has montezumas tomb been found ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

OHIO room: Hmm I deliberately mispelled to see what the reaction would be, but since no-one commented on it, I can only assume that you / we are either well conditioned by my Friend BB, or that the findings that the human brain automatically fills in what it expects to see or read. r kerek no?

Not even SWR commented?

quote --> we all are subject to the collective "conscience".


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HOLA mi amigo Real de Tayopa,

Real de Tayopa wrote:
quote --> we all are subject to the collective "conscience".


Now who or whom has not grown quite accustomed to reading through our posts here, studded with numerous mis-spellings (we won't even touch the grammar, not my strong point) so it is a wee bit of a mean trick to do it DELIBERATELY... :o ;D :D

I git a emali a wile bak that had a verri stranj mesige. I know longer have it, but the pint of it was a tendensy in the human brian, (see how du youse lik it! ::) :o ;D :D) so here is a similar type of paragraph - see if you can read it:

Wehn Jcoab Wlatz funod taht the Aeaphcs msut hvae kliled his pneratr, he dceiedd to go to twon. So he hadeed for Penohix, wrhee he wnet and flied a hestomaed cilam on a qtaeurr soitcen of lnad and did smoe slaml slace fimrang for yraes. The popele of Ponehix say taht Watlz wulod otefn dapepsair itno the mnuitnaos and be gnoe for dyas, and wehn he rurneetd he wulod hvae a llttie glod to tarde in the loacl setors...

Do you find that you can read it, without having to go to a scratch pad? The "thing" is that because of the way our brains are hard-wired, if the first letter and the last letter are in the correct place, your brain will automatically re-arrange the letters where they belong as you read!

So now what about that CON-science? Hmm? Shall we start a new thread and discuss the psychological theories about the so-called "id, ego, and superego"? (If you do, I will tell you a little writer's secret if you promise not to tell... :tongue3: I can tell you that once you know this secret, many television series, especially 'westerns' and much 'sci-fi' will suddenly seem different!)

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Hi ORO,it wuz pefictly clar. acthly it wuz to scuze a spllin / typo boboo du u thnk? heeheheh

Don Jose de Mancha

p.s. appol, I think?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

NO amigo no appols or apples necessary! It would take quite a bit more than a little trick to require any kind of apologies, at least at this end. Isn't that odd though, about the mixed letters?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

In his writings, Fray Bernardino de Sahagun writes this:

"It was after another four days that the Spaniards threw the dead bodies of Moctezuma and Itzquauhtzin out of the palace, at a place called Teoayoc, the stone turtle carving. As soon as they were recognized, men quuickly took up Moctezuma's body and carried it to Copulco, placed it on a pile of wood, and fired it. The flames crackled and flared up into many tongues; the body seeemed to lie sizzling, sending up a foul stench.
As he burned, onlookers berated him; their good will had given way to fury......"

Can anyone cite a source, other than treasure hunters, who claims that Moctezuma was placed in a tomb.....anywhere?

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

BB and all,

I have some pictures that show more evidence of The ancient ones than BB has ever shown,
This is here in the middle of Western Colorado.
And it makes still no sense to me that Montezuma or the treasure would have been moved beyond Mexico city.

Here are some of the pix
Judge for your selves



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Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

hahahaha good one i enjoyed that .... i can tell you what is happening but soon you will find out .......i got to present my research to someone in a few days so i got alot to do now ..you take care and nice pictures OD...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Old Dog said:
BB and all,

I have some pictures that show more evidence of The ancient ones than BB has ever shown,
This is here in the middle of Western Colorado.
And it makes still no sense to me that Montezuma or the treasure would have been moved beyond Mexico city.

Here are some of the pix
Judge for your selves


your out there looking and searching thats the best part of the hunt ...IMHO ..

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

The point my friend Bowman.....
Is that in one post I provided more proof of my finds than you have since you started
all without revealing a site or location.

after a while talk is just that.... a lot of talk.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Old Dog said:
The point my friend Bowman.....
Is that in one post I provided more proof of my finds than you have since you started
all without revealing a site or location.

after a while talk is just that.... a lot of talk.

I don't know OD - those photos look to be far too "in focus" to belong in this thread :)

BB - what do you mean by?
...i can tell you what is happening but soon you will find out...

OD's photos were from Colorado - are you implying that you know where those stone formations are and how they got there? Can you elaborate?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Hey Paul,
Here are some pics from NE Utah that deal with the same culture.
I'm sure that BB can be on top of these as well.



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Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Note how the feet in the bottom photo are way oversized...
They used to use a giant footprint as a signature so to speak where ever they passed.
I have a picture that our mutual friend Jacco sent me a little while before he died, of one of these prints.
They are huge.


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Really like the pics there - all 3 of them - really detailed! I'm not asking for any specific location information, but those pictographs look so good I'm wondering if they are well known and in a protected area, or are they just "out there" somewhere far enough away from common knowledge that they've staying in such good condition.

By the way - while I enjoy your posts, it's tough to stay focused on them when my eyes keep wandering over to your signature/profile avatar :)

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Now that is what you might call an accidental "half moon"

The location of these petroglyphs is a commonly known thing.
they aer in Noth Eastren Utah over by Vernal at West Canyon


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Old Dog said:
Now that is what you might call an accidental "half moon"

The location of these petroglyphs is a commonly known thing.
they aer in Noth Eastren Utah over by Vernal at West Canyon


Hehe, sure is - and quite a nice one at that :)

I'm really surprised those pics continue to stay in such good condition if they are that well known. There's too many folks out there who could destroy them in some attempt to remove them for sale. It's good to know things like that still exist and are still respected!

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Here is that foot print that Jacco sent me as a joke.
He called it absolute proof of Big Foot.

It is in Southern Ca.



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Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


Here is the rest of the picture:

Joe Ribaudo


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Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


Bigfoot....... ;D ;D ;D, Yup, that's big alright.

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Thanks for that photo Joe,

It is really something in person.
Really a Huge thing too.

The picture from Jacco has a bit of sentimental attachment.
I probably would never have posted it if he hadn't.


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