Over the past few years I switched from "stacking", that is buying silver just for silver value, to buying under priced semi-numismatic stuff for near bullion prices. Even as silver has fallen in price I have been able to buy stuff with built-in "equity" so to speak. I only have sold at the coin shows where I get table and did well each time (once or twice a year).
The key is to find big buyers of silver (like coin stores, pawn shops, we buy gold shops, etc) and have them consider you a wholesale buyer to them. For example, I know some dealers/buyers that buy a lot of stuff, and cheap. If you walk in their place with cool silver coins, like say a fancy Nuie coin or a silver lunar from Australia, they will offer you spot or slightly above. They don't care what it is, silver is silver to them. These buyers like to flip stuff and when certain items come in that they know I collect, I get the first offer to buy. I can usually get such things for $2-$5 over spot. Since these guys don't mess with ebay and such, I have been able to buy even below wholesale on this type of stuff. Best to find places that don't retail that much stuff other than common ASEs, junk silver, etc. They don't like to waste space in their shop with fancy coins in pretty boxes, etc.
I have been cultivating these relationships for over 10 years and there really is a way to make $$$ off this if a person did it right. I only do this as a "hobby" and to satisfy my silver addiction without losing money due to falling silver prices. This way, if I get desperate and need to sell to raise cash I will at least get my money back plus a few bucks and that is if I sell the stuff cheap (under ebay completed sale prices).
There will be a time if/when silver starts rising again where the premiums on my semi numis stuff will start to vanish. Probably when silver is at $30 or so. I need to sell before that time to capture the extra equity and possibly then put it into "bullion" since a rising price will even make that stuff go up again.
Believe it or not, some of the semi numis stuff seems to go up in price as silver drops which is illogical but it is what it is.