Gun Industry Lobby Debunks Right-Wing Medias Latest Ammo Supply Conspiracy Theory

Did I read this in the article??
"The EPA closing, which has been in the works for a while, will have no impact on production, supply or cost to the consumers."
So the EPA isn't a factor in this?

The EPA is overstepping it's initial mandate,, and is bypassing congress to make rules the political appointees want the most. There is real problems with some of these groups.
Dave you're in VA. How do those coal miners like the President up there ?

ok , sorry I wasted your time reading my post

Dave you're in VA. How do those coal miners like the President up there ?

I am not too close to the Mines,, but What I hear from friends and relatives is that they like him less and less. Something about not being able to find work? Amazing the people that voted for him that are finding themselves in a big hurt.


I would tend to agree with you: The NSSF is a manufacturers' propaganda mill.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


I would tend to agree with you: The NSSF is a manufacturers' propaganda mill.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

What I see OB. Is the old switcheroo in your posts, Disinformation disguised as information.

You quoted Media Matters, Who used a portion of NSSA to try and solidify a false theory . Nice trick,, Some of us can't track down every bit of propaganda you post, don't have the bandwidth, but we all know the smell of the droppings left.

But you post an off the wall extreme leftist rag and claim it presents the facts.

Went to my Walmart today. LOTS of ammo. Asked the girl at the counter and she said they were getting regular shipments and even with all the buyers, they had no problem keeping the shelves stocked. Now I don't know which calibers or what the prices were, but there was a bunch on the shelves. In the next week or so I will visit Bass Pro and Academy(by the house) and check them out...

I saw $2.85 here in Tennessee today. And out in my garage on my restored Texaco pump from the 60s it's only 27.9 cents. buttt... the price of gas didn't double or worse almost overnight because of the real or imagined fear of confiscation by a US President. Ammo prices going from $18 for a brick of .22LR ammo to $80 in less than a year isn't the result of inflation so your comparison dosn't hold water.

It probably has something to do with supply and demand which is the direct result of the fear and consumption craze that is going on down there right now. Drives up the prices, not everyday can be a Black Friday.

I heard Michael Savage talking about the whole DHS ammo buying story a while back, but when he started talking about shortages of brass scrap used for casings and the cataclysmic ramifications this supposed shortage would have on the supply I had to stop. Dunno much about the guy but that nonsense just makes the right look really stupid. All it takes is about 2 milligrams of common sense to know that the supply of lead, copper, and zinc is not a problem in regards to ammo production. He may be on-target about a number of things, but after I came across that crap it just made me sorry for the ignorant nutters who gobble it all up.

In my stockpile is over 400 pounds of soft lead. Been saving wheelweights too, as they make nice hardened-lead knuckles. Carved me a simple open-top steatite (soapstone) mold and with a bit of file finishing they work great. And any of ya actually making your own gunpowder, or just talking? Howabout having the ingredients to make 80 pounds?

Thought so.


Instead of claiming the source is wrong why don't you back up your accusations and prove it. By, say, showing the gun manufacturing organizations NSSF didn't issue that press release. Or that it was quoted out of context - like so many of the wild conspiracy theory posts here on TN.

MM4A not only quotes extensively but also links to the original source.

You don't have to believe the facts. But calling them "propaganda" (your new favorite word) isn't going to change them.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


Yep. Look at what's happened since Mr. Obama was first elected. Rumor, fear, conspiracy theories spread - to use a cliche - like wildfire. People responded and the prices have soared.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


Yep. Look at what's happened since Mr. Obama was first elected. Rumor, fear, conspiracy theories spread - to use a cliche - like wildfire. People responded and the prices have soared.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo
You know this comment of yours made me think on this subject a bit more. The high prices do suck but... turning millions of ordinary citizens into armed "preppers" is very likely to bite mr Obummer in the ass. It may even be the deciding factor in whether or not to try actively going door to door and taking peoples guns. The biggest baddest, craziest bully on the playground is going to think twice when faced with overwhelming odds against him... lmao.. what a *******. He forgot the first rule of combat, stealth. Because he chose to grandstand instead.

I am buying for multiple reasons, 2 of the biggest reasons are prices going up and the fact if it ever does hit the fan you want be able to even find much less buy as it will be too late then..!

This, times xx million = the ammo shortage problem.

Paradoxically, it's hurting the shooting sports the most.

Bum Luck:

As far as hunting goes, there are a variety of factors reducing the number of people participating.

Cost doesn't keep people from skiing or playing golf.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Lead is definitely going up ... my sporting air rifle which will take small game easily, pellets (that's just the lead portion) is over $8/500 rounds.

No no panic for lead, everything is going great.


Mediamatters? Really? There was nothing available that was farther left than that? Sheesh!

Bum Luck:

As far as hunting goes, there are a variety of factors reducing the number of people participating.

Cost doesn't keep people from skiing or playing golf.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo
LOL.. Old Clueless One... Stick to subjects you know something about. Golf balls are not a one time use item. Hit them and they're gone ? When you go skiing you don't worry about someone kicking in your door and taking your skis do you ? Just this once do you suppose we could use a bit of common sense to look at this ? Let's say your favorite beverage is Pepsi. Now lets say you have reason to believe from multiple sources that Pepsi is going to stop production entirely next year. Do you keep drinking as much as you always did ? Buy extra and hoard it ? Save it for special occasions ? COMMON SENSE MAN... Get some... lmao @ book smart dumba$$es (not you specifically of course)... People are hoarding due to the government sponsored fear that there will be no more to replace what we have. Read that part again and again until you "get it".. that is the entire answer to this issue.. "People are hoarding due to the government sponsored fear that there will be no more to replace what we have." Add to that the FACT that there are tens of thousand of new shooters coming on board who are buying ammo, using ammo, taking shooting classes that require ammo... Do some actual research rather than getting all your "facts" from Google. That means TALKING to people in the industry, spending some time on gun forums where folks who actually have inside knowledge hang out, talk to guys who work in gun shops about who is buying up all the ammo, you know REAL facts, not what you read on da innanet....

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Bum Luck:

As far as hunting goes, there are a variety of factors reducing the number of people participating.

Cost doesn't keep people from skiing or playing golf.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

A lack of ammo does affect the sports though, since a bullet can only be shot once.

I can hunt a deer season and shoot only one, or a few bullets as I need to. For me, hunting is not shooting.

I like to target shoot and that takes much more ammo.

I hang around ammo shops and know enough people throughout the business to know that there is 1: NO shortage of lead; and 2: The ammo manufacturers are cranking their production full blast; there are shortages but they are easing, to make a complicated story short.

Did I read this in the article??
"The EPA closing, which has been in the works for a while, will have no impact on production, supply or cost to the consumers."
So the EPA isn't a factor in this?

The EPA is overstepping it's initial mandate,, and is bypassing congress to make rules the political appointees want the most. There is real problems with some of these groups.

The EPA gets their authority from federal law. It can't overstep a "mandate". Period.

A lack of ammo does affect the sports though, since a bullet can only be shot once.

I can hunt a deer season and shoot only one, or a few bullets as I need to. For me, hunting is not shooting.

I like to target shoot and that takes much more ammo.

I hang around ammo shops and know enough people throughout the business to know that there is 1: NO shortage of lead; and 2: The ammo manufacturers are cranking their production full blast; there are shortages but they are easing, to make a complicated story short.
Thank you. Maybe he'll listen to you. He mostly ignores my posts these days because logic has no place in his world... It's ok.. I got other friends.. lolol

ok, first one that has had any gun confiscated by popo post it.

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