreing this site
i hope that answerd your question ...CJ
ps "black painted geometric patterns." this one statement caught my eye , remember the black foot prints on the codics and the drawings did show geometric patterns...there are two posable answers here
1. is the codic were made by the Anasazi
2. or the tribes that did make them came in dirrect contect with the Anasazi . i beleive the Anasazi were just what histroy thinks they are . they came from a unknown land "aztlan maybe " reclused to the area and as they tryed to make it there home were in time lost to massacreds and what was left of them faded into time ...maybe they were more peaceful than other tribes or they could have been the inverse oppisite , and sacrificed everyone they could find near their new home ...maybe they are the true founderds of bi polar in fact we just dont know enough about them to have facts beyond what is known ...we know they were artistic ,and creative as well and builders and had a simbolic laguage ...