Cheers. I did a streak but just silver so don't know what to make of that.Hardness.Yeah.Did that.Also the density is coming out at about 2.4 but it is full of bits of rock.The mineral inclusions are consistent. I was trying a hydroxide cos of something I read about identifying metals by their precipitates. But just like the streak test and density and peroxide and hardness. Still leaves me unconfident that it is silver.But I am confident they are natural cos of consistent inclusions. Just natural what? at the moment. I hope they are not silver actually. But I am confident they are natural. If they were natural "something else",they would no doubt be rather rare.Whatever they are. The tiny purple gems in the stones in the nuggets of metal make me quite sure they are natural. Just expect silver to be heavier.Even with rock through it. I have tried to find out what silver metals form nuggets naturally. The closest I can come up with is silver. Closer to strontium or aluminium in density.So who knows.
Thanks anyway