Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: AVI movie added.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Darod
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Got permission to hunt my first "old" site yesterday. I am extremely excited to say the least!

I contacted the Property manager for the doctor that is going to build and he told me that the deal they made with the city was finally ironed out. It turns out that in order to build on the location the doctor has to dedicate the first floor of his new building to the city as a museum. There have been at least 2 archaeological digs that I know of on the site already that have turned up many artifacts. The museum will house all the finds from the location which already include some Indian artifacts and so on. I asked the Property manager if there has been any metal detecting done on the location and his reply was, "Not to his knowledge". Which could mean 2 things: (1) He knows there hasn't been any legal (permission granted) detecting done on the location, or (2) There has been detecting done on the property but not legally. I'm hoping for earlier.

The location is steeped with history! I've been reading on my local area and the history of these parts and have found tons of information on this particular site in many historical references!

Well, as it turns out, the doctor granted me access to the site under these conditions:

1. I can hunt anywhere I like on the property and dig all I want.

2. If I find anything of historical value to the city he would like me to donate it to the museum along with all the information/knowledge I have on the item.

3. In return for donating the item/items to the museum, the item will be displayed with the information I provide along with my name as the finder and source for th information.

4. Any coinage I find I can keep. --On this point I intend to keep only what is not truly historical,.....I haven't decided what that really means yet :) I guess I just might give it all to the museum. I'm not in it for the monetary value of items, I'm in it for the excitement of the hunt and find! I like the idea of contributing to the local community and having credit for the finds. You know, my name there forever as a contributer to the community :) kinda cool I think :) 8)

The site had a new structure (1960's) removed about a 1.5 years ago. It's been sitting ever since waiting for the new owner to cut through some red tape to construct a new museum and doctor's office on the location. Over the past few years I have driven past the area to go to work and never seen a detectorist on the site,....not once.

I made it out to the site yesterday for about an hour after work. And within the first 2 mins, right next to the main road adjacent to the property, I found a 1925 wheaty! That happens to be the oldest coin I've found to date. The significance of the find is that maybe, just maybe, the site is un-hunted. I have to be realistic on this however, the site could have easily been hunted years ago before all the attention was on it. HOWEVER, if it was hunted that long ago the equipment used would be far inferior to what I am using today! This fact and the fact that I found that wheaty so close to the road (could have easily been detected off the sidewalk) gives me hope of what might be waiting for me.

The adventure begins! Whatever I find I will post here for all to see.
Any suggestions on technique on covering the ground correct as to not loss any spots, is greatly appreciated!

I'll add a pic of the penny later this evening when I get home and photograph it.

Thanks everyone,.....wish me luck :)


Almost forgot! What is everyone's feelings on this one? Should I dig every signal and hunt in all metal? or should I disc out the metal and foil, loosing some relic chances? What do you guys think would be the way to go?

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Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

Nice stuff Rod. Happy for ya man. You seem like a nice dude to. If anyone deserves it it's probably you. It's really exciting the first barber dime you dig. Man your buffalo nickles stay in great shape were your at. Run your machine to the maximun sensitivity that you can. As long as it's stable. Unless you don't have a sensitivity nob. And just dig everything. There might be some gold around. Dig the iron to. I find alot of coins in the ground mixed with nails. Good going man. Keep at that site. There's more.

Good Luck Jer

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

Way to go Darod. I recently got a CZ-20 and live over in the Tampa area. I got out to the beach with it but was freezin my nippys off. I am curious how the machine is working on land. I have been doing research in my area and found a couple of old sites. I just gotta get permission now. Also found a cool site of Florida ghost towns. There are quite a few around your area.

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

excellent finds!! congrats and god luck!......Serb

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

way to go ROD good to hear your into better zones get the goods while the getting is still good.and if you dont want people coming onto the "spot" while your working it yellow cation tape and a hat with a badge of some kind on it,(stenciled,or drawn on what ever)just so people think oh something official better not play here!and if people ask" im on official state buisiness"(your not lieing your doing something for the state right!)or the old lowbatts favorite one of those paper clean suits like bio workers,clean up crews use people wont even come near you.

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

Congrats Rod that is an excellent Barber, no wonder you are so excited I would be to. Looking forward to what else is out there. Keep us posted. Great Digs. Joe

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

Ya! Congrads man..You look formiliar..If thats your picture..are you from the Wisconsin area?

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

Way to go Rod..I might have missed in one of your posts but how big is the site you are hunting...Any idea what was there prior to the 60's house? corner lot? just wondering.


Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

:) Great job,your off to a great start looks like a lot of pic,s comeing our way.Good luck.HHl

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

How are you griding off the area? Drawing lines in the dirt, painting lines? My idea for gridding would be 4 dowels and some twine. Mark off a decent sized rectangle and check it slow. When you get to the end take 2 of the dowels on the side and put them on the other side and work another rectangle. Don't be afraid to overlap your search area. If I was you and I was doing this for the museum I'd take a three day weekend and pull 12 hour shifts. Run through some batteries but You'll clear a huge area in 36 hours. Preferable go after some rain to get a little extra depth from your coil, too. I'm not sure how big of an area it is but I'm sure you could clean it out good before someone else comes through and throws some historical relics on ebay. Speaking of historical relics, how many of you out there reading this right now have items of historical signifacance that's buried in a box that no one will see for 50 years? You've always wanted to show them off, donate them to a museum. Some if not all museums will let you display items for a time and then allow you to take them back. Just tell the person at the museum what you have and a time frame you want it displayed and they should work with you. Why pull objects of beauty out of the ground and then bury them in a box in the back of your closet? Let your local community see more of their historic past. I have a nice spot that I'll be checking out and I intend on donating everything of historic interest to the town historian. Its part of the past before there was a town there and should be of extreme interest to the community. I'm not just diggin' history, I'm just really diggin' it.Good Luck and HH Jason

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pi

Thanks for all the positive feedback guys :)

I'm from Florida and I've never lived up North. I get alot of that "you look familiar" stuff :)

Back to the site,....I really like the strategy you offered concerning the dowels and twine! I'll do that for sure, sounds like that would be a pretty efficient way to cover the ground without missing any areas.

Also, the idea of the white paper outfit is perfect! I remember when Lowbatts suggested that to another forum member some time ago. I'll be looking into that for sure.

I'll post tonights stuff later this evening if I get a chance.


Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

I sorta Figured it out Rod, You look almost identical to someone I saw on tv. Havn't been able to place where tho' .? Maby when I figure it out you can get a job as a Stunt Double :lol? ;D

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pi


You let me know Jeff,...I'll apply for the job,.....I could use the extra money :)


Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

TV THATS IT TV,IT WAS ON LAST WEEKS AMERICA,S MOST WANTED. Just kidding,bring on the finds,Going out now to check my luck.HH

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pi

:D :D :D

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

Damn, thats funny about Eb. There's nothing funny about those coins though, there great!!! Good job!!! I can't wait to see the next batch. You'll end up with a sock full of coins from that site I bet.

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pi

I just bought a white coverall suit for painting that is like paper only stronger (it's made of tyvek material) and it zips up in front. I bought it to do some painting and I paid only $3.00 for it at Home Depot (in the painting department). Sounds like just what you want to get. Pretty much any paint store will have them but as far as price goes I thought $3.00 was extremely reasonable. Good luck and HH.

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

Your first buffalo and first barber dime in the same day!! Congratulations!!! :D

Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

I thought you looked familiar also.

Maybe its this guy.


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Re: Got permission to hunt my first Old Historic site! Updated: today's finds pics

Hey Rod. Great digs! I guess you got your answer as to wether that site has been hunted or not. Good luck tomorrow~CO2

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