Gone, or banned?

Although I respect Mrs Tee and Lamar immensely, the conversation between them is why the rubber room is needed. Their conversation needs to be in the Religion area, but there is none. Ultimately Politics and Religion will bleed into the other threads. Before if some one was getting a little out of hand the thread could be removed to these places. What will happen now. If someone complains about what Tee and Lamar are talking about will it get removed? That is the only option now and that will make folks who have their post removed resentful. We do need the bleeder valve that is the rubber room or pressure will build. I hope careful consideration is given to this subject. And Lamar, I understand your feelings about the Catholic Church, but since you did not like what was said in the Rubber Room about it, are you really ready for it too show up here? I would bet if the RR does not come back such discussions will more than likely show up on threads like everything else.

Add to that the possibility of someone becoming hypersensitive to posts that, while criticizing a nonpartisan agency of the U.S. government, do not take a political stand for any party but instead looks to benefit others --- MILLIONS of others --- and you can see why we need the rubber room.

That way, if you criticized, oh, let's say the Environmental Protection Agency . . . Since it is a government agency started during the Nixon Administration (republican) . . . no one could possibly thing you were criticizing another administration for any missteps that the agency would commit.

Then we would be dealing with people knowledgeable enough about politics that no one would be offended . . .

There are other Treasure sites that have no rubber room boards and the sites get along just fine without them. Mods would have no problem doing same here, pull the posts that go to far off topic and get out of hand and issue temporary to permanent bans to those who demostrate they can't behave........

Another option, charge $100 a year dues for access to rubber room...........

User options have ignore preferences. Why get rid of them? People will be offended no matter what. I don't believe in censorship. This is the USA, right? That being said, Marc has the right to do whatever he wants to with his site. I'll respect whatever he does and still appreciate this site as much as ever.

We could just discuss metal detecting related stuff.

CurbdiggerCarl57 said:
We could just discuss metal detecting related stuff.

Yes we can and ignore certain sections. There are certain sections here I never visit. Why not do away with them too? There not my cup of tea, but to some they are. I just ignore them and move on.


CurbdiggerCarl57 said:
We could just discuss metal detecting related stuff.

Soooooooo,.............What were you doing posting in politics Carl since you only want to discuss "metal detecting related stuff".? Inquiring minds would like to know.


Newt said:
CurbdiggerCarl57 said:
We could just discuss metal detecting related stuff.

Yes we can and ignore certain sections. There are certain sections here I never visit. Why not do away with them too? There not my cup of tea, but to some they are. I just ignore them and move on.


Possible those "certain sections" are about Treasure Hunting, while the rubber room has nothing to do with treasure hunting at all and usually only sprews hate and personal attacks..... Maybe a special membership fee for access to the rubber room, $100 a year per member who wishes access to enter would bring in additional income and keep others from stumbling in on it.....

Newt said:
CurbdiggerCarl57 said:
We could just discuss metal detecting related stuff.

Yes we can and ignore certain sections. There are certain sections here I never visit. Why not do away with them too? There not my cup of tea, but to some they are. I just ignore them and move on.


Possible those "certain sections" are about Treasure Hunting, while the rubber room has nothing to do with treasure hunting at all and usually only sprews hate and personal attacks..... Maybe a special membership fee for access to the rubber room, $100 a year per member who wishes access to enter would bring in additional income and keep others from stumbling in on it.....

Again, learn to navigate the site. Why another tax on freedom? I hardly ever post in that section, but, I like to read varying viewpoints.
Even if they aren't my own.

Newt said:
CurbdiggerCarl57 said:
We could just discuss metal detecting related stuff.

Yes we can and ignore certain sections. There are certain sections here I never visit. Why not do away with them too? There not my cup of tea, but to some they are. I just ignore them and move on.


Possible those "certain sections" are about Treasure Hunting, while the rubber room has nothing to do with treasure hunting at all and usually only sprews hate and personal attacks..... Maybe a special membership fee for access to the rubber room, $100 a year per member who wishes access to enter would bring in additional income and keep others from stumbling in on it.....

Possibly we could run off all those who would visit those "certain sections" with a $100 dollar per year fee thus leaving TN to only those who would not entertain such sections. This would leave us with a site with only those who thought and felt the way we do concerning having Politics and Religion forums here. Oh happy day.

21stTNCav said:
Possibly we could run off all those who would visit those "certain sections" with a $100 dollar per year fee thus leaving TN to only those who would not entertain such sections. This would leave us with a site with only those who thought and felt the way we do concerning having Politics and Religion forums here. Oh happy day.

Rubber room has been an embaressement to Treasurenet for a long time. There may be a few members who enjoy active discussions about the violent overthrow of our government, do we put a board up for them too just because they think different from the majority?.....

21stTNCav said:
CurbdiggerCarl57 said:
We could just discuss metal detecting related stuff.

Soooooooo,.............What were you doing posting in politics Carl since you only want to discuss "metal detecting related stuff".? Inquiring minds would like to know.

A. Doing my best to get certain people banned for their homophobic, racial, or sexist comments and beliefs, and...

B. Making the Mods realize that the site reflected poorly on the otherwise sane detecting community, and...

C. I just like light reading sometimes. ...


21stTNCav said:
Although I respect Mrs Tee and Lamar immensely, the conversation between them is why the rubber room is needed. Their conversation needs to be in the Religion area, but there is none. Ultimately Politics and Religion will bleed into the other threads. Before if some one was getting a little out of hand the thread could be removed to these places. What will happen now. If someone complains about what Tee and Lamar are talking about will it get removed? That is the only option now and that will make folks who have their post removed resentful. We do need the bleeder valve that is the rubber room or pressure will build. I hope careful consideration is given to this subject. And Lamar, I understand your feelings about the Catholic Church, but since you did not like what was said in the Rubber Room about it, are you really ready for it too show up here? I would bet if the RR does not come back such discussions will more than likely show up on threads like everything else.
I understand your point of view, my friend, however my particular point of view is that *hatred is hatred*. To me it does not matter what sort of special label a person places upon it, be it anti-Semitism, anti-Catholicism, Racism, whatever, it's ALL hatred. I feel that the Rubber Room should remain closed for the simple fact that this forum does not have a neo-Nazi section, a KKK section or a Black Panther section, therefore why should this forum have a section dedicated to anti-Catholicism?

As a Roman Catholic I was taught practically from birth to ignore the anti-Catholic hatred but today I am no longer ignoring it. For over 500 years my faith has had to endure this garbage and why should we continue to do so? The ONLY reason why I became so predominate in the Religion Section was to do my share to combat anti-Catholicism.

Certainly I hurtled my share of insults and I will freely admit to this without reservation but one needs to ask them-self WHY did I do that? Because I grew tired of the hatred, therefore I retaliated the only way I knew how to, by using tit-for-tat. Please note that I am not only dedicated to combatting anti-Catholicism, but ALL FORMS of hatred. I will defend the Jewish faith with the same vigor and devotion as I do my own, for I believe in the FREEDOM to worship as a person sees fit without fear of reprisal or prejudice.

I started posting in the Religion Section with the single-minded goal of ending the prejudice. It has ended and I most definitely do NOT wish to see it return! Good riddance to that section. People do not seem to realize that as Roman Catholics, we are fed up with people pointing their fingers at us and stating things like :
"Your Church is the harlot of Babylon"
" You are a pagan because you worship statues"
"You are a Roman Catholic therefore YOU are PERSONALLY responsible for the deaths of 186 MILLION innocent people!"
"Your Church helped ex-Nazis"
"Catholics don't really pray to God, instead you all just recite prayers on beads"
"There was a Pope Joan"
And on and on, Ad infinitum.

People do not typically make these sorts of statements about Hindus, Buddhists or Muslims, therefore why should MY faith be so different? If one were to make the same statements against ANY OTHER religious denomination, that person would be instantly labeled as a bigot and a hater, yet it's tolerated against Roman Catholics and, from my point of view it seems to be fashionable to hate us.

It is only through ignor@nce that people are like this and if they REALLY wished to understand the historical facts or the different facets of my faith, all they need to do is to ask politely and I would be absolutely tickled pink to answer them in an intelligent and respectful manner.

Instead people see fit to accuse Roman Catholics of all sorts of nonsense without knowing the factual reasons behind our particular form of worship and not WANTING to know the reasons. For example, if a person wished to actually know about the Rosary, they COULD ask me something like:
"Yo Lamar! I've heard that Catholics are taught to pray by using beads to keep count and that you guys do not actually talk to God. What's up with this? Is there any truth to this? What's the story with the prayer beads?"

If someone were to approach the subject in a manner such as this I would be absolutely THRILLED to explain the Roman Catholic concept of mysticism and becoming closer to God. It's actually a form of deep meditation and by reciting the same prayer over and over one enters into a deep form of spiritual meditation, if done correctly of course. That is the whole point behind reciting the rosary.

Of course nobody seems to want to know any of that because they are content to belittle my Catholic practices and rituals. And that is a form of hatred. It's like " I hate you because I do not understand you and what's more I have no desire to understand you, therefore I am content to continue hating you because you carry prayer beads in your pocket and wear a crucifix around your neck."

Hatred is wrong and it must stop and one of the best ways to halt it to be intolerant of it. I am intolerant of it and obviously Marc Austin shares the same level of intolerance as myself. If someone is intolerant of my faith, why should I continue being tolerant of theirs?
Your friend;

Newt said:
CurbdiggerCarl57 said:
We could just discuss metal detecting related stuff.

Yes we can and ignore certain sections. There are certain sections here I never visit. Why not do away with them too? There not my cup of tea, but to some they are. I just ignore them and move on.


Good Post :icon_thumleft:

There are at least 15 preset topics that have nothing to do whatsoever with treasure hunting or metal detecting but they do add flavor to the community. If someone doesn't like them they can easily ignore them.


CurbdiggerCarl57 said:
A. Doing my best to get certain people banned for their homophobic, racial, or sexist comments and beliefs, and...

B. Making the Mods realize that the site reflected poorly on the otherwise sane detecting community, and...

C. I just like light reading sometimes. ...


:o :o :o

Says the guy with the tiny naked woman in the palm of a hand on his avatar, that I find to be sexist and offensive.
I suppose free speech is ok with you as long as you are not the one being offended. ::)

You want others to practice tolerance, yet you do not tolerate others. :dontknow: :icon_scratch:
The Rubber Room was a place to vent our humanity for better or worse, just like the real world. :icon_thumleft:


GoodyGuy said:
CurbdiggerCarl57 said:
A. Doing my best to get certain people banned for their homophobic, racial, or sexist comments and beliefs, and...

B. Making the Mods realize that the site reflected poorly on the otherwise sane detecting community, and...

C. I just like light reading sometimes. ...


:o :o :o

Says the guy with the tiny naked woman in the palm of a hand on his avitar, that I find to be sexist and offensive.
I suppose free speech is ok with you as long as you are not the one being offended. ::)

You want others to practice tolerance, yet you do not tolerate others. :dontknow: :icon_scratch:
The Rubber Room was a place to vent our humanity for better or worse, just like the real world. :icon_thumleft:

Dear GoodyGuy;
Freedom is a wonderful thing my friend, yet along with this wonderful freedom comes the incredibly heavy burden of *responibility*. Freedom without responsibility is nothing more than anarchy, my friend. In the USA we have the freedom to bear arms, yet as time passes and more people abuse this freedom I am afraid that one day this particular freedom may be taken away from individuals for the good of all. If everyone were to remain well within the bounds of their liberties, then they should have no fear of seeing those liberties removed or restricted. It's from abuse of liberty that the liberty becomes restricted or eliminated.
Your friend;

When i lived in Amityville there was a small bar called Tiny,s and for good reason it was small :laughing7: as you walked in there was a sign posted that said (There will be no discussion of War Sex and Religion in this place if you violate this warning you will be banned for ever ) and believe me that held true many got tossed for doing it ,and for good reason those 3 subjects cause more fights in bars then anything else mixed with booze ? :help: , i just thought that was interesting i never saw a sign like in any other gin mill i went to . Dd60

The Beep Goes On said:
"Sanford and his research have identified the first type of underlying concern as perceived threat, which involves a perception that one's partner is being hostile, critical, blaming or controlling.

I never thought LaMont was aggressive in any episodes I watched. Fred was always the troublemaker, ;D

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