Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: AVI movie added.

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Got permission to hunt my first "old" site yesterday. I am extremely excited to say the least!

I contacted the Property manager for the doctor that is going to build and he told me that the deal they made with the city was finally ironed out. It turns out that in order to build on the location the doctor has to dedicate the first floor of his new building to the city as a museum. There have been at least 2 archaeological digs that I know of on the site already that have turned up many artifacts. The museum will house all the finds from the location which already include some Indian artifacts and so on. I asked the Property manager if there has been any metal detecting done on the location and his reply was, "Not to his knowledge". Which could mean 2 things: (1) He knows there hasn't been any legal (permission granted) detecting done on the location, or (2) There has been detecting done on the property but not legally. I'm hoping for earlier.

The location is steeped with history! I've been reading on my local area and the history of these parts and have found tons of information on this particular site in many historical references!

Well, as it turns out, the doctor granted me access to the site under these conditions:

1. I can hunt anywhere I like on the property and dig all I want.

2. If I find anything of historical value to the city he would like me to donate it to the museum along with all the information/knowledge I have on the item.

3. In return for donating the item/items to the museum, the item will be displayed with the information I provide along with my name as the finder and source for th information.

4. Any coinage I find I can keep. --On this point I intend to keep only what is not truly historical,.....I haven't decided what that really means yet :) I guess I just might give it all to the museum. I'm not in it for the monetary value of items, I'm in it for the excitement of the hunt and find! I like the idea of contributing to the local community and having credit for the finds. You know, my name there forever as a contributer to the community :) kinda cool I think :) 8)

The site had a new structure (1960's) removed about a 1.5 years ago. It's been sitting ever since waiting for the new owner to cut through some red tape to construct a new museum and doctor's office on the location. Over the past few years I have driven past the area to go to work and never seen a detectorist on the site,....not once.

I made it out to the site yesterday for about an hour after work. And within the first 2 mins, right next to the main road adjacent to the property, I found a 1925 wheaty! That happens to be the oldest coin I've found to date. The significance of the find is that maybe, just maybe, the site is un-hunted. I have to be realistic on this however, the site could have easily been hunted years ago before all the attention was on it. HOWEVER, if it was hunted that long ago the equipment used would be far inferior to what I am using today! This fact and the fact that I found that wheaty so close to the road (could have easily been detected off the sidewalk) gives me hope of what might be waiting for me.

The adventure begins! Whatever I find I will post here for all to see.
Any suggestions on technique on covering the ground correct as to not loss any spots, is greatly appreciated!

I'll add a pic of the penny later this evening when I get home and photograph it.

Thanks everyone,.....wish me luck :)


Almost forgot! What is everyone's feelings on this one? Should I dig every signal and hunt in all metal? or should I disc out the metal and foil, loosing some relic chances? What do you guys think would be the way to go?

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Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

I agree 'TEKT First Work Later ;)

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

great stuff darod!! this section will be filled with your finds! keep em coming..


Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pi

Great finds on your firsts! I'm sure you'll have a lot more goodies to show.. I look forward to the photos!

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pi


Bad news everyone. I had spent about 3 days trying to prep the area,....hours of work pulling out large metal fragments from the previous building that was demolished. After all this work, I get a call from the Property management company asking me to come up to the office to sign a waiver. I thought, well....that's normal,....they just don't want to get sued if I get hurt on their land or something.

When I got up there to their office on Friday afternoon around 5:30PM it was pretty much what I had expected except they had a time period spelled out on the letter. The time period was the time I can detect in days. They granted me access for just this weekend!

If I had known that construct was starting tomorrow! and the construction companies insurance wouldn't allow me on the site once their began work! Well,......I wouldn't have wasted all my time clearing and prepping! To make matters worst, I couldn't get out there at all this weekend because of prior engagements,...WORK! URGHH.

So, to make a long story short, I couldn't back out there to detect at all this weekend except for about 30 minutes before dark this evening. Now my time is up and I can't "legally" go back out there.

To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. Who knows what is going to get covered up now. Man, it makes me sick to even think about it.

I've taken a few pics of this evenings finds and a small mpeg showing the property. I'll setup some links to the pics and files tomorrow during the day so come back to the posting and take a look.

All we found was some newer (1960's) pennies and a lot of lead chunks? Not sure what that's all about but we found about 6 or 7 chunks of lead, like slag or something. Maybe you guys can make sense of that one. I did manage to find a 1958 Wheat penny. It's in the pics as well.

Sorry to let everyone down on this deal. But, I promise you this,......Nobody is more disappointed than I am! Except maybe my boys. :)


Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

I'v been watching all weekend, & wondering........... That is realy Sad Rod. Sorry to hear . ..... Hopefully You'll make up for it at the next spot. Thanks for Filling us in. ........jeff

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pi

I sure hope so! It can only go better on the next one :-[

I have my eye on another lot that you can actually see from this spot. I'll add that mpeg right now. When you watch the mpeg you'll see a white building with blue trim at one point. The lot directly to the right of it had a building on it 3 days ago. You'll notice a green fence along the back end of the now empty lot. The green fence runs the entire length of the empty lot (the lot sits directly in front of that green fence) I'm going to try and get permission to hunt. THe building they took out was build in 1926 and there was a wood structure there before that which was build in the late 1800's. I researched and found out who owns the property. Now, all I have to do is get permission. Wish me luck, after this last disappointment I'll need it.


Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pi

Darod said:

Bad news everyone.? Rod

This is a bummer! It's all these sue happy people have brought this about. Everyone is scared to death they'll get burned. And for good reason, it is awefully easy to sue today.

I think you know all your potential options. I guess at this point it's up to you. I think I know what I'd do but then I'm not in your shoes.

I hope this thing works out somehow for you friend.


Copper ?P.S. Don't forget your flashlight.

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

That's a real shame, and after all that hard work you put in. Well it seems like you got some ambition and imagination. I am sure you'll find another good spot soon. Good luck.

Man, that's to bad. I was hoping that wouldn't happen to you on that site. I think the chunks of lead might be lead solder the plumbers droped during construction on the original building. You do have a few great finds to show for the hard work you did and there will be another site some time in the future.

Thanks for the words of encouragement guys. It helps, really. I'm truly bummed out over here!

Here are the images I promised. The rocks are my son's conribution to the photo :)









The small square item is, from what I can tell, a small motor or something. THere is a tag on it that has an picture of a small coin, or something, with a VR in the center and the numbers going around the edge. I'll take a closeup of it tomorrow and add the pic here. It also says "Weed" above the small symbol with the VR and numbers. Maybe you guys can figure out what it really is and how old it is.

The movie I've added is rather large SO, if your on a dial-up I wouldn't even bother trying to get it. Of course you can start the download and let it run over night if you like :) It's 36.5 mg in size. You've all be forewarned :)

By the way, if you want to see large versions of all these images just go the this link:

Thanks again for all the words of encouragement everyone,


PS: I'll let ya know how it works out on that other site I mentioned in my previous response on this post.

I have High speed Connection & cant get in. I'll have to try back later. Must be overloaded right now

Try again Jeff.

It should work. I just tested it and it downloaded off the link just find. Give it another try.


>:(Boy that bites. Rod ive been in construction in South Florida for over 20 years and know quite a few people also if the construction co is gong in to scrape the site first befoer they start doing the new construction you may want to talk to the Super on the site. In any case Let us know and hope it works out.

~ Floater ~

Nope ROD, just wont connect right now. My Computer is running slower then usual right now. Like I said, I'll try in the Morning again.

I got in Rod But the site has so many Pics I didn't know where to begin. It had all the Indexs listed by date but I did get to see the Pics in there as well as on the thread here. Hope that helps.

~ Floater ~

Got it rod. Don't know how long it took, I started downloading after my last post & went away . I just checked & it was ready to go. Guess I was just being impatient before. Cool Video, & looking forward to more. Thanks..................;jeff

OK Rod. This is what you need to add to your TH'ing equipment bag. 1 Black spandex body suit and hood. 1 pair black ninja shoes. 1 pair night vision goggles. Seriously though. I talked to a city official here about hunting a baseball complex in my town that was being remodeled and was flatly denied. Not one to take the word of my local elected official, I dropped by the construction site to chat with the superviser. Turned out he was an MD'er too, (a frustrated one that never had the time to do it anymore) and he promptly granted me permission to hunt all day and amongst his workers. Turned out the site sucked as it was built on fill over an old junkyard, (overload signals everywhere). The moral of this story is...Don't give up until you've exhausted all avenues. That is if you're still interested in hunting the site. The old addage still applies. All they can do is say no. If it's really important to you, make a nuisance of yourself until they let you hunt just to shut you up! ;D Good luck~CO2

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