has montezumas tomb been found ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


I have found plenty of mines as well.......rock walls......carvings.....list goes on
there is plenty to find out there, some easy to find like in my profile picture, some things people havnt seen in 100 years!
Gold? of course ....... theres gold all over this state.
What i was referring to was all these claims of a lost treasure people have been searching for in there and wasting away doing it ! It just makes some people go crazy with lust "gold fever" and it seems to me BB has IT, he has said here in the past that he has no interest in the treasure to get rich Just wants to make the discovery for the world................Thats BS i say the legends have a hold on him and hes hungry for the gold and his ego has got the better of him!
Just dont think others should fall victim to bb's tall tales here..."enjoy the mountains for what they are"..he hasnt proved anything other then he can research and find what he needs on the Web..then paste it.
If he really found anything at all he wouldnt be posting.... :coffee2:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

ALLLLLLL Righty Then..................BUT..........Has Montezuma's tomb been found ??? You started this thread
dyslexia??? Then are you saying the whole map is assbackwards or just the numbers!!! maybe he had A.D.D as well and could not finish it and just tossed them to the ground to start work on another project !!!!!!!!! Sounds Familiar

Not attacking you BB.....just busting your balls a bit.......i find you rather entertaining and intelligent !

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

T.Parker said:
ALLLLLLL Righty Then..................BUT..........Has Montezuma's tomb been found ??? You started this thread
dyslexia??? Then are you saying the whole map is assbackwards or just the numbers!!! maybe he had A.D.D as well and could not finish it and just tossed them to the ground to start work on another project !!!!!!!!! Sounds Familiar

Not attacking you BB.....just busting your balls a bit.......i find you rather entertaining and intelligent !

cortez must have left his corse and Gonzalo found it ,, he had 3 years and 500 men . who would know... they thaught he was crazy ...i dont know what is at site 1 i still beleive its montezuma's tomb ... but i know what is at site 4 .. the tayopa chruch ,a mine shaft coverd over with large bolders ,a garden area with irrigation.. i bit theres a church vault there .. i didnt realize what it was saying at frist because i have been conditioning my self to counter dyslexia for a long time now ,over 30 years and Gonzalo most likely didnt know what it was called ...

after the battle his gold lost and 450-475 men dead . he went home in shame ,why tell anyone and make it worse ...most likely they would not beleive him any way and if he told them what happend they might cut his head off for getting close to 475 men killed and lieing to the king of spain

wich would you chose , getting your head cut off or haveing people make fun of you ... ?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

did you just say you were playing with your self ...?

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

"which would you chose , getting your head cut off or haveing people make fun of you ... ?"

Dont have an answer to that because i haven't walked in the man's boots and im not him ! cant spectulate on something in history cause everything gets blurred when it comes to facts
Now had i been there..and it went down like you say....i woulda choose option C......A:getting my head cut off & B:people makin fun wouldnt have worked for me..........................

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Ed T said:
As long as I have one good hand I will always be playing with myself... :icon_king: lol

Ed T
LMAO ED T :icon_king:
Thats is too funny amigo !

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Greetings amigos,

Don Real de Tayopa (Jose') wrote:
Don Dejuice: You posted --->

Who wants some coffee?

Obviously you aren't acquainted with super bums and treasure hunters like ORO, I, and the others like us here in the room. . What a silly question. even lying in coffins, if you ask that we will rise again and slurp one for the road with you. I HOPE THAT IT ISN"T INSTANT COFFEE?

BB what kinda coffee do you make? Oro makes his with egg shells in it to settle the grounds - I wonder why no shells remain when he is through?.

Cactus what type of coffee do they produce on your trips in there ?

Horrors! Jose' you keep mentioning such horrifying things such as "life without coffee" and now...(I shudder even to post it) ...INSTANT COFFEE! Ye gads man I sure don't want to get on your BAD side, seeing what monstrous ideas that spring from your apparently dark mind! :o :D I do wonder how you found out about the egg shells though...are you sure that we have not met somewhere, sometime? I should probably confess that it is not just to settle the "grounds" as you know only too well it is not un-common for many different things to end up inside the dark brew, including but not limited to ashes, leaves, dirt, bugs etc. So the eggshells help to "settle" those things into the bottom of the pot, and if you get something CRUNCHY in your coffee, you can fool yourself into believing that nasty bug you just swallowed was nothing but "eggshells"! :icon_jokercolor: :o :D :wink:

I have a feeling that our amigo Cactusjumper probably has a somewhat better grade of coffee in his camps, seeing how he generally outfits a trip with a little more "financing" than some of us can muster. I hope to get a sample of it some time, even though I have to serve the first round as it is. I also suspect that our amigo Djui5 has the same type of coffee that we do - he seems to travel pretty light and fast! I am curious about Blindbowman's camp coffee too, not sure if he travels very light (and thus has coffee with dirt and bugs) or well-outfitted like Cactusjumper so probably has nice clean bug-free coffee? I hope to find that out some day too.

T. Parker wrote:
What i was referring to was all these claims of a lost treasure people have been searching for in there and wasting away doing it ! It just makes some people go crazy with lust "gold fever" and it seems to me BB has IT, he has said here in the past that he has no interest in the treasure to get rich Just wants to make the discovery for the world................Thats BS i say the legends have a hold on him and hes hungry for the gold and his ego has got the better of him!

Well amigo I suppose that is to some degree a matter of perspective, isn't it? For some "gold-fever" addled minds like me for instance, the idea of spending a lifetime working at a job I hate, so that I would "fit in" with the way everyone around me is, would be a wasted life. It is not really about the riches or wealth, every true treasure hunter knows the odds are heavily against the chance of ever making a serious find, it is the search, the hunt, the beauty of the wilds and such things as a pretty sunset without the noise and hubbub of "civilization". I guess that under your definition I have "wasted" my life, but there is little that I would go back and change even if I could. There is a great Robert Service poem that puts it very well...
"There's gold and its haunting and haunting,
its luring me on as of old,
but its not the gold that I'm wanting,
so much as just finding the gold."

As for our amigo Blindbowman, what I get is that he is seeking the fame of being the discoverer of something long-lost or even fabled. I see no harm in that, and if we have learned anything from history it is that those "dreamers" who do make the big discoveries, including Adolf Schliemann or Mel Fisher. They do have to face the negativity, rejection and even ridicule along the way though.

I hope that statement about the pull of the Superstitions is not true.

Blindbowman wrote:
a garden area with irrigation

I don't recall you mentioning this tidbit either amigo. You know the Pimas have a legend that they lived in the canyons of the Superstitions for centuries after the great flood, until they moved out to where they live today, and that allowed the Apaches to use it as a "haunt". There should be irrigated areas where they raised their food, but I never saw any trace of irrigation ditches in any canyon. Unfortunately (for treasure-hunters) during the Depression, the WPA and CCC did a lot of work in the Superstitions and part of their work was building catch-basins and dams, but as far as I know none of these catch-basins were ever utilized to irrigate any kind of crops. Of course Reavis (the brother of the infamous Reavis NOT the infamous Reavis, perhaps distant relative) did a little farming in the Superstitions and he might have irrigated some, I really don't know about that. I don't want to keep bugging you with endless questions Blindbowman but by any chance did you find any fruit trees, in particular peach trees? Thank you in advance...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Of course Reavis (the brother of the infamous Reavis) did a little farming in the Superstitions and he might have irrigated some

Oro - if the infamous Reavis you are referring to is James Addison Reavis (Peralta Land Grant swindle fame), I don't believe Elisha Reavis (the one who raised vegetables in the Superstitions) was his brother, but rather a distant relative of some kind (cousin or something I think).

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

You are right Cubfan, if they are related at all it is a distant relation.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

"Well amigo I suppose that is to some degree a matter of perspective, isn't it? For some "gold-fever" addled minds like me for instance, the idea of spending a lifetime working at a job I hate, so that I would "fit in" with the way everyone around me is, would be a wasted life. It is not really about the riches or wealth, every true treasure hunter knows the odds are heavily against the chance of ever making a serious find, it is the search, the hunt, the beauty of the wilds and such things as a pretty sunset without the noise and hubbub of "civilization". I guess that under your definition I have "wasted" my life, but there is little that I would go back and change even if I could. There is a great Robert Service poem that puts it very well...
"There's gold and its haunting and haunting,
its luring me on as of old,
but its not the gold that I'm wanting,
so much as just finding the gold."

Oroblanco: Pardon Me
Wasn't meant as a slap in the face to TH'ers....."Wasted Life" as in getting your self killed or killing someone else cause you or they are protecting something that may not even be there, Ive seen the effects first hand that such things have on people. And in the Supers people get crazy and paranoid.
I have very much respect for most here as they can keep there wits about them and explain in detail and not rush to conclusion.

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Parker (if I may use that handle) I was not offended amigo, and have plenty of friends and relatives who do think I have wasted my life. Why else would I be living the way I do? Certainly not for the "comfort"! Who ever said that stupidity wasn't painful! :o :-[ :D :wink: I get your point, and have to agree that for some folks, they should never have taken the first step down the path.your friend,

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

ED: Youposted --->

I was just joking about taking you and Real to some of the deposits I am playing with...

YOU actually mean no? Not even coffee? sniffffff

Don Jose deLa Mancha

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

" I never saw any trace"

they are still there

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Parker: Have you read my motto under my Avatar??

" I Exist to Live, not Live to Exist" Nothing more needs to be said, except that I am still puzzled over your remark -->

"As long as I have one good hand I will always be playing with myself".

Explain please, remember that I have had a very sheltered life and am not up to this modern life. sooo.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

CJ you know anything about the Gonzales & Ruth map mainly the Gonzales part of this ,,of it ...? some say the Gonzales were wipe out at the massacre site ,,,some say it was the prealta ... here i can show reason to beleive it was the gonzalo ...

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?


"this is where CJ comes in and tells us about the traces and irrigation sites ..."

I know the history of the Superstition Mountains fairly well and could indeed tell you some of that story. Instead, I believe I will leave it to you to tell us something (anything) factual.... that you can convince us has some small particle of truth in it.

There have been times when you have been close to brilliant, and others when you have been somewhat cognizant. Those have been the times when you have received respectful replies. When you play us all for fools, you get exactly what you deserve.

Constant, unrelenting, tales of fantasy only fly on the cannabis and occult sites.

Please tell us all that you know about farming in the Superstitions.

Joe Ribaudo

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Real de Tayopa said:
Don Dejuice:

You called me Don, I'm honored!! :icon_king:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Oroblanco said
by any chance did you find any fruit trees, in particular peach trees?

The planter of peach trees is someone I would have liked to have met in person - alas I was born too late in life to meet some of the most interesting LDM searchers - then again, it wasn't too safe out there in those days was it? :wink:

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

Sheehs DJUICE, isn't your name DONALD? Snicker snicker now about that coffee?

ORO you posted --->

you can fool yourself into believing that nasty bug you just swallowed was nothing but "eggshells"!

Haven't you ever noticed that certain ones have a distinctive aromatic flavor? This the secret of Don Djuice's trail coffee. it must have taken quite a bit of experimenting to find the right one.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: has montezuma's tomb been found ...?

BB - why did you delete the drawing of the 4 foot pyramid shaped monument you found? I would have thought that would have fostered a good amount of discussion. Do you have any photographs of it? If you're not comfortable posting it publicly, would you consider sending it via PM or e-mail?

Just curious.

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