The 3 fathom curve in the vicinity of the Cat Cays might not be a bad spot to look.
It is pretty much the narrowest spot in the Bahama Channel and has a nice little "shelf" between 3 and 10 fathoms...plenty of space for a ship to come to rest without sliding down into the briny deep.
Just to the south of the Cat Cays, are the Victory Cays. I don't know the genesis of that place name, but I include a clipping from 1838 for your consideration. You will no doubt take note of the ship Victory, Capt. Dunham, lost in the vicinity with $30,000 in specie aboard. I do not know if the ship has been found and salvaged, but the area would seem to be an ideal shipwreck trap.
I have some pals heading over to Cat Cays very very soon - 2 wrecks located and so far un-salvaged by anyone as far as they can tell.
Should be interesting to say the least!!!