Got out a little today....................

Holy extendo batman!
What is that....10 feet long?
Yes it is.....:laughing7:... Actually it has a good bit of flexibility and can be configured in a number of different ways, .... multiple mat types, as well as being turned into a high banker....

Also talked with my friend about the mats..... they should be available for sale next week......

Here is some more info on the mat.


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Holy crap Johnedoe.......I just read through all of this post. Had to get my glasses out to see that fly poop but still looks cool and interesting. I'm interested to see how that sluice works.

We'll get together soon and try to find a beach that will give up some of it's gold.....
Summer isn't the best time to beach mine though..... but hey we can waste time in a lot worse ways.....:dontknow:... :laughing7:

Here are some pics of tonights partial cleanup.
This is from Nome beach that a buddy of mine and I dug quite a few years ago. He had stored these cons and did some work with a bunch of them himself. He has moved back down here and dropped the remainder off to me..... We had a great time running them through the new mats and cleanup sluice I have made.

20160706_155652.webp 20160706_155740.webp

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I like that mat. My A52 lined entirely with it......Yes please!!
Today at Nesika beach a guy had the Keene Super Concentrator set up (above the vegetation line..) and had it running fast. He was doing great!! The Keene miracle mat has some of the same characteristics as the saw tooth EPDM mat.


I like that mat. My A52 lined entirely with it......Yes please!!
Today at Nesika beach a guy had the Keene Super Concentrator set up (above the vegetation line..) and had it running fast. He was doing great!! The Keene miracle mat has some of the same characteristics as the saw tooth EPDM mat.

View attachment 1333738

I assume he was running beach sands but.....How was he cleaning out the tailings bucket or was he just pumping from the creek and bypassing the tails bucket? Out of curiosity....Did the creek have enough flow to set up a sluice?

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I assume he was running beach sands but.....How was he cleaning out the tailings bucket or was he just pumping from the creek and bypassing the tails bucket? Out of curiosity....Did the creek have enough flow to set up a sluice?

He had it set up a mile or so from Euchre creek, that was the closet creek of any size. It was a recirculating set up and he was switching out the tailing buckets. Half full, then in to the back of his truck with it,(one time while I was there) he brought his own water.

That's very interesting mat and I would sure like to try it this winter. I'm too busy chasing tuna now, (it's my job) and miss my prospecting. Maybe that mat will be available by then?

Did a little more cleanup of the super cons today, I screened them through the new classifiers I just got....
Here is some +80....


Well you saw the +80 mesh.... Now look at the other end of the spectrum...... -325
Not a lot here and bloody hard to see...

From this dust....

To this .... Gold dust.

Screen Shot 2016-07-20 at 6.03.46 PM.webp

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Well I got out Friday with a couple friends and we went to a few beaches south of Coos Bay......
Gotta tell ya we saw nothing remarkable.... There was one spot however off the beach that had potential but will have to see what kind of hoops we're going to have to jump through to be able to work it.
The beaches were covered in windblown sands with no visible pay streaks.

Today, Sunday I'm still healing up from Friday but decided to take a look at my beach.... I didn't take any equipment with me and I regret that a bit but I would not have been moving much even if I had so it was a look see for reference.
My beach is still nothing like it was but it is starting to come back and there are areas of good black sand deposits starting to show though.
The creek is still very different than it usually is but it did have some areas in which I would be able to set up the ground sluice because as you know in Oregon you can not use any power (gas or electric) on the beach...... YUP complete BS, but that's the way it is so we do what we have to do.

Anyway here are some pics to enjoy.........

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Well what a difference a day or two makes......... And a Northwester blowing 30-40 MPH
Those little patches of black sand that were starting to show through...... yeah, there covered up again.

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Any thoughts about beach sand gold in the Yachats area? Will be heading down there for a few days middle of September. Is it doable to run a 30" BGT Prospector to collect some cons? I don't have these fancy CleanGold sluices. Have a few Garret pans though in size varying from 10" to 15" SuperSluice.

Any thoughts about beach sand gold in the Yachats area? Will be heading down there for a few days middle of September. Is it doable to run a 30" BGT Prospector to collect some cons? I don't have these fancy CleanGold sluices. Have a few Garret pans though in size varying from 10" to 15" SuperSluice.

No creeks that I know of have enough water flow to operate a BGT ... though Cummings creek might be a possibility... pretty good all year round.
It is just south of Cape Perpetua also known as The Devil's Churn. Let me know when you will be in the area and we can meet up there, maybe things will have changed and I can give you some additional info then.....
You will have to time the tides here depending on the max high.
I can PM you my cell # if you want to do this..
2016-08-21_1536 - johnedoe7312's library
Cummings creek.webp

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Well, we made it to Yachats last night, but my BGT didn't arrive before we left, so all I brought were my pans. I took my 15" Garrett Super Sluice out to the beach a couple miles N where we are staying and found a random patch of wind-blown black sand on the beach and scraped the surface sand into my pan, filling it up. After about an hour panning it out, this is what I found. I was shocked, to say the least.


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Got back to the beach house after a trip up to the aquarium in Newport, and went back out to the beach. This is another 1 1/2 panning the same patch of black sand.


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