I am glad I gave you a chuckle! I had no idea that you live in the Bahamas as your' profile says "Long Island", so I assumed New York! Also, if you eluded to your location in a posting, I somehow missed it.
I understand your skill level and confidence when it comes to diving solo but you only need to read some of the recent Threads and Post on TNnet to see that some very highly skilled divers that had logged probably many thousands of hours of diving, have recently perished due to underwater accidents. Even if you poke a lot of jest our way, we wouldn't want to hear that something bad had happened to you!
While there may not be many places near you in the Bahamas to do research, I am sure that some of the old locals have some good stories tell and information that they will freely give out once they know you. This is the very reason that my old friend Roy Ridgeway that I had when I lived in Key West was so successful in finding Spanish shipwreck coins, many other valuable treasures and valuable 1700's and 1800's bottles, because he knew or got to know all of the old sailors and locals up and down the Florida Keys, he had a good ear and always had a good sense of what and what wasn't a good lead.
Good luck and be safe!