Got A Rock you Want Identified? Post it here! gimme a good picture or 3 or 4!

I have a 20+ year mystery. I used to live in PA, not too far from the Kinzua Dam Reservoir area. Back around 1993, there was drought conditions and near an area where you could normally dock your boat, rather than water, there was hard packed mud. I was walking around and saw these rings in the clay/rock. I pulled up a couple of pieces to try and figure out what was making the rings. This is a sample of what I found. I have no idea what it is. There is a distinct "bullet" or cone shaped item, that looks like it contributes to making the rings. Oxidation? I don't know. It's sedimentary rock but we just have not been able to figure out what this is a sample of? Man oh man, I would love to finally solve this riddle.

At the start , I tried to break it by hitting hard to a concrete slab. But it was not broken. Only some fusion crust removed and more harder surface can be seen in that. Relatively weight is very high---7 Kg--------Length----width-----height-----18 cm x 11 cm x 10 cm ----------- approximate density----3.5 g per cmxcmxcm

Some experts say ,it is a Lunar or Mars Meteorite

Found in river that cuts across gold bearing formations (copper is also an occurrence and the slight green staining leaves me wondering) however it IS malleable with a fingernail :)

What is this rock?

I found this rock on my farm in central Iowa years ago. I've always wondered what it was. It is about 3ft longx2feet wide and about a foot thick.

Prehistoric tooth???

Not sure what this is but it looks like a tooth from something. Found it in Lake Erie in Erie Michigan. Can anyone help with this? I appreciate it

Well, persistence pays off. After 2 months of prospecting and researching and building a miller table and borrowing a rock crusher and watching hours of instructional geology videos online I finally figured out that I was more likely to have porphyry gold enrichment on my claim instead of mesothermal, so I changed which rocks I was looking for. That very day I found this:
That was from a bunch of rock I blasted out of a hillside to make a small parking lot. Notice the small quartz inclusions and the biotite which are clues to the porphyry enrichment process. And here I thought that stuff was just "country" rock with nothing of value while I was poking around in the barren feldspar. What do you think?


Hi, any idea of what it is?

Thanks for any help ;)

It pulls my magnet :)

<img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/><img src=""/>


hello first time on this site, need help identifying this rock, it is magnetic. the metal detector does NOT detect it.. its about 39lb and it is very smooth. thanks for your timeIMG_0164.webpIMG_0175.webpIMG_0028.webpIMG_0032.webpIMG_0084.webpIMG_0039.webpIMG_0038.webpIMG_0158.webpIMG_0165.webpIMG_0042.webp

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hello first time on this site, need help identifying this rock, it is magnetic. the metal detector does NOT detect it.. its about 39lb and it is very smooth. thanks for your timeView attachment 1178909View attachment 1178910View attachment 1178911View attachment 1178912View attachment 1178913View attachment 1178914View attachment 1178918View attachment 1178919View attachment 1178920View attachment 1178921

My first thought is that it is magnetite since I can see some crystal like structures and pores in some of the images. It looks a lot like a much smaller one that I have that I am pretty sure is magnetite....Magnetic but detector does not see it.
I would first do a scratch test as is described here. Meteorite Home Tests If no red or black streak or a streak of another color then you may have a meteorite and it could be a valuable find. I would not damage it if it passes the meteorite tests because doing so would reduce the value.

Good luck.

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Western Montana Rock

Masons rock 006.webpMasons rock 007.webpMasons rock 008.webp My friend near Superior, Montana has a lot of slide rock in areas on his ranch that have hot or warm vents that melt the snow in the winter. I've built roads through them and we came up with these. I warned him that if we keep it up we would dig up a volcano and he would be in trouble. :laughing7: He asked me to maybe get this identified. The silver is always a very thin vein as shown and basically what you see is all there is. Got any ideas? Thanks

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