Good Time to Buy PM's?

I ordered my ten 1/10th gold eagles last night for $1188 with shipping. They tried to upsell me a 2016 30th anniversary $10 st gaudens for $1250 but I didn't want it. It's an ms70 graded coin but I'm just not into that stuff right now.

I can keep those safe for you

I don't like their method of trying to upsell but it is what it is. I probably won't order from them in the future but the price was right.
When you order you leave contact info and they call you back to get your payment info. That's when they offer you this other deal too. I've never had a company do that before and I've ordered from quite a few on the web.
Strange tactic but maybe it works for them.

My salesman guys name was Jonathon Rogers and even though he was a salesman, he wasn't rude in any way or overly pushy. I'll say he was determined haha.
Either way I'd recommend it to anyone that's in the market for a cheap oz of gold, it won't last forever.
If nothing else, wait to make sure I get mine first and I'll post pics if you want to see. I'd have no reason to lie, just here to share info and ideas and learn what I can.

The kilogram of gold is at 1293.746 USD, I believe that if the world market has always kept Gold as a refuge in times of crisis and it is very likely that the price of gold will continue to grow, taking into account the world political scenario, where many things are ruminated as a possible war in the Middle East, USA vrs North Korea, among many other things. I think if it's good time to buy the Gold

At $16.50, it was good for silver yesterday.
My local bullion guy in Salida said it's been really slow for him and he's not selling much which I thought was strange. He still had all the same stuff that he had a week or so ago and that never happens.
There's a euphoria with the stock market rally going on now I think and more are jumping on board.
All the more reason to keep building that stack!

Interesting ! I Haven't looked at PM prices for awhile.

Platinum is no Longer out Preforming Gold .

Allot of Platinum Buyers are probably Crying their Eyes Out :laughing7:

TreasureNet - Metal Prices

I had thought about platinum but the price hasn't been very stable in awhile and my dealer said don't buy grams, too hard to sell later. He said the bigger platinum sells much easier but still isn't as liquid as silver or gold is.
I still haven't picked any up yet but maybe in the future.
Now might be a better time than in the past.

Quick question if anyone knows but I didn't want to search for hours. My brain already hurts.
I have a coin that I was told I should send in to be graded to up the value a little and help preserve it. It's nothing special or perfect but in nice shape. I don't know about the grading process but it seems at both ngc and pcgs you have to join the club? Which company is better and why is one club $39 and the other $69? Then there's a fee too?
On the submission forms it asks questions about which grading teir so what do I say? I don't know what half that stuff means they are talking about and I'm worried I'll screw this up. They have all kinds of warnings about if you do something wrong they'll send it back to you ungraded and charge me anyway?
I always thought you just mailed the dang coin somewhere and they graded and you paid $25 or whatever it but it's starting to give me a head ache hehe.
Is it even worth the hassle?
This is the coin. It's not rare I don't think but it's in pretty good shape and might be worth it for the future.


My dealer said he guessed maybe au50-58, somewhere in there but he still said to do it. I don't care about a coin collecting club but is this a thing just rope me in for some money? I read before that those two companies were the only good grading companies but is this true?
Lots of yess or nos would help me alot.

Johnny I can't see the date. Right now it's common US bullion.

PM prices looking like they got pushed off a cliff today........ :icon_scratch:

(may hafta go to the deposit boxes, give my metals a pep talk!) >:( :laughing7:

Anyone looking for an excuse to stack some more, it's about as cheap as is gonna be. Might as well buy a few more pounds :treasurechest:

I spent a load last weekend, figured $16.50 was awesome haha. It's all good.
Not a good time to hesitate imo.
Not that I have tons of money to spend but feels good to have it put away and seems like alot for me.

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One thing I really like about stacking is that I get to shop and spend my money and buy something cool, yet I'm really not spending it....
You actually save your money by spending it, so you can spend and save at the same time!
I have a habit of pi$$1n it away so it's perfect for a guy like me haha. In cash form it's easy to do and it goes fast!
I like shopping for shiny perty things.

To generate interest and experience reverse direction traction, I believe silver will have to break through 15 on the downside.
That's where you can find me now; lurking and waiting.

I recently bought a nice big batch of AU Peace Dollars for $18 each. Got to cherry pick through about 200 of them that a dealer was unloading. Demand on this stuff is so low the premiums have evaporated.

Generally I believe silver dollars to be one of the worst investments for someone who simply wants to stack, but at $18 for AU coins, I am buying at or below wholesale and the coins I picked out look very nice. Mostly 1922 and 1923 but also some 1924 and 1925 coins mixed in. I am speculating that as silver goes up again one day, the premiums on these will come back as well.

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