Got out a little today....................

Not yet. I'am still getting my blue bowl set up, so I can process the black sand I'am bringing home. It's heavy!! Dragging it home is getting to be a PIA.. My back ...

At the very least you ought to get a gold cube bring those cons down to a manageable amount..... and fast too..... a blue bowl is going to be a long slow process.
Well you'll get it together and then when you are rich we will all be able to say ... Hey we knew him when.......:laughing7:

I had plans for a highbanker, I have an A52 lined entirely with V mat...for the beach, But California Sluicebox offered an ABS hopper for the A52, at a good price! Nope they are out of business. So....I will now attach spray bars to a 10" by 24" sluice box blank, Cut/add classifier, home made hopper !
Also I will be getting another sluice box blank 36" by 10" same as the A52 also lined with deep V matting!
A double/duel/stacked :laughing7: highbanker? Why not!!!

I guess I don't really need an above the vegetation wash plant...:laughing7:

Although a Gold Cube would be a lot lighter....And not need near the GPH. And for black sand only, it would be faster and easier to set up and clean out. Yeh! That's the ticket!!

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Well I got out a little yesterday.... Dang near killed me.

Reed was in the area so we went up to a little stretch of beach and moved some sand......
That beach is just full of cobble now and pulling that gorilla cart over the cobble is a bit of a chore.... We moved about 2 cart loads before calling it good enough.

Reed stopped by today and we did a basic cleanup and have yet to finish clean the reduced cons.
I will post the results later......

I told Reed this isn't like anything he is used to but he seemed to enjoy the outing non the less.....
He said he thought it was pretty cool to just be able to get gold off the beach....:laughing7:

Well here's the big haul of a cleanup......
It's no wonder I was barely able to haul it up to the truck.......:laughing7:


Yup it was a lot of fun and that was my first time beach mining :) johnedoe has a great set up for beach mining and cleaning cons 20160305140250.webp

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Remember this beach?

2015-10-31 11.15.36.webp 2015-10-31 11.17.24.webp

Well this is it today....... Nothing to do now till things return to something workable..... because this ain't it.

20160612_092528.webp 20160612_092843.webp

I want to see this again..........

2015-03-08 13.41.36.webp 2015-03-08 13.34.36.webp

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What sort of material is right under those small cobbles? Maybe your gold is hiding!

What sort of material is right under those small cobbles? Maybe your gold is hiding!

:laughing7: Those small cobbles .......
That is a cobble drift (like a snow drift) that is 10 feet high where you see the creek running out the bottom of them.
There is very little visible black sand left on the beach, it has really been swept this year...... It is a really different beach this year, like none I have seen before.

Remember this beach?

View attachment 1324705 View attachment 1324706

Well this is it today....... Nothing to do now till things return to something workable..... because this ain't it.

View attachment 1324703 View attachment 1324704

I want to see this again..........

View attachment 1324710 View attachment 1324712

That is an amazing transformation. Is that a black sand deposit showing next to the creek? If so the cobbles may be hiding a huge but, for all intents,purposes and practicality, unworkable black sand bar partly due to Oregon "No motors on the beach" law. Bummer. I hope those conditions are not an indicator of what I will find on the beaches to the south of you when I come out next month.

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Unfortunately the dark area is just wet cobbles....... no black sand to speak of.

Not sure what the south beaches look like now but I doubt they will be like this.

Wow,... so the sand all got washed back in... That sucks... So I guess the old saying, "The bigger the rocks, the Bigger the Gold, doesn't pay on the beach? There might be nuggets or rings where the fines were... Maybe :)

Today I got a little clean up sluice put together. The matting is some stuff a fellow I know had made.
Anyway here is some pics of the results.
The material I ran was some leftovers from a previous cleanup, about a 1/4 cup of black sand.... Thought I had gotten all the gold out of it..
Anyway I ran the tails and there was nothing but a couple of tiny specks left in those.
The cleanup sluice did a fine job.
As you guys and gals know I use a cleangold magnetic sluice so what I have to deal with for cons is just heavy black sands and further reducing them to something manageable is a chore to say the least. I had about 2 tablespoons of black sand left to deal with which is a whole lot easier than a cup and a half.
The little cleanup sluice handled this nicely, I set it up at 15 deg. and about 400 GPH.





Did some cleaning on some other stuff I had also......


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Here is a pic of my new little cleanup sluice......


I like it. What are the dimensions? It looks like V mat bur square at the peak?:icon_scratch:

It is actually more of a saw tooth design rather than deep V.

It is actually more of a saw tooth design rather than deep V.

Gold Hog design...kinda.
I like the "trapped" under the directional mat concept.
Is that matting on the market?

Gold Hog design...kinda.
I like the "trapped" under the directional mat concept.
Is that matting on the market?

Not yet.... Should be soon though, I hope.
I also have enough to setup one of my 16"x24" slick plates. I will add that to the long tom.

2015-10-10 14.49.56.webp 2015-10-10 14.52.41.webp

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Ran another test today of some previously run material .... Found approx. 115 pieces in the mat and less than 20 in the tailings.
Here is a brief video of the run..... Also my first video and wasn't quite sure what I was doing, but I guess it turned out OK.
I ran 2 1/2 gallons of previously run and rerun beach material and counted about 115-120 pieces of gold. I re-ran everything and only found 10-20 pieces of gold that were ridiculously small. So I would say the little cleanup sluice is working just fine.

Sluice was setup inside my cleangold sluice and set at about 15 deg angle, water flow was approx. 400 GPH.


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