has montezumas tomb been found ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HOLA mi amigos,

Blindbowman wrote:
its one thing to have a hyplothesis its another to prove it

Amen mi compadre' - on this point we agree 100%.

Real de Tayopa wrote:
Don Jose de La Mancha "Dueno de TAYOPA" heheheh.

p.s. Oro explain what Dueno is.

Dueno = "proprietor" and yes this is an important word to understand! Now that I think of it, that might be an appropriate title to address you by amigo, though dropping the Don would likely be an insult of the first order and might result in dueling pistoles! As I have heard of your aim with firearms, I think I will stick with the "Don" address.... :o

Oroblanco er...maybe I ought to sign "Oroblanco, Dueno de Crapola" !!!! :tongue3: :thumbsup: ::) ;D

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Morning BB: You posted --->

there was a church build as discribed ..

there is a gardern area as discribed ..

there is a fruit gardern as discribed ..

there is a mine as discribed...

there could be a church vault as discribed ...

all of the target dates and hyplothesis fit the site as discribed ...

"All" of your posted data on Tayopa is found right here. I will not point out the major mine entrance or location hehe.

Don Jose de La Mancha


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Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

i do not Question what you have found . i only Question what i have found ..

let me ask you a question RDT ..

why dose the tayopa treasure trove list read ....?

"in a cut stone box are stored Jewellery. box is buried in basement under room built of stone and mud, between the church and the covent and the fruit garden"

explan...please .

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

i hope to redirrect the topic of Tayopa to a new post in tayopa forum , called "Tayopa, legend or reality ?"

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HOLA amigos,

Blindbowman wrote:
this what we beleive we know so far about site 4 ...

there was a church build as discribed ..

there is a gardern area as discribed ..

there is a fruit gardern as discribed ..

there is a mine as discribed...

there could be a church vault as discribed ...

all of the target dates and hyplothesis fit the site as discribed ...

HOLA amigo,

You have mentioned a FRUIT GARDEN and never answered my earlier question about whether you found any fruit trees. Why do you describe it as a "fruit garden" if you didn't find fruit trees? Or did you find fruit trees but simply neglected my earlier question? This confuses me. :icon_scratch:

I will check on the new thread as you suggest...
your friend,

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


Can you explain why you believe Moctezoma II's body was removed from Mexico? Was there some pressing reason for the Aztecs to do that? What sources make such a claim? Beyond that, are you aware that the Aztecs have stories as to what was done with his body, and none of them involved leaving Tenochtitlan?

Thanks in advance.

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


If your silence is because you are searching for the answers, I doubt you will find them on the Internet. I am, pretty much, just asking for your opinion. It seems unlikely there is a Montezuma's tomb........anywhere.
Do you know of any (reliable) historical source that claims such a tomb exists?

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HOLA mi amigo Cactusjumper,

Blindbowman wrote:
No, it mean i am not answering any more questions ... if you want to know go look for your self .. i am rewireing aburn and i just dont have time answer questions every day .... if you want the answers bad enough you'll go find out for your self ...

stay safe stay free ...

dont worry i wont ask any more question ether , fair is fair ..later

As this was posted in another thread (Tayopa) perhaps it is irrelevant but it sounds like our amigo will not answer any more questions.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Oroblanco said:
HOLA mi amigo Cactusjumper,

Blindbowman wrote:
No, it mean i am not answering any more questions ... if you want to know go look for your self .. i am rewireing aburn and i just dont have time answer questions every day .... if you want the answers bad enough you'll go find out for your self ...

stay safe stay free ...

dont worry i wont ask any more question ether , fair is fair ..later

As this was posted in another thread (Tayopa) perhaps it is irrelevant but it sounds like our amigo will not answer any more questions.

Sounds like another case of "I'm taking my ball and going home" to me.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Roy and Paul,

My personal opinion is that we were asking questions that he could not find the answers to.....on the Internet. Bb want's to be in control of the direction of the conversation. We took that control away, and he will now pout for awhile. :(

Bowman gives us his "facts" and waits for our approval. Questions and doubts do not fit in that scenario. He seems to feed off of what is posted around the Internet and what is being said on forums like this. He then tries to fashion all of the stories he reads into the "true" life story of the blindbowman.

You cook.....he cooks. You have Tayopa.......he has Tayopa. You collect signed first editions.......he had 10,000 before the fire. You have the answer to the Stone Map Trail.......you are stupid, because only the blindbowman has that answer. You know a little about the Aztecs.........he has spoken to Montezuma. You know God......he is the brother of Jesus, thus, he is the son of God......etc......etc.

The reason we all find him so interesting, is because........he is all of us.

Take care,


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

CJ, "No man is an island in himself", we all are subject to the collective conscience.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. ORO, what-n-h-- does that mean? sounds impressive though. snicker

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

cactusjumper said:
he is all of us.

Take care,


Joe! HAHA This reminds me of a story. I took a Greyhound bus from Florida to Colorado one time, I think, anyway I was traveling very far on it. Late one night this guy in the middle of the bus stands up and starts talking about how he was ALL OF US in our past lives! He was serious too. Couldn't believe it. You shoulda heard the things coming out of this guys mouth, it was hilarious :o

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

cactusjumper said:
......The reason we all find him so interesting, is because........he is all of us.

Take care,


We feed him, he grows.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Hmm, a multiple-faceted doppleganger, reflecting an enlarged or exaggerated image of whomever appears...could be I suppose, or it could be several other possibilities. For one, it seems that treasure hunters often have other similar interests - such as guns for example. Cactusjumper's examples though would seem to be an enlargement of every subject rather than simply parallel interests. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so perhaps it is complimentary? Another possibility is a fairly common trait among many folks, that of "one-upmanship" - however as I cannot either prove or disprove the various statements (like 10,000 first-edition books) it is pure speculation on my part.

Real de Tayopa wrote:
CJ, "No man is an island in himself", we all are subject to the collective conscience.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. ORO, what-n-h-- does that mean? sounds impressive though. snicker

HOLA mi amigo Real de Tayopa,
I am flattered that you would ask ME that question, but also a bit surprised. You already know that old statement is one of many "layers". Man is not designed to be a solitary creature, and is reliant upon others of his own kind for his survival/comfort and happiness. I am a little surprised that you would ask me this though, as I have a rather strong tendency towards the "hermit" type of lifestyle - not that I dislike people, just don't want to live near them! :o ::) ;D :D Besides, some animals can actually fulfill many of the supposed "needs" of a human for "companionship" and communication/interaction etc of a socializing nature. Then again some folks tend to think I am "crazy" anyway.... :o :tard: :tongue3: Our collective conscience as you phrase it, is a quite ephemeral thing which could be also a part of the original design? If it exists, and IF it is a part of the original design and not simpy the result of evolutionary advantage, we must ask what the true purpose of it is?

Apols for drifting off-topic and 'waxing philosophic' and I could add a funny quote from Socrates here but would definitely get into trouble! ;D :o :D :wink:


Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HIO MY friend ORO, gotcha again, pulling your chain hehehe appol my friend, but I thought that the "snicker" was the tip off.

I had some psychology in Pre med , and intensive investigation of various Oriental religions later, so I do know what you are referring to my friend, but watch for the "snicker" in the future.

Thanks, you were correct in your explanation.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

HOLA mi amigo,

Oh I saw the 'snicker' clearly! It is not hard to spot a little anticipatory glee right after an ironic question. When you say oriental religions, do you include eastern philosophies as well? Gracias por adelantado...
su amigo,

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Hello everyone... I'm trying to read this entire thread and its really good.
What we have here in this group is almost like a clash of culture/mind, IMHO.
Treasure Hunters are amazing, they get out there and do the work.... dig and md and look.
I come from a mind set somewhat like BB, but I'm not nearly that brainy, but I'm a really good researcher and I take different trails than most.
This to me is what BB is doing, so many things link up in his non-linear mind that as he writes he's splicing things together and this is a place to get a little down to earth feed back.
Treasure Hunting is instinct, hard work, luck and research. And the gentleman that started this site has an amazing story, so maybe some non-linear thinking is good for us.
Going back to go forward. :icon_study:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Gossamer said:
Hello everyone... I'm trying to read this entire thread and its really good.
What we have here in this group is almost like a clash of culture/mind, IMHO.
Treasure Hunters are amazing, they get out there and do the work.... dig and md and look.
I come from a mind set somewhat like BB, but I'm not nearly that brainy, but I'm a really good researcher and I take different trails than most.
This to me is what BB is doing, so many things link up in his non-linear mind that as he writes he's splicing things together and this is a place to get a little down to earth feed back.
Treasure Hunting is instinct, hard work, luck and research. And the gentleman that started this site has an amazing story, so maybe some non-linear thinking is good for us.
Going back to go forward. :icon_study:

Of course gossamer, but have you considered the alternative?

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